
Age 2 Part 1

Sitting next to my bed Arcturus was thinking for a moment then he says '' Harrison, I know that Sirius is the heir but well the family magic is weakened with him as his Magic is more light than dark grey, and well Sirius is more a follower than a leader so, I ask you to be the heir primary of House Black ''?

Thinking for a moment I nod making Arcturus smile then he asks '' Why, do I have a feeling you have more than 2 houses ''?

Snorting, I reply '' I do, I have at least 5 but I'm regent of at least 3 houses ''.

Stunned at the number of seats and votes he has Arcturus laughs then he frowns and asks '' What about your nephew''?

Thinking for a moment I answer '' I plan on having him be the Heir of the Potter line and depending on what type of magic he has perhaps given him the Evanshire seats too ''.

Pleased, at his Godson's answer '' That means you need at least 3 wives ''.

Nodding at that I reply '' I'm thinking if I have to marry purebloods to marry outside the country… Oh, and I learn in my travels that Inbreeding between purebloods if you are too close to being ancestors equal squibs also, all Muggleborns are born from either Magical families or Descended from a Magical creature ''.

Stunned, at what he just heard Arcturus exclaims '' You need to write that let people know ''.

Smiling a little I state '' I'm planning too I just need to pay for a few Muggleborns to take the test and have the Newly found Half-bloods to tell me what family they are from''.

Pleased, at his godson they hear a groan coming from Harry.

Smiling at the child the two listen as Harry gasps at how clear his vision became.

Not completely clear but Potters always have curse hair and bad eyesight.

Grimacing I look to Harry and whisper to my godfather '' Harry was abused by the muggles Dumbledore placed him with BUT as it happen to a Most Ancient and Noble heir I was able to punish as I see fit so first I'm having the goblins check them for potions which I don't expect them to find anything but if they do I will go after Dumbledore for this too but when they more then likely don't I will be ordering the Dursley to life in the Goblin mines ''.

Nodding Arcturus face enraged nods then he asks '' What do you plan now ''?

Looking at Art I reply '' I'm going to speak to my account manager claim my titles and looking the house investments and businesses then I'll pick a Property to live in and if needed I'll have the others rebuilt '',

Nodding Arcturus says back '' Then I'll wait for Harry and Dudley to eat and then I take Harry to get some glasses''.

Pleased, at that, I pat Arcturus on his back and get up and walk to Harry and I say '' Harry my uncle your great uncle will be taking you and Dudley to get you something to help you see then you will be staying with him for a few hours while I get our home set up",

Harry Pov

'' Home, I want one ''.

Harrison Pov

Smiling that Harry was still a child and that the Dursleys haven't started anything yet like he remembers they started when he was 4 and Harry was 2 right now.

'' Harry, I'm going to talk to our account manager he's Rockteeth ''.

Getting confused look Harry just stares at me making me frown then I attempt to explain say '' They deal with our money ''.

Nodding quickly Harry smiles brightly then I state '' I'll be a while so eat your breakfast, lunch, and dinner and drink those disgusting potions their good for you ''.

Nodding, Harry grabs those 3 Vials and drains them with a look of absolute disgust on his face '' EW''.

Smiling at Harry I watch his jaw drop as his throat and stomach weren't bothering him, grabbing the water he drains it.

Blinking he gasps as the water cup refills then Harry grabs the food and starts eating.

Seeing, that I smile and give up and walk out while Art sits next to Harry giving him some toys and coloring books then Art yells '' I'll take them to Grimmulad place''.

Walking down a few corridors I stop at the Door that says Potter knocking on the door I enter when I hear '' Come in ''.

Entering I see Rockteeth with an expression of rage on his face seeing me walking in he in a clipped tone '' Griphook, your former account manager was a thief and a traitor you stole 2,000,000 G and a Few Heirloom items all of which has been returned with an extra 4,000,000 G as apologies and thanks as your actions earlier this morning allowed us to find out that dumbledore had gotten 3 clans of goblins readying to rebel and take over. We have also found out that Dumbledore stole some Heirloom items from multiple families those that still have families have been placed in their vaults with a letter sent to them explaining what happen and with those not given to the curse breakers and enchanters afterwards we will send you a letter asking what you want to do with them and payment will be taken from the 3 clan vaults, any items from your lines are being looked over and check with fines being made against the Dumbledore vaults so far you've gained 795,000 G, 23,432 Sickles and 12, 321 Kruts from Dumbledore and Dumbledore has been restricted to only be allowed to take money from his vaults in person''.

