
Jack's Story.

The bottomless pit was quiet as ever.

And in the bottom of the pit... A lonely man was seen sitting on the dirty ground.

Jack has been 1 year inside the bottomless pit.

His beautiful features were long gone, and now he looked like a homeless dude who was crawling in the dirt for year.

''I am here again...''

Again the familiar voice was heard.

Ariane comes to talk every day.

Jack sighed and covered his ears.

''Please... Leave...'' Jack was biting his lip with enough strength to make it bleed.

But no matter what he did, he still could hear her voice.

''Today was... Hard day... The government workers tried to get me drunk, and I am sure I smelled something funny in that drink... Why are all men pigs... I am not talking about you, of course.''

Jack lowered his hands and listened to her stories.

It is the only thing he enjoys, even if he tries to act that he doesn't.

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