
Tattoo Parlour

Leia drew her head back in surprise, and a half-smile formed on her lips. "Thank you." She stood up with the bat stick in her right hand and scrutinized Amy from head to toe.

"Don't look at me like that." Amy glared at her with folded arms. "I will only help you escape, and if Dad finds you afterward, you're responsible." She stated with a puckered face.

Leia's face grimaced, and she subconsciously tilted her head to one side to gaze at Amy. "What the fuck are you blabbering?" She crossed her arms and her brow creased in irritation. "I am not running away; I just need to leave for 5 hours or so and be back by 7."

"Wait, what?" Amy blinked her eyes in confusion. "I thought you meant to escape to a faraway place." Her brow creased, and she gazed at Leia in a questioning manner.

Leia's face grimaced in annoyance, and she shook her head. "Jeez, if I were to escape, how many hours do you think it would take him to find me?" She walked towards a box filled with white sheets and yanked them down to the floor. "I am not running away. There is something I need to do, and that's why I want to leave for a few hours."

Amy fluttered her eyes and nodded in understanding. "Okay, what do I have to do?"

"Simple, you only need to distract the maids so I can leave through the window without being seen. Also, keep everyone away from here until I am back by seven." She glanced at Amy and smiled at her with a raised brow. "Do you think you can do it?"

Amy rolled her eyes and folded her arms in annoyance. "That sounds slightly like an insult." She opened the door and spared one last glance at Leia. "Be back by seven, or else both of us will be dead meat." She walked out and shut the door behind her.

Leia shook her head and continued to take out the sheets from inside the box. She dropped them on the floor and began to tie their edges to one another. She did this for a few minutes before finally transforming it into a long rope. Her eyes glanced at the window, and her face grimaced. The window was too small to fit her unless she unfixed the glasses. 

She glanced at her hands and then at the window, and a soft sigh escaped her lips. Her mouth twisted, and she stood motionless for a while. She was wondering if Amy had distracted the maids or not. She shrugged and walked towards the window. She gently placed her hands on two of the glasses and gradually unfixed them from the window. Leia stood still and listened for any commotion that would take place, but none happened.

She nodded her head in satisfaction and walked to the other side of the attic with the sheet rope in her hand. She tied it on a small iron rod attached to the wall of the attic made sure to leave a tight knot. She walked back to the window and threw the rest of the sheet rope out the window.

Her eyes glanced at the clock, which showed the time of 2 p.m., and she took a deep breath. She climbed through the window and slowly slipped down with her hands holding onto the sheet rope. Her hands let go when her feet touched the concrete ground.

Leia's eyes darted around and stopped on the tall fence. Her face grimaced, and she clenched her fist. How is she going to scale this tall fence? She pinched her brow and glanced at the fence once more. As though a light bulb popped in her head, a half-smile formed on her lips, and she smirked.

She drew back and created a little distance between herself and the fence. Then, with a low sigh, she ran towards the fence and stomped her feet on the wall, which helped her climb up. A deep breath escaped her nose, and she smiled happily as she sat on top of the fence. 

Her eyes glanced at the ground, and she carefully jumped down from the fence. She hurriedly ran far away from the mansion and only stopped when she was sure that she had created a great distance between herself and the fence. She steadied her steps and casually walked down the road.

Her eyes darted around, and a wide grin formed on her lips when she saw what she was looking for. She walked towards a parlor and slowly shoved the door open. The instant she walked in, a young man of 26 years old with tattoos all over his body, walked towards her and gestured for her to have a seat.

He gazed at her, and a jovial smile made its way to his lips. "Missy, May I know what type of tattoo you want? We have many designs that will wow and suit you." He smiled widely at her, and Leia couldn't help but raise her brow.

"All right," Leia folded her arms and took a deep breath. "Well, I just want a nice and cool tattoo."

"Mhmm..." The tattooist nodded his head and grinned at Leia. "Well, we do full-body tattoos, upper body tattoos, arms, and so on." He looked at her with a friendly smile on his face. "Which do you want?"

"Upper body." Her lips formed a half-smile that didn't reach her eyes.

"Great." The tattooist clapped his hands together. "Please follow me." He gestured her into a private room and shut the door behind them. Leia's eyes scrutinized the area, and she took a seat on a backless seat in front of a huge mirror.

The tattooist picked up his necessary equipment and cleared his throat. "Please take your shirt off." 

Leia turned her head to glance at him, and her face became complicated. She hesitated for a bit and slowly pulled her shirt off, leaving herself in only a short white singlet. 

The tattooist's eyes dilated when they fell on Leia's body, and his face became complicated. What were his eyes witnessing? He glanced at her, and confusion flickered in his eyes.

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AngelLilycreators' thoughts
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