
Chapter 26

“Dark essence?” Calas demanded when the physician was long gone. “The deadly poison demons use to battle angels? Why would any angel have access to that??” He spluttered beyond shocked.

He had managed to hide the extent of his shoc when Physician Raiden had mentioned it but now that he was long gone, Calas couldn’t hold back anymore.

What was far more shocking was the fact that neither his father nor his older brother looked too shaken up by that piece of information.

Just like they hadn’t been caught off guard when Sol was attacked, what exactly was going on?

“That will be the end of it.” King Rinon said cryptically but it was clear enough for Calas. “For all the Kingdom knows, an unknown attacker shot the third Prince but he is out of danger now.” The King summarized briefly.

Calas narrowed his eyes at this but knew better than to push, he would find out eventually.

“Yes Father.” He accepted, bowing regally.

“Good now return to your search, return at sunset to give me a report, you may both leave now.” He said shortly, leaning back on his throne.

Both Princes swept out of his palace, Finis leading the way. Calas moving in a different direction caught his attention from the side of his eye and he glanced at him.

“Where are you going?” He raised a brow.

“To check on Sol.” Calas said without even turning around, there was no way he was leaving the Royal Mount again without checking up on his younger brother.

Finis grinded his teeth but turned around to follow behind Calas, they still had a lot of area to cover down in the city but he knew that he was better off checking on Sol first.

Plus he was concerned, he had merely been too distracted with trying to find out who it was that had done it to realize that Sol had very much been in real danger.

The guards let them pass, Commander Gillotin bowing deeply before letting them through. Finis was relieved that the King had thought so far into the future as to putting such a capable angel in charge of guarding him.

The attendants scrambling around still had the time to drop to their knees for the Princes but Finis and Calas Paid them no mind.

Sol was kept in Physician Raiden’s personal room, Jade kneeling at his feet.

“You should get some rest and sustenance.” Calas got low to say to Jade who even though he looked quite listless still had the presence of mind to bow to them.

Jade snapped out of it to stare up at Calas with wide eyes. “I’m sorry, Your Highness but I-I can’t…” He immediately started to refute.

“I don't think Sol would appreciate waking up to find you half dead beside his bed, do it for him if anything.” He cut off the personal attendant’s protest, getting up to follow after Finis who was clearly impatient to get going.

“I can order a servant to bring up your meals for you.” Physician Raiden said kindly.

“Yes, thank you.” Jade said distractedly, looking at the direction that both Princes had gone out from.

He had been barely paying attention but Finis looked quite tense, he had been too occupied with Sol almost dying for the situation to sink in.

It was too coincidental for Sol to be attacked the first time he left the Royal Mount after the King had refused for him to leave for so many years.

It looked like Finis knew something more about this, even more than Calas seemed too, unless Calas was far better at hiding it.

His meal was brought at this point and Jade decided to push aside all his troublesome thoughts to try to get some nourishment in his body.

He had no appetite and the delicious looking dish tasted like grit and dust. He forced it down anyway, keeping it down with a struggle.

“We shall move Prince Sol to his palace as soon as he is recovered enough to be moved, he shall complete his recuperation there.

Jade had to admit, that did bring him some measure of relief, the familiar walls of the palace would be a great improvement from the Infirmary.

The next couple days were bearable solely because of the quick rate that Sol recovered in, his pallor brightening each day.

During that time, The King and the Princes came a number of times to check up on Sol.

It was finally the day for Sol to be moved back to his Palace, Jade hadn’t left the Infirmary once since Sol was brought in, his legs were adjusting to being used after so many hours of sitting by Sol’s bedside.

They would be leaving a couple hours after the sun rose, a few trusted physicians would accompany them while Raiden the Head Physician would come over routinely to check him over.

A robe was brought in from Sol’s palace under Jade’s orders, although the Prince was still unconscious, he needed to be dressed in robes evident of his status.

His wings dematerialized the moment he fell fully unconscious so there was no need to bother about that.

Sol had been wearing nothing but infirmary robes after the clothes he was shot in was cut off his body.

After cleaning him up, Jade made sure to brush his hair properly, he hadn’t gotten a chance to do it these past few days.

Running a golden brush through his glorious hair was extremely relaxing for Jade, it soothed him deeply because he knew then that Sol would recover fully, he could almost swear he saw Sol move while he brushed his hair.

Usually, Sol would be full of complaints whenever Jade thoroughly brushed his hair like this and Jade would give a lot to hear his charge nag him one more time.

Moving Sol to his palace, the Golden Castle went smoothly much to Jade’s relief. If he noticed the tripling of the usual guards that watched over the Prince he said absolutely nothing about it.

It wasn’t his place to, all he had to do was make sure that Sol was alright, that was all that mattered too, for Sol to be alright.

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