
11. Thinking Back

4 Years ago Lola's POV

"Today is the day" I bounced around I was pumping myself up. I was going to tell Connor just how much he means to me.

"Your going to wimp out again." Aurora teased from the doorway I jumped startled by her voice.

"Am not!" I demanded and shoved past her to go find Connor before I lost my nerve and Aurora was proven correct yet again. I searched around and finally found Connor standing around and getting ready to spar with his older brother Aaron. Aaron is about 2 years older than Connor and Cassie and their oldest brother Nick is about 1 years older than Aaron.

"Hey,.. Connor..." I rushed up to him. I could see Cassie roll her eyes at me she has never liked me or Aurora, often calling us "orphans". "Can I talk to you for a minute." I finally got out of my mouth.

" Sure," Connor said sweetly and grabbed my hand and lead me off to the side of the house so we were alone. "What's up Lola? I gotta get beck soon, you know training and all." He stated smiling at me I almost melted.

" So Connor, your like my best friend and all." I started and he raised an eyebrow in question, "anyway...ihavealwayshadahugecrushonyouandwillyoubemyboyfriend." I blurted it out as ungracefully as I feared I would and Connor looked at me and tilted his head a bit.

"Lola have you ever kissed someone?" Connor asked and I could feel my face turn red as I shook my head no. "Good" he stated and grabbed me from around my waist and kissed me hard. I felt all fluttery and smiled wide as he pulled away. "Don't look at me all dumb I'm not every going to be the boyfriend to some poor orphaned thing like you. You are cute though so I don't mind you hanging around incase I get board though." Connors voice sounded the same as always it hadn't taken a cruel tone even though his words stabbed me deep into my very soul.

Lola's POV present

Aurora pulled up to a gas station about 1 hour away from our house, in the opposite direction of the hotle. While driving to this current location I had been remembering what an utter basted Connor was I also took note that the scenery mainly consisted of desert not the twisting mountain roads that took us to the hotel or even the large mountains that surround our house, no this is just dessert and you can see for miles and miles.

This is one of those gas stations on main strips of highways that are for truckers with showers and big rig pumps and constant traffic, I really hope those egotistical idiots didn't bring Plague here.

"It will be ok, we are the chosen keepers, not them. And they are still in training and we have our own team." Aroura tried to sound self assured, but we both had our doughs about how great of keeper we really are.

" I just hope they didn't bring Plague here." I voiced my concern.

"Even they can't be that stupid." Aroura voiced, but I reserved my opinion

We got out of Peter's truck which we drove here, I'm not sure why we didn't bring our car, but I would bet Aurora is having a hard time without Peter even if she doesn't want to admit it. We waited around a few minuets then a sleek looking BMW whipped into the space next to the truck. The all four doors opened and out stepped, Nick from the drivers seat he was probably around 24 now and was quite a bit more manly looking than I remember him being. Then there was Aaron probably 23 he had let his hair grow out and wore it in a smart looking low pony tail and wore a sleek looking pair of glasses, he like me is a magic welder but I don't feel magic very strongly in him despite him looking every bit the part of a magic welder. Then out of the back seat comes the twins Connor and Cassie, both with there heads up noses in the air, like being at a truck stop is a big down grade for them.

"Where is your uncle?" Nick asked Aurora and I stepping into Aroura's personal space. He was quite clearly trying to intimidate her but Aroura is the leader for a reason and so she took a step closer to Nick closing the gap between them even more.

"Our Uncle is our handler, WE are full fledged keepers and your parents contacted me, because I am the leader of our family. Now where is this person we have been told about?"

Nick huffed a bit not liking that we in fact were above him and his siblings as far as being full fledged keepers goes. Nick and Aroura stared each other down and while Nick had a good 3 inches on Aroura's height she never let him have and inch. I could suddenly feel a bit of magic coming from Aaron probably to help Nick win this little stare off.

"Aaron you better stop now or your going to be in a world of hurt." I warned him, he gave me a look from the corner of his eye and I could hear him mumble a few words then push more magic to Nick.

Cassie laughed and said " Connor look at Lola still so pathetic tell her to behave so we can get this over with."

That was enough from them, I flicked my wrist and mumbled "yeojeonhi yuji" I couldn't even tell you what that means. I thought stay still but the words just came out. Then everyone except me and Aurora was frozen I looked around birds in the sky were also frozen. "It's not safe to keep them like this for too long." I told Aroura

"That ass was trying to punk me and since he couldn't he tried to use his brothers week ass magic." as Aroura is ranting she is also getting all four siblings cell phones. "Check the GPS in the car," Aroura shouted while tossing me the keys to the BMW she must have taken off of Nick.

I leaned into the car and turned the engine over checking the GPS and snapping photos of all the recent addresses, I then proceeded to delete them from the memory of the GPS. Something didn't seem right and if Plague is indeed somewhere close we need to get him before anyone else can.

Suddenly I heard a horn it statled me and I hit my head on the roof of the car I was leaning in.

"Let's go, these dumbasses aren't gonna know what hit them." Aroura yelled out of the truck already pulled out and ready yo go.

I hoped in the passenger seat and noticed all four cell phones in the center seat. "I got all the addresses and erased the memory." I released my magic as we sped off, I noticed them stubble and look around franticly. I smiled to myself and saw Aroura crack a huge grin as well, then I realized I had the keys to the BMW in my hand. "What should I do with these?" I held up the keys and gave them a jingle, letting my smile widen to almost painful widths.

"Throw them out the window, just incase there is a tracker in the keys." Aroura said. I looked at her sideways, is she really worried about the keys when she has four cell phones. "I know I have a plan for the phones don't worry." So I did as she asked and threw the keys out the window.

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