Eyes wide at what they found I nod and I ask '' May I claim my inheritance ''.

Nodding Rockteeth pulls out 5 rings causing my eyebrows to raise as I see an heir ring and 4 Lord rings.

Taking them Out I put on one at a time starting with Potter as I put the Potter ring on I gasp as knowledge of the Potter Properties burn into my mind and the Potter-created Runes and Wards appeared into my mindscape. Looking at the ring I notice the Potters signet was a griffin in flight, next was the Black Heir ring which signet was a Raven and a grim on top of each other. As I put the ring on I was filled with a cold for a moment suddenly my soul was protected from the corrupted nature of black and dark magic ( You see Dark magic isn't evil like it destroys your soul but the reason its bad is that unless your using dark magic to protect or defend yourself you're, adding black magic into your veins which gets into your soul tainting it), After Black was the Peverell ring which had the deathly hallows as signet as I put it on I felt the power of the deathly hallows in me and on my wrist grow in power and knowledge of Necromancy spells and ideas of how to invent certain ideas I've had in my head appears After Peverell was Evanshire which had a picture of a Doe putting it on I just snort as I felt my core become reinforced allowing my spells to take less magic to cast, finally was the last one which was a Symbol of a Cobra putting it on I fit my Parseltongue be upgraded to Reptile tongue allowing me to command any reptile and any spell, potion or ritual made by a Slytherin became known in my head.

Rockteeth seeing the Black heir sheet says '' May, I see the Inheritence sheet I'll need to place an updating charm on it ''.

Nodding I handed over my copy which was magically linked to the one locked away in Gringotts.

Rockteeth again chants some words causing the inheritance to glow then he looks at the Inheritence with wide eyes and hands it over.

Confused I look at it and gasps

'' Harrison Jason Potter Black ''.

Then the same family tree.

But after

Those were the titles

Lord and titles

Champion of magic

Master of the deathly hallows

Lord of the house of Mortis

Lord of the house of Mana

Lord of the Most Ancient and Noble House of Potter

Heir of the Most Ancient and Noble House of Black

Regent of the Ancient and Noble house of Evanshire

Lord of the Most Ancient and Noble House of Peverell

Lord of the founder house of Slytherin

Regent of the Magical house of Evans

After that added to the inheritance list was

'' Black Family vault - Heir access of 100,000,000 G 25,000 Sickles, 10,432 Kruts and 10 Weapons, 23 Heirloom items

Mortis vault 2 - 2,100,000,000,000 G 10 Prewar Bonds worth 20,000,000,000,000 G, 1 Family Grimore written by Death

Mana's Vault 1- 10,000,000,000,000,000,000 G, 1,000,000,000 Seeds, 10,000,000,000 Eggs of Magical creatures, 1 Spellbook written by Merlin, Staff of Merlin, Wand of Morgana, Excalibur, Scabbard, Crown of Camelot, and the right of Ruling Aiblon. Trident of the sea, Master bolt of Lightning, Helmet of despair and fear, Lasso of Hestia, Winged shoes of Hermes, Hammer of Hepheatsus, Spear of Ares, Spear of Athena, Aphrodite's belt of desire, Demeter's Sickle, Hera's sword, Wine goblet of Dionysus, Bow of Apollo, Bow of Artemis, Family Grimore written by Magic, 21 vials of Divine Blood Potion

Shocked I stare at my new vaults gulping I state '' Rockteeth I need to head down to these vaults ''.

Confused Rockteeth looks at the vaults and gasps and looks up in AWE this boy had the weapons of the Olympians the gods of the realm of Midgard who fell in a war during the battle of Midgard against Thanos during his first run of destroying the universe which caused the deaths of the greek, roman, Hindu and all the other gods except the Japanese and Chinese gods along with a small scattering of gods from other pantheons.

Rockteeth gulping '' Of course my lord ''.

