
Little Fairy in the Studio!

The staff member halted in his words when he saw an adorable head popping out behind Ran Xueyi. The child looked small and cute, but no one can deny that he looked handsome at first glance with his big brown eyes, tiny lips, and tall nose. More than that, he looked a bit familiar. 

But where could he have seen the child?

The staff member blinked, "This is..."

"My son," Ran Xueyi truthfully said. 

Upon hearing this, the staff member almost fainted from the shock. 

WHAT! Estelle has a child?!

This was shocking news! 

Although there were many international actresses who already came out of the box and announced that they were expecting pregnancy or have already given birth to a healthy child, however, that was before and after. Besides, some already introduced their partner's name or marriage to the public. 

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