
I Belong To You - Part【2】

"Is that so? I tend to learn quickly when I observe so showing it to me once is enough. This is nothing, you know how Deimos can cook up a feast for an entire pack." He chuckles. When he discourses of his brother his chest puffs up with pride and he constantly boasts of that male's abilities.

"Nevertheless you did not need to do this for me." I smile as I take a long whiff of the warm porridge's aroma.

"You are my female, Theia. Our relationship works two ways, I will spoil you the same way you do so with me. I will unhesitantly reciprocate everything I receive from you." He says with seriousness in his voice and I nod appreciating his sweet words and gestures. He is truly a thoughtful male.

Phobos gathers my locks in his hands and starts to comb them untangling the knots and smoothening the thick strands kindling confusion within me.

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