Being taken down to vault 2 I gulp at what was to come preparing myself because no matter how big Vault 2 is vault 1 is more.

It took over an hour to make it to the bottom vaults.

Freezing I look at Rocketeeth who was staring at the Vault then I ask '' How do I enter ''?

'' You, wait for me ''.

Spinning to the left I look up in disbelief as Rangrock the King of the entire goblin nation appears followed by the 12 Warchiefs of Gringotts who command the numerous Directors of Gringotts.

Stepping to the spot right in front of me Rangrock falls to his knees followed by the 12 chiefs gulping I knew then and there this was bigger than stunned of just getting the items but why would a king… Oh, god I'm a God.

Licking my lips I allow Magic to control me and speak '' Rise Rangrock the 4th King of the Goblins, I Harrison father of the new race of Midgards Gods welcome you to my ascension please open this vault so I can claim the contents''.

Bowing his head Rangrock says in a proud tone '' Of course, my lord ''.

Walking over to the vault he pulls out a vial of Magic then he pushes the magic into the vault.


Shaking every last one of us feel the ground shake then the vial melts and our appears a ring an Empty one.

Feeling my Magic telling me what to do I speak '' Our Words, are Death is a new Begining and the sign is that of a Thestral''.

Watching the ring glow I felt power burn into the ring and a voice speaks in my mind '' I magic accept this claim and name the house of Mortis a Most Ancient and Noble house ''.

In Disbelief, I reach out and grab the ring putting it also on my ring finger I watch shock as the rings all glow as one turning into a ring with all the signets are right next to each other in harmony.

Seeing a Ring hold I put my ring into the hold causing it to rumble.


Looking stun I look around in awe in front of me was a single book on a Pedestal and along the walls, were shelves full of trunks each open and full of gold.

Gulping I walk up to the Grimore and place my hands on them suddenly time stops and I was teleported to another place

Appearing a world of Fog I freeze in front of me was the most beautiful woman I have ever seen.

Giggling, I freeze as I heard her laugh then the woman speaks amused '' Thank you, son, for the compliment ''.

Pausing I realize excited who this was '' Death ''.

Smiling slightly Death holds out her hand and a Throne appears behind me causing me to front and sit on it pretty much instantly since I knew that meant she wanted me to sit.

Smiling slightly Death speaks '' Hello, Son''.

Sighing for a moment I ask '' Why, am I here ''?

Smiling slightly Death leans back on to her throne '' Multiple reasons one is I wanted to meet my new son and newest god of Death, another I wanted to tell you that I wanted to tell you yes, it was I and Mother magic who sent you back, another to warn you this universe is one of the multiple realities multiple versions of the Multiverse from the Movies, tv shows, and comics altogether, Another reason is that I wanted to explain some things but the biggest reason is to tell you this the Grimore not only does it has Spells, Potions, Rituals, Wards created by the dead it also has the power to act as a Communicator to me directly, it will become a tattoo on your essence allowing you to summon it out and no one would be able to take it, but a bigger one is that Grimore will train you in all brands of Magic including Dimension magic and thanks to the Grimore you can create a Sling ring and the Magic items in the vaults of the Mana family are yours, but in order to fight this Thanaos you need to be a god so the Divine blood in their you must drink one the others are for those who will become your siblings and wives ''.

Rising my eyebrows I go over the news that I need to restart Midgardian gods thinking for a moment I ask '' Is that all ''?

Shaking her head Death states '' No, when you Drink your Divine Potion the Divine Weapons will either allow you to choose one or the ones your meant to have will merge ''.

Nodding in understand I smile slightly '' Thank you, mother, for telling me what's happening ''.

Waving it off Death says '' Of course, I'll will be there for you as much as I can and able but you know I am bound to only reap souls I can not go to your realm of existence ''.

Nodding in understanding, I smile slightly at having a mother frowning I ask '' Will, I go through this in Mana's room ''?

Shaking her head Death states '' Mother Magic sadly is busy but she will call you soon oh, only the Elder Wand will with for wands but even that won't be powerful enough for you to use your food power only the divine weapons and a Staff will work for you we have provided Olivander with the Cores, and Woods that can be used for you…. That's it good luck''.

