
Chapter Forty Nine: the King of the Vampires

As Eris walks through the streets, she can feel the gazes of several different people. Some possess gazes of interest and curiosity. Others have looks of confusion and suspicion in their eyes. There are also a few in the small crowds of the city that have lustful gazes, mostly aimed at Eris, Lucina, and Taila. Sensing the lusting gazes irritates Eris, so she sends out a small piece of her aura. Though a small fraction of her true strength, it's still enough to send chills down the vampires around her. After that, the lustful eyes of the vampires cease, and Eris and her allies have no more trouble navigating the city streets.

Finally, they reach the gates of the castle and are stopped by a guard dressed in black, full plate armor, "Halt! What is your business here?!" he then notices Serena, "Oh! My apologies, Young Miss Serena. Are these your friends?"

Serena smiles and motions to Eris, "No. Actually, this is our future queen."

The vampiric guard gets a confused expression under his helmet, "Huh?"

"My name is Eris Vermillion. I am the progenitor and I have come to claim the throne and save my kind."

After saying this, Eris releases a large portion of her aura, making the soldier shrink back in fear. The blood coloration of the aura combined with the domineering expression plastered on Eris' face makes the soldier feel like a wolf in a pack, and Eris is the alpha. The soldiers of Rimore pride themselves on their fearlessness, but in the presence of Eris, his legs are frozen stiff, beads of sweat drip down his face, and his hands shake violently. This applies to all soldiers that are on guard duty. A short while later, Eris reals in her aura, and the guards nearly drop to their knees in exasperation.

"Open the gate!" shouts the guard that stopped Eris.

The gates to the castle are quickly opened, as none of the guards want to upset Eris and her group at all. Eris proceeds inside, and is surprised that the layout and theme of the castle is similar to her own. There's a beautiful courtyard that surrounds the castle after the gate that hosts different types of plants and beautiful flower gardens, as well as a light stone pathway. The inside of the castle has a white stone floor with a red carpet in the center of the hallways. It's illuminated at night with similar lanterns to the ones on the streetlights in the city.

Eris and her group are led through the maze-like halls of the castle by a guard in black armor, similar to those at the gate, but much more ornate. Finally, they arrive at a large set of wooden doors with gilded handles. The doors are opened for them, and inside they find the throne room. Unlike the halls before, this room is almost black in color with a purple carpet leading to the throne at the other side of the room. The room is a tad smaller than Eris' throne room, as is the throne on the other side of the room. Unlike Eris' massive black throne that looks as if there's a bunch of massive thorns coming out of it, this throne is golden, smaller, and only has a small amount of decorative patterns.

Eris then takes notice of the individual sitting on the golden throne. The male vampire looks to be in his mid twenties, has short, spiky, red hair, crimson eyes, pale skin, and pointed ears. He wears a black long coat that almost goes down to his feet, a white dress shirt, black pants, and leather boots. His eyes narrow at Eris. He knows, even without her exuding her magic aura, she's a dangerous individual. His attention is then directed to one of the individuals at Eris' side.

"Serena?!" he asks, standing from his throne, "My niece is that truly you?!"

The young vampire smiles, "It's nice to see you again, uncle."

The vampire king then looks around, "Where's my foolish brother and his wife?" he asks jokingly.

Serena's expression then turns sombre, inducing worry into the vampire king, "Mother and father… they were both… killed by the theocracy."

The vampire king clenches his fists and bares his fangs as he grits his teeth. His magic aura explodes out of him as he's thrown into an enraged state. His eyes flash an even bright red as his anger builds.

"That damn theocracy!! I'm going to rip them to shreds!!!"

Eris and her party merly watch on as the vampire king exudes a bright red, flame-like aura, similar to Eris', "He's quite strong," says Taila.

"Indeed. I'd say that he's around the same level of strength as that Golden Scorpion guy when fused with his spirit. Very impressive," says Eris after her eyes flash green for a split second.

Noticing that the nobles in his company are struggling to stand, the vampire king composes himself and breathes a sigh of grief, "Damn it. I should've been there with you."

"There's nothing you could've done, uncle. You had to remain here for the sake of the people. Please don't blame yourself."

The vampire king smiles, "Thank you, Serena. Your words make me feel a lot better. Now, I must ask, who are these people beside you?"

Eris steps forward, "It's a pleasure to meet you. My name is Eris Vermillion. I am the progenitor of the vampire race."

The nobles in the presence of the chamber begin to chatter amongst themselves until one steps forward. This individual has fiery, orange hair, and like all vampires, he has pointed ears, red eyes, and pale skin. He's dressed in black robes adorned with golden embroidery that resembles crested waves.

He steps forward and clicks his tongue, "You say that you're the progenitor? We have seen many fakers such as yourself, but you're the first to carry yourself with such regalness. Not only that, but it seems that you've even deceived the poor Miss Bloodstar who has lost her beloved parents. You are a heartless witch. Your Majesty, please execute this disgusting woman."

"You shall hold your tongue, Arden!" the king answers sternly, making the noble vampire shrink back, and then turns to Eris, "You believe yourself to be our founding ancestor?"

"I do. And I'm willing to put my claim to the vampire throne to the test," Eris says arrogantly, as her pupils begin to narrow slightly.

"Tch! Such impudence! How dare a disgusting, low-born vampire such as yourself speak to the king in such a manner!!" shouts Arden.

Eris glares at Arden, her pupils now similar to cats, and exudes her full aura onto her surroundings. Hadria, Lucina, Taila, and Chrono struggle to remain standing. Serena and Rose remain standing for a while, but are eventually forced to the ground. The nobles and knights also present in the chamber are forced to kneel by the overwhelming pressure of Eris' aura. Some even cough up blood. The vampire king is forced to sit on his throne. Arden is completely terrified. He wonders how a single vampire can have this much strength.

After around a minute, Eris reels her arua in and her pupils go back to being circular, but she continues to glare at Arden, "I dare you to call me a disgusting low-born one more time, pathetic worm."

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