
Chapter Twenty Five


Alora pulled back from Ilyas, stunned. She looked away into the water and she heard Ilyas sigh. "I'm really sorry Alora. But the truth is, I've fallen in love with you since the last few days. Immediately I saw you, I fell in love with you. Something seems really special about you and I can't help but want to be with you." 


Alora didn't say a word, she just stared at the water, playing with her fingers. She didn't even know what to say. She hasn't even thought about anything romantic taking place between both of them and besides they just met. 


"Ilyas, we just met a few days ago. I don't have any romantic feelings nor something towards you. I just see you as a friend really." Alora sighed and he held her hands. 


"You can think about it. In fact for as long as you want. I just wanted you to know before another man takes the key to your heart. I'm in love with you Alora, I love you really." Ilyas picked her hands and kissed them. "I'll do anything to help you fall in love with me. I promise."


Alora became silent and just moved her legs in the water gently. "But what if it doesn't work?" Alora asked and he chuckled. 


"It is going to work, Alora. Trust me. Look at me." He moved her face to look at him and he planted a kiss on her lips, shocking the hell out of her. It took all her might not to push him away. "I'm sorry, I just couldn't control myself." 


Alora just touched her lips and looked up at him, speechless. He rubbed the back of his neck nervously and stood up. "We should get going already don't you think?" 


After the tournament, Aero rushed into Ruger's study. He was holding a golden scroll with an expression of disbelief on his face. 


"New is spreading that Radolph is dead." Aero barged into the study and the three other Lords looked at him like he was insane already. 


"Where the hell did you get that news?" Ruger asked, looking at him. 


"These messages were passed by my strongest and most truthful source. Radolph hasn't showed up in the werewolf territory for over two weeks and no one can sniff him near out of his werewolves. They found the alpha's blood spilled in one of the forests in the human territory. And you know the alpha blood is always different from other werewolves blood." Aero said.

"It must be a trick, a trick make us lower our defense so it would be easy to attack us." Ruger hit his fist on the table 


"We aren't sure the report is actually genuine. Still we have to prepare for the war no matter what." Dean replied, writing something on the pieces of paper before him. "We don't know who to believe either so what we can just do is stand our ground and let nothing happen to us. Werewolves can't just end like that, he can never have died."


"But they have healing powers, why wouldn't he have healed himself?" Diego frowned. 


"Werewolves and silvers aren't friends. Silver is the actual metal and only metal that can take the lives of werewolves. It is hard to heal when they are struck with silver blades or silver stones." Aero explained and Diego frowned. 


"We still shouldn't let our guard down. It is really important."


In the palace, Alora walked down to the werewolf's room to check on him. "Wow, your wounds seem to have healed. Good news, you'll be leaving tomorrow. Thank goodness no one found out about you since all these days." Alora sighed as she gave him food to eat. 


"Well, I'm going to miss you. It's been nice taking care of you. Before dawn tomorrow, I'll come and escort you out okay?" Alora stroked his fur and he just laid there. "I have to go. See you tomorrow." 


Alora stood up and walked out of the room, back to her room, almost bumping into Ava who was rushing towards her. 


"I'm tired of kitchen work. Alora please help your poor best friend." Ava groaned, following her to her room. 


Alora just hissed and walked into her room. She closed the door and said to Ava from behind the door. "Go to Zayen, he'll be able to pet you, not me." Alora groaned as she walked to her reading nook. 


Down in the room the werewolf was, a man was sitting there, with his back against the wall as he slowly ate the meat that had been brought by Alora. The werewolf was nowhere to be found in the partially lit room but the only thing was the man sitting down. 


His ears seemed to catch lots of things as he continued to eat. He had this smirk on his face that didn't seem to be really wicked but it had that intention. 

"Fools, bunch of fools." 

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