
Morning Workouts Part 3

"DON'T LET HER ESCAPE, MELLY!" Controlling the Water Mana net, which had been scattered into droplets, Benny quickly reformed it into several long [Water Whips] and lashed out, trying to capture Selene, who was still in her physical form. 

"Yes, ~Heed my Call, Heart of the mountains, Strength of the land, TERRA SPIRIT SUMMONING, CREATURE COME FORTH!~" Melody executed several hand signs, bending her fingers at strange angles while chanting. In response to her call, a brightly shining tan formation manifested under her feet, with a duplicate appearing two meters in front of her. This formation was made of elaborate runic letters that seemed alive as they spun in time with Melody's singsong-like chants before suddenly…."


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