
Visit to a brothel

The atmosphere between Terio and me turned slightly strange as we walked down the narrow alleys on the town. The worst part of the awkwardness that appeared the second I uttered my request managed to diffuse already, but it still wasn't the same comfortable one we had before I shot the proposition. 

"If Mia ever finds out about this..." Terio muttered, proving that he was aware of what was going between the girl and me. 

"You don't need to worry about it. I will tell her about this myself... but at the right time," I instantly replied. 

My reasons for going to the brothel were way different than what I suggested to Terio... But I couldn't fill him in the details. After all, the scheme brewing up in my mind was something that even Vaner was likely to scold me heavily for. 

Sadly, I was desperate. Desperate to earn money, recognition and backing. And with my skills and intentions, the brothel was simply the best place to have a shot at. 

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