
The beginning

Once again the darkness, once again the numbness of whatever body Dave had before. Then comes the pain and pressure he's already used to. He's used to being born, but the pain and suffering is still unbearable and maddening. But once again there is no remedy nor escape, just patience and tolerance.

Soon the well-known blinding white light and annoying noise fills Dave's senses.

He can see many humans around him, which relieves him greatly. Its not typical to have two human runs in a row for him.

Soon his vision starts clearing up while his hearing is still occupied by all the noise around him. People were talking, cheering or just laughing as everyone could see the baby being healthy, if not too lively at the moment.

Dave remembered he was supposed to show some life-signs for those around him if he didn't want to get thrown out or cut open, depending on how advanced the society was. Thus he giggled a bit, moved around his arms and such.

- Okay, humans, check. Lets see the other pressing matter.- he thought, then looked down at his body and saw exactly what he wanted to see. From that point on his happiness was exquisite. He lucked out big time and was born as a human male.

- Now there is one thing left to check. Lets hope for the best. - He wanted to know if there is magic or not in this world.

He looked around and saw that he was in some sort of wooden shack, meaning his parents were poor or the society was scientifically impaired, or both.

This means that even if the world has magic, people in a backwater place such as a rural village might not know about it, or at best, just barely heard of it. Thus he has to either wait and see, or he could try a few tricks he learned in his previous lives. Not exactly optimal.

Thankfully this isn't his first rodeo, he traveled trough many dimensions that had magic in it, so he had some experience. The problem was, that because magic was different wherever he went, so the questio was, will he be able to use the same or similar practices in this new world?

- One way to find out... -

The best practice he managed to come up with was to try and focus into his insides with a third imaginary eye. He must try to feel whatever energy is in him and try to move it with his willpower. He usually imagines a pond being stirred by a paddle. If he manages to graps that feeling of movement inside him and keep its movement up, that means that there is some sort of metaphysical energy present in this world. Not neccesarily magical in nature, because Dave had already seen people use martial arts strengthened by 'ki', that was similar to mana, but was impossible to use for conventional magic.

Thus Dave poceeded with the practice and was surprised by the result.

- There is something! Also I have never felt energies move so easily! Even in my last life I was barely able to control my inner energies, it felt like I had to stir some sort of syrup, now its more like clear water! Thank the gods, finally a good reroll! -

While Dave was engrossed in his own little world, life kept going around him.

"Look Lilly, here is your beautiful baby boy, you can see he is alright and healthy. You can rest easy, everything went well." said a somewhat older midwife as he turned to the mother with the child in her arms. The mother was still gasping and sweating, her face was long and faded after the long, painful and tiresome labor.

"Are you sure he is okay? He barely moves and doesn't cry... Isn't he supposed to cry? Please make sure everything is good with him..." the mother said, barely conscious and extremely tired, but still focused on whats important.

"Don't worry. This was one of the harder births I had to guide, but the kid was born fine and without anything to show he's unhealthy. I've helped dozens of kids to life, some of them are like this, calmer than usual, so don't worry just try to relax. We'll clean you and the baby up, you can hold him after that, okay?"

"Okay... huh... sure, do what you have to do..." the mother replied, her voice fading, then suddenly nothing.

The husband stepped forward right away.

"Is my wife okay? Please, if anything happens to my wife..." he said with a stronger and harsher tone than he should've. The midwife looked back at him angrily and replied with a similarly harsh tone.

"Get a grip Ezakiel. Your wife is fine, she is just sleeping. Now shut up and get out of here, if you are useless then at least get out of the way! I'll tell you if there is anything you need to know. Now move." answered the midwife, even giving him a small shove to show she's not joking.

Ezakiel didn't resist whatsoever, even moved faster out of the room, out into the open where he could catch his breath. All of this is just so damn stressful.

Inside the building Dave got tired out by the practice he was doing, also he was washed up and wrapped into a comfortable sheet of something that made him want to go back to sleep. Having a ton of newborn experience Dave knew it was futile to resist, so he let nature run its course and fell asleep right away. He was put next to his mother whom the others also left to sleep, right after cleaning up.

Next chapter