
Chapter 139- Mu Fan’s Burden

Xi Shen looked around the Mu Clan and picked a direction that seemed to lead to the main hall.

As he walked along the concrete pathway he saw various people rushing by and heard noises coming from that general direction, confirming he was probably heading the right way.

Passing the various pavilions, Xi Shen came upon the Clan’s main building where Clan meetings occurred.

He saw from his position just outside the doors, several people sitting in chairs around the hall meaning they were in a meeting.

The crowd of people stopped a few meters away from the main building as they weren’t qualified to go near it when the upper echelons of the Clan were in a meeting.

“The Young Master is finally back! I hope he’ll be able to resolve this issue with Mu Sun. Ever since he took over, the Clan had gone to ruins, we’re completely divided!”

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