Nodding slightly I watch as the world starts to grey out watching her son fade she murmurs '' Should I had warned him that when he turns he'd gain godly titles eh more fun this way ''.


Coming back to myself the world restarts and the grimoire glows it and suddenly it melts into me hearing gasps behind me I groan as I fall to my knees as Knowledge of the dead burn into my mind.

Needing a moment I moan quietly then I shakily get up and ask '' May, I have my Moleskin pouch enchanted for my new vaults ''?

Nodding in understanding Rangrock looks over at Rockteeth then he asks '' Do you wish for Rockteeth to stay as your account manager ''?

Nodding I reply'' Yes ''.

Nodding Rangrock states to Rockteeth in a whisper '' As you are Account of the son of Magic and new God you're hereby moved up to the position of Hand of the King''.

Smiling wide at the power he now has Rockteeth calls out '' My Lord mind if I invest this money ''?

Smirking back I call out '' Go right ahead ''.

Pleased the goblins watch as their god walks back out and the vault closes turning to the King I say '' Come''.

Nodding Rockteeth touches his magic with the vault allowing him to take a sample allowing him to make the moleskin as Harrison wishes.

Getting back in the cart we were off again ( Seriously, the two vaults on the two lowest floors)

Pulling, into a massive vault door I take a breath and wait as Rangrock pulls out a single dagger and looks at me taking a breath Rangrock starts '' Your blood is needed 3 drops ''.

Nodding I cut my hand with the dagger and allow 3 drops to fall onto the vault's door which glows causing the dagger to melt into the door.

Suddenly the doors creak open and a Ring appears in my hand looking at it I gasp as I notice the sign for magic.

Pulling it on I watch them all combine and I gasp at the massive chambers the walls are filled with full trunks full of galleons and in the middle of the room was stood a Pedestal with a Grimore on it. But, the big news was behind the Pedestal were 12 Weapons that shined with light and gave off waves of divine power.

Floating in the air were 12 potions and of those twelve potions, each was a different color.

Taking a breath I entered the vault and felt a presence settle over me walking over to the potion vials I freeze as Magic itself tells me what to do.

Closing my eyes I hold up my hand and allow my power to burn out of me as I do the vials glow for a moment then one the color of the sky appears in my hand.

As I go to move the Sky Blue potion changes into the color of A Storm.

Opening my eyes, I take a breath and drain the vial suddenly I silently scream in agony as the Divine blood burns away all my human organs, blood and cells and creates an identical godly ichor version of my blood.

Thunder booms

A voice with a female voice in a commanding voice speaks ''

All Hail Harrison God of Sky, Sky Storms, Enchanting, Artifice, Craft, Justice, Death, Elements, and Honor Father of the New Godly race of Midgard and King of the Gods ''.

As quick as the thunder appeared it vanished.

Eyes glowing with lightning I speak '' Rockteeth, please recall all Vault Keys of my houses ''.

'' At once sir ''.

Moving quickly Rockteeth spreads his power and snaps his fingers summoning 21 Keys making him frown for a moment then he asks '' May I see your Moleskin Pouch ''?

Nodding I wandless levitated it over to him making Rockteeth smile as he started enchanting it then he smiles as it glows gold then he tossed it over and I caught it.

Placing it back into my pocket I walked over to the divine Weapons and gasp as I feel Lightning burst through my veins but not in a bad way.

Holding out my hand I laugh as the Master Bolt appears in it smiling. I see it glow for a moment and transform into a long spear.

Smiling slightly I walked over to the corner where a sword in a stone sits.

Reaching it I place my hands on the sword which glows as it assesses me.

Hearing a click I put the blade out which glows as my power rushes out of me into the blade which glows with Power.

Out my side, a Sheathe appeared making me smile as I put the Sword inside it.

Feeling a Pocket dimension open for me I placed my Master bolt it

Smirking, I knewstunnedIofyou're all I had to do was summon it and it would be back in my hand.

Humming I notice a small 3 Staff collection stored into the wall walking over to them I pause as I see the three glow for a moment and they combined into one raising my eyebrows as I understood '' My power was so great that the staff combined in a way to allow me to use 30% of my true power.

Gripping it I could feel the tremendous effect of the staff trying to hold together.

