
Wolf King's Trial 4

A Bone-deep chill spread throughout her body. Her lungs burned, fighting desperately for oxygen.

Versailles couldn't move. Her limbs were as heavy as lead.

At times, she had a feeling of floating without a destination. And at others, it felt as if she was stuck in a quagmire, sinking as desperately as she struggled.

With no clear perception of reality, she continued floating in the endless void of confounding nightmares.


There was something lurking in the darkness, watching, observing, and pacing in the shadows. It was ancient, cold, and malicious, stalking along the edges of some invisible barrier that separated it from the prey it sought.

It knew it had no chance of reaching its hunt at moment. It had to wait. Wait until the prey left its nest, its shield. Wait until it was beyond the invisible barrier. Only then, would it accomplish its task, achieve its aim.

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