
Alice visits

Damon ended the call and sighed, he couldn't believe how foolish Carlisle was.

"Anyway it isn't my problem, and if things go the same as they are supposed to and the Volturi find out about my existence if they are foolish enough to come they will die."


Bella was left on the ground deep in the forest crying at the loss of Edward.

After the tears had stopped her eyes turned lifeless as she wandered the forest aimlessly.

What she didn't know was a giant wolf had already caught her scent and was approaching her at a high speed.



Bella continued to walk as if she heard nothing, completely ignoring the world around her.

Out of the bush come Sam.


(A day later)

Jessie had long since left the castle and was approaching the camp of the werewolves.

Upon arrival, Jessie looked around at the destroyed camp.

The scent of blood was everywhere, it didn't need a genius to figure out a lot of death had happened here.

Jessie walked deeper into the camp and the more he walked the more sure he was that the werewolves had fought with each other.

"This seems in line with Jason's ability." said Jessie

"And from the scent, I'm getting it seems he was here, along with some others, their scents leave heading in that direction."

"It seems some managed to get away, but their scent changed even if it just a small amount it still changed.

I'll follow the trail to see what I find, most likely Jason is already dead, even if he isn't, he'd wish he was." says Jessie as he speeds off

(In forks)

In a house, a girl could be seen lying on a bed clear quite sad as her eyes held little to no life as she buried her head in the sheets of her bed.

It has only been a day since Edward left, but Bella has redrawn back into herself, she had been let in the forest by herself, and it took a while for her to return home making her father worried.

If it wasn't for Sam who had found her, there is no telling how long Bella would have been in the forest by herself.

The fact of the matter was Edward didn't even know if Victoria was dealt with or even if Damon had decided to deal with her before he decided to leave Bella in the forest in danger.

Bella herself hadn't even noticed this fact as she sunk deeper and deeper into her sadness, that was until a pixie decided to visit her.



Hearing the knock on her Door Bella had no intention of answering thinking it was just her father once again coming to check on her.

" Dad I'm fine, just leave me alone." says Bella

" It's good that you are fine, but I'm not your father." a voice says from the other side of the door.

Suddenly Bella's eyes regain their light as she jumps to her feet and runs to the door, clearly recognizing the voice.


" Alice, you are here, did Edward come back as well?

where is he ?" Bella asks one after the other.

" Hi Bella, Didn't Edward tell you?"

" He told me you guys were leaving, but since you are here, he must have come back to right?" asked Bella

" Sorry to tell you this Bella, Jasper, and I never left the family has split and Edward is still gone."

The impact of that statement takes effect right away as she returns to her previous state, but as a thought comes to mind she looks hopeful once again.

" You know where they are don't you ?" asked Bella

" Of course, I know."

" Then take me there please." begs Bella

" I can't, I already split with them, I won't go looking for them, it was their decision to leave and it's their decision how long they stay away." says Alice.

" Please Alice, for me please I can live without him, I just feel incomplete without him." Says Bella

" I know how you feel, but I can't bring you to them." says Alice with finality

Hearing her tone Bella saddens once again, but like a roller coaster with sudden ups and downs she once again brightens up.

" Alice please turn me." she asks

"No." without hesitation Alice answers quickly.

"Why not??"

"I just don't want to, I could kill you in the process that's not something I want to do, Edward should be the one to change you but that fool can't see past his stupidity."

"Please Alice, the problem is I'm too weak if I'm a vampire he would have no reason to reject me anymore." says Bella

"Bella, I won't do it, but I'm not the only vampire in forks, if you want to go down this path it your choice but know this, it could all be for nothing since he was so quick to leave you why should you be so quick to chase him?"

"Anyway it's your decision, I only wanted to make sure you were fine."

"Oh, and don't forget your father and Jacob even your friends still care about you, your life revolves around much more than just Edward." says Alice as she turns and leaves.

Bella was left there in deep thought, thinking about what Alice had just said.

But changing her mind wouldn't be this quick, she would have to think about it.

(With Damon)

"You really want to turn her?" asked Rosalie

"I might just think about it, what would hurt Edward more than know I turned his mate?" asked Damon

"That even if she's still his mate after you turn her."

"That would be even better, Taking away his one chance at happiness."

"But does anything warrant such pain?" asked Rosalie

"Who knows, maybe I'll be punished in my next life." said Damon

"Then I'll share your punishment with you, after all, we are in this together." says Rosalie

"That's good, then we'll just live an enjoyable life and worry about the punishment later." says Damon

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