Sighing I knew the Staff I had were just parts of my new one.

Taking the staff I walked over to the Grimore and frown as I lift it causing it to glow and suddenly knowledge burns into my head making me grunt for a moment then I knew everything Magical a God of Midgard can do and learn.

Shuddering for a moment I expanded my power onto my hand causing his hand to shine as his magic starts crafting a sling ring watching it, I watch as after 30 seconds a sling ring forms on his right hand.

Smiling slightly, I grip the staff tighter then I frown and call back '' Rockteeth why didn't my inheritance show my businesses and properties ''?

Confused for a moment Rockteeth states '' Most families don't allow to know the businesses and properties they own ''.

Looking back in annoyance I state '' Well, I do I want you to make a Business ledger of each of house's business and a Property folder then I want the top of the line wards made for each and if needed fix

Them up ''.

Bowing at that Rockteeth says '' That, will take a few days, but I'll send you a connected copy of the Property folder and business ledgers''.

Pleased, I turn back and state '' Give Remus a copy of the business ledger should he swear an unbreakable vow to look after the house businesses also tell him he needs to discuss with you if he wants to terminate or sell a business and/or the shares of that business ''.

Nodding, at that Rockteeth, starts writing down my orders in his journal.

Looking around, one last time I walked out nodding to 12 War chief, and king and I watch as they each left having down their duties.

Rising my eyebrows, I turn to Rockteeth and I ask '' Why, did they come ''?

Amused Rockteeth answers '' The Power to open the vaults were more than Blood and a vial of magic it required the King and 12 war chief to send their magic into the vault to unlock the vaults for you now, your magic will connect to the vaults allowing them to open just for you ''.

Nodding in understanding the two of us got back on the Cart and head back up as we do I demand '' Please, upgrade the wards and security on each of my vaults ''.

Clicking his tongue Rockteeth says '' Of course, sir ''.

Noticing that Rockteeth was getting annoyed at having to stop and then continue as I talked I stopped and stayed quiet as I made it back to the lobby.

Checking myself I walked out of Gringotts and headed straight through to Olivander uncomfortable with being so well not defense but vulnerable.

Entering the shop my arm hair instantly raises as I sense the magic in the shop.

Hearing movement I move to the left where Mr. Olivander walks over and pauses in shock and awe.

Falling, to his knees Mr.Olivander eyes wide asks'' What can I do for you sire''?

Smiling slightly I hand over the Staff which glows as Olivander takes it causing him to gasp as it turns into 3 staff 2 of which fall to the ground looking up Olivander stares at the god not even attempting to look at the staff.

With a slight smile, I state '' I need a Staff made for me did you get Lady Death's Woods and core ''.

Shocked that he was chosen to make the Magical foci for gods he nods rapidly and gasps at the 3 staff looking up he knew the god wasn't just a god he was the king of them.

Smiling, wide he knew that the gods were making their return taking the Staffs to the back he walks back with a box opening it I raise my eyebrows inside it were Divine trees and Divine cores.

Looking at them Olivander gasps as he stares at them then he looks at me and states '' Please, expand your magic and allow your core to connect to the woods ''.

Nodding, I close my eyes and spread my magic causing 2 kinds of wood to glow.

Raising his eyebrows Olivander opens the Wand Cores and allows me to do the same picking two Olivander gapping states '' Your woods are Divine Oak made from the Oak tree of Olympus and the other is Divine Poplar trees which grow in the underworld, and your cores are a Zapdos ( From Pokemon) and the Fur of the Cerberus meaning these pluses, the Cores, Gems and Woods of the other 3 staffs will make this Staff your most powerful non-divine weapon but as it uses divine components it will be capable of using your full divine power''.

Smiling please, I ask '' How long do you need ''?

Thinking Olivander says '' usually a day but Lady Death gifted me a Time Dilation so 3 hours…. Please bring the other gods here I'll be honored to make them their staffs''.

Nodding Olivander grins as he rushes into his workshop while I look around and get myself a Staff Holster putting 10 Galleons on the table I place the Staff holster on my back which glows as my divine power fills it making where only I can remove it from myself full with the charms and runes my wand holster has.

Then, I placed 250 Galleons on the Table for my staff the regular price for Staffs.

