
That's alot of money

[Choose your ultimate skill:

> Chronosphere <Active> (Stops time at a targeted 15M radius for 10 seconds, you are capable of moving freely at this area. 90 seconds cooldown. 200 MP)

> Borrowed Time <Active> (Changes all the damage you receive into heals, automatically activates on fatal damage or 20% health, lasts 9 seconds. 40-second cooldown. 150 MP)

> Berserker's Blood <Passive> (Reduces attack speed by 10% for every 10% hp lost)]

I have plenty of good skills, but I don't know what to choose. [Chronosphere] looked good. I could massacre any high-speed enemies.

[Borrowed Time] is also good, considering I could sustain myself easily. [Berserker's Blood] sounds like a crazy game-changer, although I'm not planning to lose any health, so it's a no-go.

I chose [Borrowed Time]. This would help me survive if I got caught in a high-damage spell or other high-damage attacks.


> Split shot [25% damage reduction, attacks five enemies at once]

> Feast [Attacks deal 1% of enemy's max health and heal you for 4% of enemy's max health]

> Reaper Scythe [3 seconds stun, Deals 1 magic damage for everyone health point lost by the enemy, 60 seconds cooldown, 200 MP]

> Borrowed Time <Active> [Changes all the injury you receive into heals, automatically activates on fatal damage or 20% health, lasts 9 seconds. 40-second cooldown. 150 MP]]

My skill set looked pretty strong;

I had [Reaper Scythe] for damage, [Split Shot] for AOE damage, [Feast] for damage and lifestyle, and finally [Borrowed Time] as insurance.

In theory, if I could have a high attack speed, I could just [Reaper Scythe] and [Magus] a single enemy to death while just standing and shooting.

[Magus: 0.4-second cooldown. Your attacks have a 30% chance to activate a unit-target non-channeled active skill]

Welp. I guess I'm ready for some dungeon hunting.

I opened the [Dungeon Map] and looked for a more brutal dungeon, because usually the harder it is, the higher the reward would be.

This one sounds intimidating, so I had a look:

[Temple of Destruction


Ancient Giant:

[HP: 10000/10000]

[MP: 2000/2000]


> Laser (Shoots a concentrated laser with 20 cm radius, 1000 magic damage, 10 second cooldown, 200 MP)

Lord Perseo [Boss]:

[HP: 100,000/100,000]

[MP: 50,000/50,000]


> Orb of Destruction (fires five orbs, each of which deals 5000 magic damage)

> Mega Laser [Shoots a concentrated laser with a radius of 2m, 10000 magic damage, and a cooldown of 20 seconds]

I was surprised that the second closest dungeon to my house was a god's den. One laser from the small fries, and I'm dead meat.

Of course, I kept searching for other easy dungeons.

[Forgotten City


Mini Stone Golem:

[HP: 1200/1200]

[MP: 100/100]


> Throw (Throws a giant rock, 100 magic damage, 100 MP)

Stone Troll:

[HP: 4000/2000]

[MP: 400/400]


> Berserker's Blood (Reduces attack speed by 10% for every 10% hp lost)]

Okay, definitely a hard one. But it's doable with my [Reaper Scythe]. If I take damage, I can sustain myself with the lifesteal from [Feast].

[Would you like to navigate to the Forgotten City? YES/NO]


And the navigation started. I need to walk 3 km from my home to somewhere near an abandoned apartment.

Before going there, I phoned Anya, the lady who introduced me to the awakened headquarters.

"Hello. Hey, I have a question. Do you know how I can loot the corpses from a dungeon? " I asked

"Yeah, sure. After killing some dungeon monsters, there should be a core inside the body. These cores act as a mini energy storage unit. Remember the Kobolds? The Kobold Boss' core alone can light up the entire city of New York for one minute. We measure the price of the cores based on their weight. The higher the weight, the higher the price. " She replied.

"I see, that's very detailed. But thanks! I'll treat you to Starbucks once in a while." I replied, thanking her for the information, and turned the call off.

"Wait, do you-" she said before I turned off the call. Oops, that wasn't nice of me. I'll apologize later.

Immediately after that, I went for a change of clothing and walked to the location. I went near the alley and felt an eery feeling nearby it, went there and I was sucked into the dungeon.

The area inside is a desert, with no cities, just a few sand monuments, and a giant troll statue in the middle. I walked into the sand monuments and stopped when a [Mini Stone Golem] popped out of the sand.

