
Weak opponent

Itsuki " so this is Hidden Mist Village It's look rather small "

Ryujin " it look small but like konoha it will also Hidden .. right "

Akira " let's just wait and see...by the way what is the first we should watch "

Itsuki " Hot girls or Womes anything I am okay with it as long as It's a female gender "

Akira " yes that's the most important thing we have to do "

Ryujin " for this time I am going to make girlfriend in different village "

Itsuki " But Why any girl from our village like us.."

Akira " because of this.."

Three of them standing in middle of the girls and speaking each other in loud voice .

Itsuki " oh ,I see ! because they know that we are always talking about pervert things "

Ryujin " but I don't see problem with that "

Akira " a healthy Teenage boy have pervert thought that's the normal I think "

X girl " you guy go away I don't want to hear anything more...you pervert "

Every girl looked at them like they have never heard the biggest pervert in history Jiraiya .

Akira " we are not perverts but following the way of the great shinobi of Konoha Jiraiya the great .."

Y girl " stop making excuses perverts Jiraiya sama will never do that ..."

Itsuki " .. you will never know..." with smile.

Ryujin " We should be thinking how to approach a girl guy rather than wasting time on them "

Akira & Itsuki seriously nodded.


Shino " okay guys we are here Hidden mist village .

come here everyone I am going to take attandance

after that our guide will be here"

X girl " guide is he also a teacher ? "

From the Shadows a handsome teenager come out.

Shino " Hello Kagura nice to meet you.."

X girl " wow , he is handsome "

Itsuki " he look pretty badass "

Akira " yes I can't argue with that .."

Ryujin " you guys have some dignity .... indeed he look cool "

Girls " you guys.... are extremely true .."

Kagura introduce himself " Hello Guys my name is Kagura Karatachi nice to meet you "

Itsuki " how ! how could he look sexy while introduce himself... I am become his fan I want to learn that technique "

Akira " yes when he introduce himself I feel cool breeze on my face even girls gone carzy "

Ryujin " I am so jelouse ..I want to learn that technique "

Sarada who listening to them could feel seriousness in their words but she quit Don't understand why Akira and Ryujin always agree with Itsuki .


Next day morning everyone is going somewhere from tunnel.

Akira, Itsuki & Ryujin was not at the time when they are giving instructions because they were busy at .... getting information about Hidden mist...yes they were at training to collect information from enemy's territory ...

Boruto & co. and Kagura was walking in front of all of them.

Boruto " where are we going ?"

Kagura " oh ! we are going to meet someone .."

Voice come from dark side of tunnel ." ohh "

Kagura saw a beutiful woman come there . he introduced her .

"She is previous Mizukage terumi mei...."

After that Itsuki and co. never paid attention what are they talking about.

Itsuki " that Kagura Guy I think something Is off about him "

Ryujin " when we first meet him I also think same way "

Akira " it seems that he is hiding something "

Itsuki " all of aside who is weak looking guy standing infront of us "

Inojin " are you guys Idiot or something..he is current Mizukage of Hidded Mist "

Akira " then that beutiful old lady...."

Inojin " she was previous Mizukage "

Ryujin " I think I understand what you want to say I will tell them later "


After that everyone gather for some snacks in cafeteria .

Kagura " everyone if you want to come see training ground of Hidden mist you can come and even you want duel we have plenty of people who are ready for that "

Itsuki " oh ! I want to see how powerful is this current Mizukage candidate "

Boruto and Kagura satarted fighting in just two moves Boruto defated.

Itsuki " what a waste both of them are too weak even I can't consider them as my opponent"

Inojin " you seem little arrogant Itsuki "

Itsuki " I am not arrogant but I am saying truth ..if we fight each other they will die without both of them realise "

Shikadai " what a drag ..."

Chocho " you are handsome you should not talk lie

Boruto is strongest in our generation of he can defeat by Kagura then he must be powerful"

Sarada said nothing because she was aware of Itsuki's condition he might even surpass both of them but that might reduce his life years after all...

All of Kids left arena and started going out.

Itsuki Secretly send his one friend to spying on Kagura because of plot is current Boruto and co. will fight Seven Swordman of Hidden mist and Itsuki also want to test his tool creation technique against their famous swords.

Kagura is the only way to get all of them.

Akira " you really think that Boruto is that strong"

Itsuki " he is son of Hokage and he knows many technique even he can use ninjutsu and we only know Shadow Clone because of its advantages other than that Chakra scaple technique because of our chakra control"

Ryujin " yes how could we forgot chakra scaple that technique is even stronger than swords "

Akira " but where you get that technique Itsuki "

Itsuki " my perents are ninja before their death because of my father's work he need to learn that technique and he left it's notes behind from them I learn and from me you guys learn that technique "

Akira " I see !"

Itsuki " and besides I think there is something going on with Kagura I think something gonna happen Hidden Mist "

Ryujin " so what are we gonna do "

Itsuki " we will participate in the game since we all want to see how strong we are right ?"

Akira " yes .. let's just wait for moment "

Itsuki " I have send someone to spy on Kagura guy he will send me information very soon"

Ryujin " who .."

Itsuki " you will soon find out ...he is my Summon Animal "

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