

FEBRUARY 22nd, 2022


Rafael swung his broadsword down, but I was quick enough to side-step past the heavy blade. I swung my katana at his side in an arc and I could tell by the wince on his face I had gotten him. I expected him to double back, but he surprised me by pouncing toward me. I react quick and bring my sword up to counter his upward cut. I push in closer to him—I can see the beads of sweat on his forehead and I'm sure he can see mine.

"Well, little lady, it looks like this one's a draw," he smiled and lowered his sword, taking a step back.

"No, I'm the one who got a hit in, so that's my point—" As I finish his hunkering sword was pointed at my neck.

"You were saying?" and before I could react his hand was around my throat and suddenly my world started exploding reds and whites—they filled my vision like sparklers. "You're going to take the draw and LOVE it." I heard close to me. The colors began to shine more vivid and then all at once began to slowly fade as he loosened his grip. I started coughing up and it felt like my insides were scraping against themselves.

"Oh come on I didn't even press that hard."

I felt a fire bale up inside me and I stared daggers into his face. "Not that hard? You deprived me of air. And not for the first time. And the first time should have been the last time but—"

"But...what?" His look was more familiar now. It was a look she hated most of all. It was the kind that made her feel small and vulnerable.

It was the look of her father.

"Listen here. You're just going to have to suck it up, buttercup. Without me you'd be off drowning yourself in that pond—or at least trying to. Without me you'll just throw yourself to some boss—if that and wind up dead."

"You're not some god or protector," I said. "There's nothing you can't do that I couldn't do, and better." I spat at his feet, feeling the fire burn deeper and hotter than it ever had before.

He stepped closer to me and I took a step back, but not out of fear, out of defense. My arms were up and my katana was gripped tightly in my hand.

"You seriously can't have enough self worth to think that this is a good idea," he said. "You were broken when I found you."

"I am broken. You didn't fix me. You didn't do shit except remind me of what I was running away from. I'm not going to let you fuck me up. Never again."

He looked offended and there was nothing more I wanted to remove from this planet than that look right there. "After all the training I gave you?"

"Oh fuck off it was only one day. But if you're so inclined to bring it up, I will use it against you if you don't. Back. Off."

He took a step closer, and I swung my blade at him diagonally. He reflected it easily with his sword. "Are you really that dense? I let you get that hit so you could feel like you were actually doing something! You know, you're right! You haven't changed a god damned bit. You're the same useless girl I found at the pond. It has only been one day."

"Shut the fuck up," I swung again.


"You're good for nothing—not even a good fuck. You're like a fruit that's long spoiled and all that remains are the maggots." He lowered his sword. "And it's such a shame too—with a body like that you could do lots of things. Such a shame that you can't be bothered to think straight."

"Shut up!" I yelled and I ran at him. He seemed to be expecting it—and of course he was. He was baiting me and I was falling for it. It wasn't a surprise when he punched me. It wasn't a surprise when he cut me. It wasn't even a surprise that when I couldn't move anymore he cupped my chin in his hands and kissed me. It wasn't a surprise that I didn't stop crying until I passed out.

The last thing I heard was his awful voice. "Until you can learn to think straight hon, you aren't going anywhere."

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