
Chapter 9

• Celestial Realm ~ Nym

• The King's Palace

• The Year of the Rose

Sol sat stiffly in his moving carriage, his hands nearly twisted into knots in his lap.

His carriage had a distinct design which pointed him out to be the third prince so that made it even harder for him to hide his presence.

He was like a moving beacon through the elaborate courtyards of the Palace and he hoped the other Princes were either out training or down at the countryside.

They had castles of their own but preferred to stay in the King's Palace because of the duties assigned to them.

By some stroke of luck, Sol's carriage arrived safely in the Inner Courtyard without getting accosted and he felt his heart beat faster when the carriage was slowly lowered.

He sat as still as possible until Jade ceremoniously opened the drapes with the help of another attendant and he was helped out, he didn't like the fact that he had to step on someone else's back but he had learnt to tolerate it.

He couldn't run the risk of not doing things according to protocol or all of his attendants could be in mortal danger.

Two Royal Attendants in their signature robes were waiting at the entrance, bowed low to the ground with their heads on their spread palms.

The guards behind them were just performing a simple bow which went too low to be comfortable, none of them looked at him in the eye.

"His Majesty awaits you in the Room of Jade." The first attendant said, his head still bowed. "Your entourage may remain here, Your Highness and it would please me to escort you there."

"Very well." Sol muttered bashfully, unused to this kind of attention from other people.

He was used to his attendants, but then again, he had basically lived with them all his life.

There was more of the elaborate bowing, they raised their heads slightly and placed it on their palms again, while the guards behind them holding elaborate, gold spears just bowed deeper that Sol started to worry that blood would flow to their brains.

What made all their deep reverence even worse was that they all had their wings out, as did Sol and the rest of his entourage.

His attendants were not in any better position as they all assumed crouching positions on the ground, touching their heads to the ground every other minute, Jade was a much higher ranked attendant so he simply bowed at the waist.

The details were excessive and the procession was taking far too long but he had to bear it.

"If His Highness would forgive my presumptuousness and come this way." The royal attendant finally said, getting up.

Sol stepped forward after them, remembering to keep his hands hidden in the large sleeves of his robes, keeping them together in front of him, usually he would forget and walk in with his arms swinging, and when he got back to his castle, Jade would give him an earful.

There were a lot of palaces in The King's Palace but they were headed for the Sovereign Azure, the main palace.

They walked casually through glided corridors, attendants dropping to their knees when they caught a glimpse of the Prince.

Sol just kept his eyes down, the robes he had on might be light but they trailed on the ground, covering his feet.

Coupled with the heavy crown placed on his head and his wings pulling him down, he knew it was only a matter of time before he tripped.

So it was best that he kept his eyes on the ground, they finally got to the Room of Jade and they had to pass through a lot of airy connecting rooms with light curtains providing cover to the open spaces.

Finally they got to the inner room, a heavy brocade curtain separated this one and Sol knew that the King was just behind the curtain, sitting on his throne.

The attendants leading the way disappeared when they got to this point, hurrying away so fast that Sol's anxiety increased.

King Rinon was terrifying, his face constantly set sternly with his intense gold eyes that one couldn't help but get intimidated by.

The curtains get pulled open from the interior and Sol stepped in with his head bowed low.

"Leave us." The King's voice boomed through the room.

As soon as the last of the servants left he went down on his knees, touching his head to his palms, he tried to do this as gracefully as possible but he still bumped his wings against a pillar and smacked his head on the ground from moving forward too fast.

"Sol." The King said in a much brighter voice. "I've told you not to bother with that, come closer let me see your face." He invited warmly and Sol muttered his thanks before getting up.

Attendants couldn't see a Prince bowing as it meant a death sentence so that meant he was left all alone with the King.

And the King… was always so nice to Sol it was almost scary, considering how ruthless he was to everyone else even his own sons.

Sol walked across the room, still keeping his head down, he wasn't really close to the King even though King Rinon encouraged familiarity, it was just odd.

"You never come to see me anymore, why is that?" King Rinon asked and Sol's head flew up in shock.

"Errm, well… I am aware that His Majesty is quite busy." Sol stuttered, amazed that he could actually string words together.

"Drop the formalities, child and I keep insisting that you call me father." He said, getting up. "Here, have a seat, you really should come keep your poor father company more often."

Sol's eyes went wide at the King getting up for him to sit, it simply didn't happen and Jade would probably be having a heart attack right now at this.

The King was right about one thing though, Sol didn't come to visit often, the last time he had come around had been over a year ago when his brother's were being sent out on their travels and he didn't even speak with the King.

"Good heavens, no father, I couldn't possibly sit on your throne, I could always sit on the mats…"

"Nonsense." King Rinon cut him off. "You're a guest, it is only polite for me to offer up my seat."

Sol wanted to object that it didn't work that way but he wasn't about to offend his father when he came to ask for a favor.

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