
Chapter 183- To Those Existence Flying High In The Sky, To Him Crawling On The Ground


Avarice was about to speak but Mavilin suddenly pushed him back to fall into the Lake behind him, however, he quickly held her hand before she could pull away.

Maivilin’s eyes widen as she let out a yelp of surprise when both she and Avarice fell into the lake.

“My clothes! Avarice why did you pull me along with you?!!”

Maivilin was splashing the water towards him but he only laugh out loud.

“That’s what you get for trying to push me into the lake.”

He swiped his hand into the water and a wave formed that splashed into Maivilin’s face.

The two played in the water like this for some time before they decided to get out and hung their clothes to dry.

They were sitting back to back on a stone next to the lake in their underwear.

Silence fell between them for some time before Maivilin asked.

“Sulee, what are you thinking about.”


“Well, I’m thinking about how I might die for some Goddess I don’t like.”

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