A moment later I walked out of the shop and focused my magic sensing for the Apartment in Diagon alley my brother brought and asked me to ward it.

Which, I did as well as enchant it to gain magical energy from a wardstone that is embedded in a self-made Ley-Line something only the most powerful wizards can do ( The fact I was a future god may explain why it's so powerful) and turn it into a small cottage with 30 Rooms of which 8 should have been converted into a Library, then 12 Bedrooms, 1 Dueling room, Potion Lab, Enchanting room, Crafting room, Dining room, Kitchen, with 2 capacity servant rooms for 8 House Elves each, A Living Room, Game Room.

Sensing my old magic I walked around the trunk store to where a large apartment building was walking in I headed on up to the fourth floor where the apartment was.

Walking to the 5 Door I see the number 220 making me grin then I see the key holder.

Tapping my hand onto the Door I smile as my Magic was recognized by the room and I entered it and laugh a little as my body calms slightly


'' Master Harrison your back ''!

Smiling I laugh as I look at the 16 house-elves assigned to this house looking at them I smile seeing they were well taken care of looking at Matty the head house elf of these elves I ask '' Can you get a message to the Head House elf for each of my lines tell him I don't know their names so I can't summon them but I want them to make a list of each house-elf both their names and job and give me the letters and also tell me how the properties are doing ''?

Nodding Matty determined '' Yes, sir ''.


Watching him pop away I walk over on the right and enter the living room sitting on the couch. I wait 10 Minutes for Matty to reappear.

Matty appears after 30 Mins with 4 scrolls in his hand handing them over to me I open them and smile as I see the first scroll was filled with names for my astonishing 23,000 House-elves, the other 3 were the Properties of my lines grimacing I notice that most of them have been damaged by either Dark lords, Dark wizards, Dark Creatures or the properties had been attacked by those who had fel magic ( Fel Magic is magic from the Hell Dimension of Fell the Creator of Orcs, Hobgoblins, Cave Trolls and many more).

Growling slightly I look at Matty who was smiling then I command '' Matty, I want you to give this to Rockteeth and have him hire Gringotts to clear out, repair, and Upgrade the wards on each of these locations plus, offer them a chance to build A Dwarf City one of the Mountains tell them they will be under my command with their King becoming a Lord under me also tell them that the dwarves can keep 75% of the mine resources, The hills, and valleys that we Magicals can't use Gringotts can build Goblin settlements for the same price and cost and I'm open to allow Settlements built on all my lands for all magical creatures and even some Wizards and Witches and Muggles in the know''.

Excited Matty pops out then returns 3 Mins later with a scroll.

Reading the contract I grin at them agreeing to clear, repair and remake the wards on the damaged properties.

Pleased, with the contract I signed it and watched it glow as 2 copies were made, one for me, and the other for Gringotts.

Seeing the smile on Matty's face I grin and state '' Matty, seems we will be staying here until my properties are cleared ''.

Grimacing Matty shudders at the feeling of fel magic which was growing on my properties, something which must be cleansed or it would affect our magic.

Looking at the time I saw it was near the time for dinner getting up I walked over to the Fireplace and threw some floo powder into it then I got down on my knees and called out '' Grimmauld place''.

Through the flames I see Arcturus laying into Walbulgria who was on her knees as Golden energy was burning off her the golden energy intertwined with blackness as Arcturus yells Harry sits in the next room being entertained by Kreacher who was playing with him and Dudley.

Watching it for a few moments I call out '' Art, please send Harry, and Dudley over then after you finish with Walburgia come over here ''.

Getting a tight nod Kreacher started bringing the two of us over to the fireplace.

Stepping out I smile as the floo connection steps open.

Walking back to the couch I sit and wait as Dudley stumbles over crying a little from the roller caster feeling followed by Harry who was laughing.

Smiling gently at the two I wave my hand removing the ash from the two then I pat the spots on my sides causing Dudley and Harry to grin as they run over here and sit at both of my sides giggling as they move over and climb onto the couch.

Reaching over I lifted Harry who squeals as he was lifted onto my shoulder followed by Dudley who laughs.

Watching the two of them I was happy they were too young to have really been damaged by the Dursleys.

