
Selection Summons Part 3


Unlike the battle between Cynrik and Dr. Effrin, neither Brance nor Mr. Kein moved when Professor Hues started the fight. Instead, they both stood as if frozen in time, waiting for the other to flinch. The two stood still, feeling out each other for 30 seconds before the first person grew impatient. 

Mr. Kein thrust both arms downward and equipt two solid metal gauntlets that covered his arms to his elbow before punching the air in Brance's direction. 

Brance's eyes narrowed as he witnessed a slight ripple effect in the open space and raised his left shield up, protecting his body. Half a second later, a loud CLANG rang out in the training room, the impact of which forced Brance to slide back several steps. Then, flinging his left shield to the side, Brance went into action, raising his right-handed shield parallel to the ground; he accumulated the Ambient Wind particles onto the point of the CS Tear and fired off an [Air Missle]. 

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