[Mini Stone Golem

HP: 1200/1200

MP: 100/100]

I kept shooting the mini stone golem and dodged the stone it threw; it was big, but if I duck, I'll be fine. After hitting it four times, [Reaper Scythe] activated through [Magus], and the golem had half of its HP left.

[Mini Stone Golem

HP: 560/1200]

MP: 0/100]

It tried to grab me, but I jumped onto the monument, climbed onto it, and the golem couldn't reach me, so I just shot him to death just like that. On the last few shots, [Reaper Scythe] activated again, and it died earlier than I thought.

After it dried, I walked closer to the Troll Statue. When I did, four mini stone golems popped out of the sand. They threw rocks at me. After they did, I made sure that their mana was out, and I climbed a monument and shot all four of them to death. I repeated this strategy until I got close to the troll statue.

When I got close to the troll statue, the stone coverings seemed to be cracking, and what came out was a pale-gray, shiny, tall troll with an ax. It was around 4 meters high, and I'm sure that I couldn't climb a monument to dodge this big guy.

After all the stones cracked out, the troll threw his ax at me. It seems that he is a ranged boss. I, however, dodged it reasonably quickly. I shot my arrows at him and dealt damage. It was pretty hard. 10 shots and only 15% of his HP was reduced.

This time, it's getting even harder to dodge as his attack speed is getting faster. I shot him more and more until his HP was only 60% left. He threw his ax at me right when I shot him, so I wasn't able to dodge.


HP: 520/920 <-400>]

That hurt a lot. I felt like one of my limbs had just been amputated. Oh, it hurts so much that it's getting harder to concentrate. Luckily, after the next shot, a [Reaper Scythe] came out from [Magus], leaving the boss with 20% hp. Not leaving him any chance to attack me, I manually activated [Reaper Scythe], and he died.


HP: 526/920

MP: 354/550]

That was tough and dangerous. Luckily, it died. After all the mobs died, I waited and waited until finally, all the corpses of the group I killed spawned near me. I immediately looted them and found plenty of items. I then put them all in my inventory.

[EXP: 60/750] <+600>

[LVL 6 -> LVL 7]


ATK: 83-95 dmg + 20

MS: 3.6 m/s

AS: 1.28s - 0.1s

DEF: 31% + 10%

RES: 25%

960/960 HP <3.6 hp/s>

590/590 MP <2.2 mp/s>]

[Gold: 3010] <+700>

[1,000 g Monster Core x 15]

[10,000 g Monster Core x 1]

I left the dungeon and then called Anya, wondering how I could convert them to money.

"Hey Anya," I was the first to say.

"What's up? Why did you cut the call from before?" She asked, seemingly slightly annoyed.

"Sorry, I was in a hurry. It was really unlike me." I then said.

"But hey, I killed some dungeon monsters. Do you know where I can sell the cores? " I immediately continued.

"You killed dungeon monsters? Alone?" She asked with a higher pitch.

"Well, if you want to sell them, you can try bringing them into the Awakened Headquarters. They buy them for plenty of dollars, usually $1000 for a kilogram with 5% tax."

I was surprised. $25000 for a 30-minute job? That's crazy. I think I'm comparable to Muck Zuckerberg now.

"I see, thanks. I'm going there now." I replied and then closed the call.

I walked into the awakened headquarters and found Anya and James there eating at the cafe. They waved at me when they saw me. They seemed to be eating and having a good time, so I'll sell these cores.

I went to the receptionist on the 1st floor, and the receptionist guided me into a room.

"Please weigh the cores on those giant scales, and our staff will do the rest." She said before leaving

I then put all the cores on it. Of course, she was surprised when I summoned the cores out of nowhere. She was even more surprised to see the weight of the core that she even forgot about leaving.

"25 kilograms."

After that, the door opened, and Anya and James came into the room. As soon as they saw the scales, their faces showed a shocked expression.

"Hey Dendi-" Anya said, as she was stunned to see the weight on the scales.

"25 kilograms? How did you do a dungeon this difficult alone?" Anya continued while still wearing a surprised expression.

"Haha, it was a lucky dungeon," I said pretty humbly. While I said that, the staff had finished packing it up and gave me a 25 kg cheque and told me to change it at the receptionist. I had never heard of a cheque in kilograms before.

After changing it with the receptionist, I received $23750.

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