
My Moonlight - Part【3】

The females around me pick up their skirts leaping into the trees giggling with excitement whilst being sent away with deep passionate growls from their males. They were aware of this? How come I did not know? Has their tradition been altered recently?

"I w-wasn't notified of this," Phobos stated that our hands would be fastened and we would simply head to our tents after. When I turn to meet the roguish gleaming eyes of my male my orbs broaden to the truth that lowers in. This male lied to me on purpose so I would not be able to avoid this so that he could catch me by surprise for the thrill of it. I take faltering steps backwards my heart beginning to pulsate avidly in my chest, this male shall pursue me.

"Run Luna. Král is the fastest on our lands." Moira snickers playfully from the crowd.

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