
The book

With the dust of battle settled, Zora was finally able to look around the room.

The room seemed to be even bigger than his first estimation, it was square-shaped, with each wall being 100 metres in length, and the height was around 30 metres. The whole chamber had some sort of deathly vibe to it, the walls were made of mostly stone bricks, same with the floor, just in a different pattern.

The magical engravings in the middle of the room completely disappeared, the array probably disintegrated when it served its purpose. Zora would've wanted to study them a bit, but he himself was unsure why, he would probably not understand a single word.

The most important and quite a bit imposing part of the room was the altar, which was set up in front of the door on the other side of the room. It seemed to be some twisted gothic christian church-like altar with deathly symbols all around it. The most notable was a big statue of some sort of veiled skeleton, which held a great scythe. Something similar to the Reaper of Earth, probably.

The center piece of the altar was a great stone table, on which a book rested on a red pillow.

Zora wandered closer right away, clearly amazed by the architecture. He wasn't really one to geek over things like this, but this is the first ruin he had seen in this life, so he was sure to take a good look around.

Soon he made his way over to the altar and checked the book out. It was a quite big one, its cover was black, all of its corners were decorated with golden finishes. Its spine was made as if it was an actual human spine. There was a single white skull on the front cover with 3 concentric white circles around it. The name of the book took place at the lower half of the front cover. It read: 'Necronomicon'. With a smaller font below it there was something else too: 'Necromancy for dummies'.

"Heh... very funny. That's rich. Wonder who would pull a joke like this? Setting up a whole crypt with mobs and traps and a boss, and make the end-loot a freaking joke? Wow... That is just... Uh... So... I don't know... disappointing, maybe? Never mind. Let's go home, I'll see whats in this crap." Zora said, thinking out loud, as he grabbed the book with mana-force.

He summoned two air orbs, then used them to fly out the way he came from, with the alleged Necronomicon, the infamous 'Book of the Dead' from his first life levitating behind him. All the way he wondered if this really is just a prank, or he found something very nice. Well it all depends on how necromancy works in this world.

Back in his previous life, where he managed to rise up to be the ruler of a country, he tried many things to either prolong his life or do something with his reincarnation, as per his goal. Necromancy was one of the fields he studied the most, as its supposed to deal with the dead, maybe it had some power over preventing death. Seemingly a perfect field to start out in to find a solution. But he got nowhere with it. There necromancy was only able to make meat-puppets out of the deceased. Not something particularly useful. So he was excited to find out if things are different in this world.

When he got to the entrance of the cave and crawled out of it with the book in tow, he looked up to see, that it was still bright outside. But the shadows were in a different position from back when he first found the cave. He had a bad feeling about this.

He flew up above the treeline to see the sun up, but it was shining from the east.

"F*ck..." he cursed, then summoned two more air orbs to boost his speed as he rushed to get home.

He was in deep trouble. Not something that he would die over, but trouble nonetheless. Even though he just crawled out of a deadly dungeon with traps and zombies on every one of its corners, his family's reaction of him for staying out late seemed to be much more threatening.

He entered the dungeon in the afternoon, spent around half a day there, and got back home in the morning hungry, with torn, dirty clothes and bruises everywhere on his body. He walked trough the front door like a beaten army. His mother barely slept that evening, knowing his tiny son is nowhere to be found.

She kept pacing around the house all evening till it became pitch-dark. She wanted to rush out with torches to look for his son. But in the end the rest of the family managed to calm her down and convince her that Zora is probably all right.

They all knew that he is very strong. Even if he got in trouble he would find a way to solve it. They knew he is strong, but also is very wise, way beyond his years. They knew him as a smart and cautious boy, so they were very sure that he was alright. That doesn't mean he wouldn't get an earful when he gets back though.

And that's how it happened. He looked way worse than they imagined him to get home as. Due to his blood not clotting properly, bruises form way way easier on him. The most hurt he got was when he had to crawl in and out of the cave entrance, but the bruises made him seem like he fought tooth and nail the whole night. It was kinda true, but he was in way less danger than what Lilly first thought of when she saw him.

He was pestered and annoyed the whole day in the end. But he didn't mind. He was glad he had a loving and caring family where he can return to.

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