
20. Study club, flirting with Tonks and end of the year

Well, the changes in Harry didn't went unnoticed, because Harry suddenly was another metamorphmagus in the castle, and he isn't as skill as me or Tonks, he was getting smaller when embarrassed, taller when proud, his hair went through a myriad of colors (which although it wasn't that weird because he really like changing it before but now he can't even control it so it's even more crazy)

So we decided to tell that he got his curse seal removed and that boosted his family magic (that would move the pureblood idiots to try to be smarter)

So now it's Sunday and we entered the classroom were we gather the study club in

And we started and this time almost every girl was at some point eyeing me… this power is bs

Anyway i wasn't kidding when i said that with the seals broken we basically became the teachers of the group, with the books made by the Gate (which are literally perfect) we are literally teaching them everything to the best possible, and Harry with his Teaching talent, and me with the same that i copy of his blood we were even better teachers than the majority of teachers here (probably only Nicolas Flamel or his wife are the only ones better and that's because of experience)

So 2 to 3 hours later and then we split up And then there were a lot of "Thank you Professor Potter" and "Thank you Professor Jones" as jokes between friends

When they were gone and it was only me and Harry alone we heard "it's amazing the talent both of you have"

I turned and looked at the old man, Nicolas Flamel himself

"It's only because of the curse" Harry said a little embarrassed

"Nonsense, Right there that was pure Talent you both could probably be the best teachers in the world and I'm sure that they realized that as well"

I was very curious about something so i had to ask "Are you really 600 years of old?"

He smiled at me "Maybe, or maybe that only when i got found out"

After chatting and him giving us advice as teachers we departed

And so time passed, now there's only one month before end of classes

I been flirting a lot with everyone in the study club (except Harry, sorry no yaoi here)

But today i had to do something because in threes months Tonks is gonna graduate and if she doesn't fall in love then she's probably going to meet someone else and to be honest im kinda scum, so i know ghat from now on she can only be mine so i did it something i didn't want to do i upgrade my talent Flirting

First i bought a Flirting Talent (S)

Then the Sensual (S) Romantic (S) Charismatic (S) Sexy(S) Handsome(S) I'm not proud of these two but if she likes them then i have to have them Cute (S) Adorable (S)

Then i used my mind to fuse them together into one that is Master of seduction(SS)

I could have upgraded it more but that would fall into mind altering abilities and i don't like that, like Issei would never had the chance to be a Harem King without his Draconic Aura that attracts females.Or an Incubus's powers that messed up minds (also the mental technique is kinda like the most op anti-mind control technique ever

She would realize that something is messing with her mind, basically i made the whole Hogwarts Inmune to Allure or supernatural/demonic powers cause i hate Rap* especially when they aren't even in their right mind)

Then i spent a lot of days with Tonks with the Excuse of helping her for her newts and i spent a lot of that time flirting with her, we had a couple of Kisses, and a little of Make out (BTW so you don't creep out, i kinda make myself into a 15-16 looking version of myself, the teachers complain at first when i went to classes like that but i just had to pretend that i feel more comfortable looking like that than as an 11 hear old)

We obviously didn't have sex, cause she's not like that, but she promised to wait for me so in a couple of years we can get as boyfriend and girlfriend, so for the next 3 years she's gonna be busy in auror school, and when im in third/fourth year we can get into dates at Hogsmeade, till then she's gonna use the Mental Technique a lot so she can be as intelligent as us and the control exercises of the metamorphmagus "so i can hive you the mosy pleasure ever" she said

"Promises, Promises"

We talked about our future dreams a log and i revealed that i wanted to be a king or an emperor (she was kinda worried that i would go for the Dark lord rute, but she calmed down after i explain that i didn't, also she totally believes that with my mind i could become whatever the bloody hell i want), she's totally a justice is might kinda girl so she wanted to be my Police chief with auror experience

So that was it, We entered Exam's season and then we easily passed it, i mean it was simple… that's the end of the year… it was kinda boring but Voldemort's Weak and nobody is going to try to steal the stone with Nicolas, Perenelle and Albus Dumbledore in the Castle at the same time… Gryffindor won the Cup obviously between Me, Harry and Hermione it was hard not to, especially because Slytherin can't get more biased points from Snape

Which kinda changed a lot of how houses interacted with each other because nobody isn't cursed to hate each other unless you're already bias you could talk and be friends with whoever you want, we are not the first and probably not going to be the last because the inter Houses study clubs are becoming more and more open without having to hide themselves

In a couple of years nobody is gonna care what house is your friends from which is kinda cool

I and everyone in the study group aced our exams cause, duh the Gate books are 15 times better than everything else and that's the end of the Year

Yeah i know boring, so you can't wait to know what i will do this vacations

Next chapter