

Why couldn't she just be the main character, did someone have to outshine her. Worse, the person outshining her didn't even have access to most of the system's functions. She had long since felt that something wasn't right about the Anomaly but this was just ridiculous. She was hiding and praying to God for her safety while the anomaly was busy sorting through meat.

"Can he really do as he said?" Stephanie asked herself but unlike before, there was this weird assurance that he would surely do as he said.

"Well for now it doesn't concern me" She thought then turned back to her castle

"Clean this up and maybe keep a few that are edible" she said since she wasn't really knowledgeable enough to know which one that wasn't edible from the inedible ones.

She knew Goblins weren't edible but Orcs were so her summons would probably set aside more orcs from the corpse field and possibly any other edible looking creature they found. She debated also donating to others considering that she had extra but something told her otherwise.

There was nothing guaranteeing that she will have food to eat next week after the event. It was a no-brainer that the natives of the planet wouldn't attack the players as much as they did now. It was clear that the creatures in each wave was from the system, either brought in from other places or created from scratch.

"And we need to get some sleep, before midnight" Stephanie said to the angels before her, they obeyed her unconditionally and didn't show any form of emotion at all making her feel as though her summons were just empty minions and nothing else.



On top a wall, a man in his 30s or so could be seen standing and looking over the wall while holding a M16. The man had an incredibly dumb look on his face as he looked on shocked at the level of destruction, these walls had caused alone. He knew bullets were powerful but this was outrageous, he had spent hours fighting against these monsters to the extent that he had watched each and every last of his summons die and yet he couldn't push them back.

Then he had thought he would have surely died after all he literally felt the monsters ripping him apart but he woke up on a massive bed that was incredibly comfortable with some combat clothes and a gun as well as a note on what to do placed on a table beside him. He was pretty sure that no one in this planet should have access to weapons of this level but here he was holding on to an automatic rifle that he still didn't know how to use.

"Is this his power?" The man asked himself as he gazed at the massive body wall that was formed from a few meters away from the territory's wall

The wall he was standing on and the castle within it, was already enough of a mystery for him but he didn't understand how this number of monsters could have been killed within the time he lost consciousness and when he woke up. From the Region chat, he could still somewhat confirm that many people were still undergoing their first wave like he was so it meant that it had only being a few hours since he lost consciousness but he woke up to a weapon, supposed Elixir like medicine, clothes, an entire castle and finally a wall that could somehow kill other creatures.

"How is a human being allowed so much power?" The man asked himself clearly aware of the reason why everything here was the way it was.

Opening the [Chat] to see what was going on, the man was surprised to be introduced to a page he wasn't familiar with. The system had never changed any of its settings, from the inventory to it troops so it was somewhat weird to see a sudden change in the system's interface.

"Governor?" The man read out loud

Unlike before where whenever he opens the chat function, he is immediately taken to the region chat, now he could see the region chat had its own heading and the Governor's chat had a different heading almost like the regular chat apps back on Earth. Without hesitation, the man clicked on it to explore the new chat that had appeared.

{Are you the new Governor?} one of the messages read

{Yes, is this what being a governor under Lord [Kingsley} means?}

{You are the new Governor… let me guess, the sentry guns just annihilated your wave?}

{No, he did it by himself… is that even legal, how is he even a Lord, that guy is a god}

{Ah, you got the special treatment but that also means you must have been so close to dying}

{I don't want to talk about it}


{Let me guess, you were one of the governors that surrendered Early}

{Yes… oh and have you equipped the PM yet?}

{What's that?}

{The Transmitter}

{Oh yes, I've done that, why do you call it the PM}

{PM, short for Pain master… anyway do you know your way to the conference room in the castle?}

{No, not really, I only surrendered like 30 minutes ago}

{Okay then take your time, I just mentioned it because it has a feature that allows to reunite with our family members}


{No... not in the way you are thinking, it's basically a database filled with information about the people that has surrendered, it allows you to find your loved ones if he had seen them or they have surrendered}

{Wait I can find my dad here?}

{Oh, you can do that and more, when you find the conference room, just call out my name and we can meet face to face…. well hologram meeting though}


The chat went on and on as one of the governors introduced the newer one to all the benefits of being a governor. The man looking at the chat still didn't want to believe that one man had done all this. He had watched C-rank creature get clubbed to death and he knew the type of power those creatures possessed.

Next chapter