
Rebirth of the O**-W***** A****'s M******* (2)

**Note, the Theme from the Last Chapter is still playing and will also be for the duration of this chapter.**

"Welcome to the battle, my Masamune!" Holding up the 2.75-meter-long thin blade with only one hand, Cynrik clutched the extended hilt in a reverse grip with his hand just under the guard, pointing Masamune up at a 45-degree angle behind him, and observed Brance's fight. 

Since all eyes had been diverted toward him throughout the extravagant transformation process, Brance's actions had played second fiddle; however, that didn't mean that the younger Jetlensr hadn't pulled his own weight.

The instant Cynrik had killed off the final Chimera of Wave 12, the heads of the first two from Wave 13 broke through the Gate, and without missing a beat, Brance jumped into action by locking down their front legs with the aid of his Terra Affinity.

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