
Chapter One Hundred Nine

Caden thankfully realised the two lovebirds were not going to eat alone and brought more food for the four of them. Sandra set up the room so that they all had where to sit and talk (a task that wasn't that necessary, but hey…) Katie, on the other hand, sighed when she realised they were supposed to share the food and no one had accounted for her now-boundless appetite.

Silence filled the room while they all settled down to eat. There had been some developments since the four friends had last spoken and this preferably the right time to address them. "So, she's a werewolf?" Jason began, seeing as no one else seemed ready to.

"Yup, she is…" Cole replied.

"The same one we were convinced was dead eighteen years ago," he continued.

"The very one…"

The room once again filled with silence and the sound of forks striking food and mastication taking place. "Katie, did you really see him?"

"Sandra," Jason tried to snapped at the girl…


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