
35. Date with Asia and Capturing Fallen Angels

The next day after that i was at the park again, and suddenly i found Asia in front of me



So after a couple of awkward moments i invited her to eat and we had a lovely afternoon where i teach her how to eat fast food, went to the cinema and to the arcade

She told me the story that i already knew, about healing a devil with her sacred gear, I told her i too had a sacred gear but it's a secret

Then she god depressed that the church abandoned her

"...It's because I didn't pray enough. It's because I'm clumsy. I'm so stupid that I can't even eat a burger by myself."

"This is also a trial that the lord gave me. Since I'm a clumsy nun, the lord gave me this trial. So I have to endure it."

She was laughing as if she was talking to herself.

"I'm sure I will make lots of friends one day. I have a dream. I want to go buy flowers with a friend, buying books and...talk..."

"Don't worry you already have at least me as a friend, we all start somewhere" i finally said

"Here's my cellphone, we can talk and go shopping whenever you want because we will be friends forever"

She looked like she wanted to cry

Then a rude person interrupted us

"It's impossible"

I turned and looked at the fallen angel

"Yuuma-chan" (I'm not supposed to know her name)

"Heh. You survived. And as a Devil? Seriously, that is the worst. And what's with your new look? Plastic surgery? That desperate are you to lose your virginity? Pathetic"

Her voice isn't the cute voice of Yuuma-chan, and she sounds more like that of a bewitching adult.


"So that's your name huh… i guess i have to thank you too"

And that shocked her "thank me?

"Yes thanks to you for Killing the original Issei,

I, who was a simple soul leech could take over his body and became a reincarnated devil, so as a favor i will let you live"

"Hahahaha you will let me live? I can crush you whenever i want"

"Anyways Asia is our personal belonging. Can I have her back? Asia, you know it's useless to run away?"

They argue about Asia not wanting to go to the church and Raynare about how she's part of some stupid plan and while they argued i simple called Rias "Hey can you come here to the church with your peerage?"

"Sure" and 20 seconds later they appeared from a magic circle

"Ok, your training today is going to capture all fallen angels and kill all stray exorcist inside the church"

And they did it took them 5 hours, while i was playing with Raynare testing my Boosted gear" in the end i had three fallen angel captured and 84 dead stray exorcist (which i ate)

I branded the three Fallen (Raynare, Mittelt and Kalawarna) with Slave magic i created that acts similar to the one from Shield Hero

"From now on you three will be my maids and send them to my house"

"Excellent training everyone"

I looked at Rias and she looked worried

"Rias don't worry, you have to understand that this will not start a war, they were on your territory, without permission that alone gives you the right to kill them, even more they were killing our clients"

I was about to continue calming her when suddenly a Lightning hit Asia and that was on a clear sky…

Why? She's instantly dead… this wasn't normal and i mean it, like that was no attack or something it was a natural lightning that happened to fall on Asia…

OH it's Fate, i could change the plot of Harry Potter because its a weak verse that the laws here are not that powerful but this verse has a lot of god on fate, prophecies and things like that that have strengthened the laws of fate, Asia was fated to die today anyways…

"Rias you can use her for your bishop, she has a healing type sacred gear"

"Really?" And thats what she did… she put a bishop piece on her to reincarnate her

When she woke up, she looked at me and asked "Ise-san?"

"Yes Asia, let's go home"

The day after, i woke up in my bed and i went down for breakfast…

And saw that my breakfast is being done by my new maid kalwarna…

"Issei, why do we have three new maids in the house?" Asked my Dad, ugh i forgot my parents… ok let's do this "I won the lottery, so soon i will buy a house were i can live with my Harem!" I said acting like Issei… how cringe

"Oh ok…" he says after i hit him with a confundus

Then the same happened with my mom…

In that week i bought for myself a House, that with magic i made it similar to my royal castle, so for now it's only Me, My Fallen maids and Asia

Who by the way is going to o to school with us…

Next chapter