
Indubitably - Part【7】

Art supplies overfill the cabinets from brushes, papers, paint to blank canvases waiting to hold their own journey. In front lies a small easel one meant to hold my ongoing work upon it and I can see it is made by him not traded for my initials are carved onto its two feet. "Remember I told you I wish for you to continue your hobbies, this will be your room for art. You can come here to spend some time with yourself."

He saunters inside and stares up at my pieces with awe and the peaks of his lips twitch into a tender smile. "They are truly stunning. When you were in Italy I spent quite some time here endeavouring to comprehend the meaning they held and some I could figure out but the rest I just left it to my imagination." He is the only male who has been so encouraging and fascinated by my work. My one true fan.

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