After a couple of hours I call out ''

Matty please, watch over them. I have to go to Olivander ''.

'' Yes, Master''.

Walking out of the Apartment I headed down and out of the apartment right to Olivander.

Entering I sensed the excitement burning off of Olivander who was shaking seeing me he laughs and rushes back then he calls '' Do you need a Staff Holster ''?

Answering back '' No, I got it ''.

Rushing back I gasp the Staff had some kind of Black and Bronze wood with flecks of Green and gold speckled in with the top half having a Panite Diamond at the top licking my lips I in awe of my staff asks '' How much do I owe you ''?

The Next day

Sleeping in my bed 540 Galleons lighter, I sigh as I feel myself start to wake up as I do the sounds of laughter emulated from the game room.

Yawning myself awake, I sit up on my bed pleased that my idea of a pocket dimension held up allowing me to summon and unsummon anything instantly.

Walking over to my shower I whisper '' Francis can you physically clean me using my soaps and potions is breakfast ready ''.


'' Yes, master Harrison I'll do it and Breakfast has been ready for an hour ''.

Grimacing at that Harry nods as he looks at the clock in the bathroom with a grimace he sees it was 9:10 AM.

Sighing, in annoyance he grunts as he gets in the shower and Francis starts the look process of cleaning Harry as I get clean I call out '' Barty, Jax please see to the physical cleaning of Harry and Dudley and have Harry's clothes shrunk''.

Hearing a quiet '' Yes, Master '' back I nodded then I ask Francis '' Have Harry and Dudley eaten''?

Nodding Francis answers '' Yes, Josh fed the two Bacon, Rolls, soup and a Waffle for breakfast ''.

Grimacing at that for a moment I answer '' Okay Breakfast and snacks they can eat unhealthy but Lunch and Dinner they must eat healthy foods but I want you to taste great in fact have Louise and Simon glamour themselves and exchange the needed galleons to turn into 100,000 Pounds then go out and buy Muggle Cook books, Fiction, Muggle Board games, Books on Muggle Invention and history and if there's anything left over get a second copy of the muggle cookbooks and Muggle history and inventions and gift it to the Noble house of Weasley and ask them if they are willing to become vassals of myself if they accept we will do the Vows this saturday but until then have Rockteeth give them a vault of 450,000 G and tell them they need to look like Nobles and their home needs to be warded and remade then tell them Ron Weasley is to become a Knight of House Potter ''.

'' Yes, Master ''.

Knowing the two house elves got the orders I smiled as I started going through my mind attempting to think who I can convince to become my vassals.

Feeling Francis clean my toes I start thinking what houses should I offer Vassalage to as from the title side only the ancient, noble and magical houses can be made vassals and only the Most Ancient and Noble houses have the power to make title Vassals.

Grunting I knew I had to go to the Ministry and get their copy of the lists of Houses and their history so that way I could make an informed decision.

Feeling hands on my legs I grunt as a peculiar knot in my leg was removed.

Thinking I knew many members of our alliance already.

Having a clear idea of just one per house for now I had Weasley for Potter, Burke for Black, Priest for Peverell, Sage for Evanshire, Slughorn for Slytherin.

Relief at having that done I turned back to the world as Franics was cleaning my chest and rubbing out any and all knots.

Watching the water pull onto the ground and the hidden dirt turn the water brown I grin slightly as Francis moves onto my arms.

Eyes snapping wide I realize a problem I should've thought of earlier with Sirius free Bagnold and Crouch will lose all their positions at least most they will be sent to veil meaning their needs to be a new Minister.

Mind running I growl as I realize that the 3 people I wanted Bones, Scrimagor, and Ogden none of them had the experience or influence to gain the needed votes.

Growling in anger no one else had the require influence but a Most Ancient and Noble house and No one would trust Arcturus, Leonard Lefay, Nott meaning only myself and Augusta have the influence needed and Augusta's won't be considered Minister material because she isn't lady of the house.

Meaning, I was the only one with the required Power and influence to be Minister.

Good thing, with me as Minister I can remove the corruption in it and with my Status as Most Ancient house I would be relatively safe from being removed and as Minister matters dealing with the Ministry is under my command.

Thinking, for a moment I hum as this was actually a good idea.

