
Chapter 23

After moving for a good long while, the carriage finally slowed to a stop and Sol’s excitement hiked.

He couldn't wait to get out of the constricting carriage and most importantly, get a good look at the entrance to the city.

Jade made his way out first, helping Sol out carefully afterwards.

Which was a good thing seeing as Sol was barely paying attention to where he was stepping, his wide eyes sweeping around to drink the sights in.

The city was all he had imagined and more, they were still on the wide brick road that led from the Royal Mount to the city.

But even from here he could clearly see the buildings from a distance.

Just ahead, soldiers held back the cheering populace who had come out in throngs to see the King lead the parade.

He couldn't wait to begin.

Although Jade told him that the city was only this lively because it was a festival, he would take whatever he could get.

What luck that he got an opportunity to come down when a festival was ongoing.

Jade would ride behind him, with the rest of the personal servants to the Royal family.

King Rinon had his routine stern expression in place but this time there was something else as his eyes passed over Sol, he looked almost worried.

But Sol didn't notice, too occupied with sightseeing.

He was positioned between the two princes, with the King directly in front of him but Sol didn't care much, a childlike excitement and curiosity on his face as he sat impatiently on his horse, waiting for the procession to begin.

They waited a bit for everyone to ready themselves, the Archangels rode on either side of the Royal family, highly trained guards sticking to the very edges for protection.

Finally, after what seemed like forever the processions started off.

Sol barely noticed the weight of his wings out and stifling robes, not even the crown on his head. He was far too absorbed with looking around because he had no idea when next he would get the chance to.

He thankfully remembered to keep a dignified pose because he wouldn't put it past Jade to ride close enough to him to clonk him over on the head.

The people even in their excitement and flurry, managed to keep back while the procession made its way right through the midst of them.

Guards gave their assistance as well but the procession started off smoothly.

There were thousands of angels, they all had their wings out which made the important personalities making their way down from the Royal Mount stand out even more.

Because in a wave of glistening white wings under the morning light, theirs were a golden hue.

Chants and cheering immediately went up as soon as the people could see their King and Royal family.

It didn't take very long before Sol made out chants of his own name as well and he could barely stop himself from beaming.

The people might not be required to be sombre but it was a sombre procession after all.

The festival proper would begin after the procession had made its full journey around the Royal brick road.

He wished that he could get to be a part of the festival, maybe he could sneak out to go for it.

He would wear plain clothes and a disguise, no one would recognise him.

The King and his brothers would be too busy with the requests that came in because of the festival to pay him any mind.

He would just have to find a way to convince Jade.

He could already picture it, walking down the stone cobbled roads between homely buildings.

Wearing nothing but a tunic and loose pants, his hair let loose around his face for the first time.

He would get to see the picturesque little buildings up close and have the freedom he had never had even though it would just be for a scarce few moments.

With that image in his head, he couldn't find it in him to feel down, deciding to enjoy the rest of the procession instead of spending it thinking about things that would probably never happen.

Sol's horse took a few more steps and then something slammed into him, he didn't fall off his horse because he held tightly to the reins and Jade's tortuous training actually came in handy.

A burning started up in his side and he reflexively placed a hand there, when he pressed on it, his hand came away wet and sticky.

Someone was yelling his name, it sounded a lot like Jade. Commotion had broken out all around him but he could barely hear, his ears ringing loudly.

His vision started to grow dim, he leaned forward dizzily, his crown falling from his head and clattering to the ground. Losing his balance eventually as he started to go over.

Jade felt like the arrow that had gone into Sol's side was also lodged in his throat.

He was directly behind his charge so he had seen it all happen but couldn't do a single thing about it.

Immediately he got shot, the two Princes jumped on their horses and flew up in the direction the arrow had come from, their swords drawn.

He was already getting off his horse immediately it happened, uncaring that he could get run over in the commotion that had started up.

"Halt!" The King's booming voice carried over the din, silencing the people immediately.

He had already gotten down from his horse and caught Sol as he started to fall.

Jade was always aware of Sol's fragility but it became more evident as he laid pale and unconscious in the King's arms, red blooming over his beautiful robes.

Jade didn't realise that that was moving until he was beside the King, looking like he might like to snatch Sol up and take him back to his Palace where all he had to worry about was waking him up on time for another council meeting.

"The procession will continue on without me." He announced in a grave voice that carried power. "I apologize greatly for this." He said shortly.

It was the only thing to be done, a Prince's life might be in grave danger but the Ceremony of the Warrior Maidens had to go on.

With that said he spun around up his feet and jumped into the sky, his great gold wings causing a rush of wind.

Jade didn't need much encouragement to follow, his life was practically tied to his charge.

The only thing that would separate him and Sol would be death, he just never imagined that it would be Sol at the risk of dying not him.

The King's entourage followed after as well, keeping close to the King.

Behind them, the Archangels were already doing a fitting job easing the populace and the procession continued on afterwards.

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