Now, I just need 51% of the votes to be voted in.

'' Done, master ''.

Coming back to myself I watched for a moment as Francis was putting away the various soaps, shampoos and potions.

Smiling, I walked out of the Bathroom and walked over to my wardrobe and put on my formal wear.

Pausing I look at my wardrobe and grimace my wardrobe was that of a non-titled Pureblood/ Business family in the muggle world.

Groaning, in annoyance I knew that I needed to go to Madam Malkin for Casual Wizarding wear, Twilfitt and Tattings Wizard Former wear, Then I'll need to go to the Muggle world to get Formal and Casual wear from them perhaps I could buy some magazines and get copies to the clothing stores so that they can create a wizarding version of Muggle wear.

I'll also have to buy Battle Clothes and have all Wizarding clothes enchanted and runed for Comfortable, Flexible, Self-Repair, Self-Clean, Durability, Fireproof, Water Proof, Dirt Proof, Defense against Major, Minor Jinx, Hexes and Curses, with Slight ability to defend against the Black and Dark Arts.

Muggle fabrics are weaker then Magical fabrics and don't hold Runes or charms well.

Meaning, I'm gonna need a Contract from them… Hell perhaps I could make a wizarding version of what I read in the comics from my world including, flight, Walking on walls, Climbing etc.

Feeling my blood boil I snort and put on Plain Red and Silver Pants and shirts with Dragonhide Leather dyed Red Jackets and shoes.

Smiling, I twist my pocket world summoning my glasses onto my face.

Pleased, with my glasses I frowned as I felt Magic starting to appear in my eyes.

Sighing I took off the glasses and noticed my eyes were better than my glasses.

Walking out of the room I was glad I had size expansion charms on my clothes as I was gaining height, weight and muscles from becoming a god.

Even with it I could feel the power of the charms starting to fail, meaning even if I was inclined to keep the same wardrobe the magic on it would fail from the runes alone as they were set up for my previous magical power.

Grinning, I realized I was going to have to do the enchanting myself after they did there as I will have an eternity to grow in power and size.

True I would have done it anyway but now I'm forced too do so.

As I was thinking to myself I looked around the hallway which had stone floors with Griffin fur rugs and Portraits of Majestic creatures on the walls along with an assortment of Armored Knights.

Smirking, I snorted at my enchantments which made the previous 7 room apartment into a 30 room apartment with each of those rooms having a private bathroom which as its a 30 room apartment meant it was 3 stories.

Walking into the Dining room I look around with a smile as I see Harry and Dudley at the table sitting next to them. I say '' Harry, Dudley we have a lot of things to go out to get most of it, a lot of clothes, and you harry need Glasses ''.

Frowning Harry asks '' What's asses''?

Snorting I say '' Harry, say Gla ''.

'' Gla ''.

Smiling slightly I state '' is ''.


Pleased I say '' Together now ''.

'' Glasses ''.

Harry calls out as I grin then I look at Dudley who was frowning slightly then D udley calls out '' I don't want to go''. '

Frowning knowing how Dudley was raised thus far I calmly say '' Your going or I'll take mister fizzle''.

'' No, Not fizzle ''.

Calmly '' Then behave like a good boy and I won't''.

1 Hour

It took us an hour to eat and get dress but now at lunch time we're finally off instantly together we walked out of the Apartment seeing the two gasp at how big our apartment was with the room we had available I grinned as I led the two down the apartment building back outside nodding firmly I look at Harry and call out '' Harry, Dudley I'm giving you a choice are you big boys and able to follow me or do I need to hold your hands ''?

'' Big Boys ''. The two yell.

Nodding, I order '' Follow me''.

Turning away from Gringotts we went to the left and headed down this part of the alley which as we walked I noticed that this part were Apartment buildings, Hotels and Restaurants.

Continuing, the three of us make it past this area and turn to the left which were the area of numerous Potion and charm masters and where their shops are and the Eye Doctor and non- Saint Mungo Doctors. The Right is the street of Magical odds and ends like the Dark Detectors, Foe-Glasses, things of that nature including a Shop Specializing in books on Rare and less common books not found in Flourish and Blotts which holds books only that's Ministry and Light approved.

Next chapter