
The First Salvo (I)

Destiny slipped into Minerva's mind with close to no difficulty… Minerva's mind was only protected by basic Occlumency shields. Destiny couldn't help but wonder how could Dumbledore send someone as a spy whose mind was only protected by basic Occlumency shields. True, Legilimency was an extremely Obscure form of Magic when compared to its counterpart, Occlumency.

Minerva did try to fight Destiny, but it was for naught… Her shields weren't strong to stop Destiny from entering her mind. Minerva was taught Occlumency during her Auror Training, but this was the first time she was experiencing a full-blown Legilimency attack. While the Ministry of Magic was yet to ban Legilimency, it was highly restricted and frowned upon.

Minerva was inspected by a Ministry Authorized Legilimens during her Auror Training. She only needed to have Basic Occlumency shields to pass the tests and she had passed the test with flying colors. The Ministry Authorized Legilimens would look like a 5-year-old throwing a tantrum in front of Destiny or that is how Minerva compared their Legimency attacks.

For the first time after leaving the DMLE, Minerva was regretting her choice not to strengthen her Occlumency shields. After leaving the DMLE, Minerva simply forgot about her Occlumency shields… After all, she was a teacher, she had no secrets to protect and she seriously doubted that any of the students knew how to perform Legilimency.

What Minerva did not know is that some of the NEWT students knew how to perform Legilimency, but they never used it on her since there was no need. After all, Minerva was a simple Transfiguration professor, not only that, she was a Half-blood according to the Pureblood standards, so there was nothing they could learn from Minerva by rummaging through the woman's mind.

What Minerva also did not know is the fact that Albus always used Legilimecy to read everyone's surface thoughts around him. Albus had so much experience in the art that there was no way that someone with the Basic Occlumency shields could sense his presence in their minds. Albus also knew which students to avoid… After all, getting caught would destroy his life. Albus Dumbledore might be the strongest Wizard in the Country, but he did not have any pull in the Wizengamot and the Purebloods would jump at the chance of knocking him down a peg or two…

Minerva internally screamed in frustration as Destiny kept rummaging through her mind.,. Minerva was feeling extremely violated, she couldn't the feeling, but she was feeling completely bare as Destiny kept rummaging through her mind like she owned the place… It was hard to explain the feeling, but Minerva was sure that she hated it. Minerva wanted to fight back, but she was weak... All of her attempts to fight back were ruthlessly crushed by Destiny.

Destiny snorted at the woman's attempts to throw her out of her mind… The woman was pathetically weak when it came to the topic of Mind Magicks. Well, Destiny couldn't blame the woman, after rummaging through Minerva's mind, Destiny realized why Minerva decided to ignore her Occlumency shields after she decided to quit her job at the DMLE. Though the woman was simply naive… Albus Dumbledore had been using Passive Legilimency to read her mind from time to time…

When Destiny was finally done looking through Minerva's memories, Destiny gently pulled herself out of Minerva's mind. If Minerva was a member of the Order of the Light, then Destiny wouldn't have used Legilimency on her. After all, Destiny didn't want to have a repeat of the last time, but she was sure that Minerva was not a member of the Order of the Light.

All of the members of the Order of the light knew of her existence… Destiny had been observing Minerva very closely when the woman entered the room. There was no recognition on Minerva's face and there was a chance that Minerva might have recognized her, so Destiny decided to test further. The way Minerva reacted after Destiny introduced herself was all the proof Destiny needed to know that Minerva wasn't a part of the Order of the Light.

Destiny gently smiled as she caressed Minerva's cheek… Minerva tried to scoot away from Destiny's hand, but she was still Magically bound. Minerva heatedly glared at Destiny as unshed tears started to pool in her eyes… Destiny smiled solemnly as she continued to stroke Minerva's cheek lovingly. Minerva wanted to move away from the woman who just mentally violated her, but a small and traitorous part of her mind wanted Destiny to keep stroking her cheek…

Minerva did not know where the feeling was from, but she was even more disgusted at herself for feeling like that… 'She must have done something to my mind… Yes, that's it!!' Minerva tried to convince herself, but even Minerva knew that it was a lie. Though for the time being, Minerva decided to force herself to think that Destiny had messed with her mind, at least, for the sake of her sanity…

"First of all, let me apologize for what I just did to you… I know it won't mean much to you, but I still must apologize… I needed to know what Albus Dumbledore knew about us…" Destiny said solemnly as she continued to stroke Minerva's cheek. Minerva's nostrils flared in anger as she continued to glare at Destiny heatedly. Slowly a couple of tears trickled down her eyes.

Minerva wanted to scream at the monster in front of her, but she didn't trust herself enough not to break down in front of all of these people. Minerva knew that she needed to be strong. She was a fucking Gryffindor for Merlin's sake and she wasn't going to shame her house by showing weakness. Destiny softly smiled as she finally stopped stroking Minerva's cheek and Minerva felt something bubbling inside her, which made her feel even more disgusted at herself.

"You know, I was being honest when I said that I did not want to kill you… I really hate killing Wixen and I want to avoid killing them as much as I can, but if they get in the way of my dream then I won't hesitate to kill them…" Destiny said softly as she pulled her hand away from Minerva's cheek.

"When I said it would be a waste to kill you I was being completely honest… Not just because you could spy on Albus for me, but I truly believe that you might become something great in the future…" Destiny explained solemnly and Minera simply scoffed and continued to glare at Destiny. Minerva wasn't going to believe whatever bullshit this woman was spouting…

"I understand if you don't believe me… It is alright, someday you will understand…" Destiny nodded her head with a determined look on her face, which made Minerva feel kind of uncomfortable. She had no idea what the woman was planning and to be honest, Minerva wanted to avoid whatever the woman has planned for her. "But…" Destiny raised her finger…

"There is something else I want from you… That is why I need to you forget everything about this conversation… You see, Albus Dumbledore can't help himself from taking a peek inside others' minds…" Destiny explained with a grin and Minerva couldn't help but stare at Destiny with wide eyes. Moments later, the rage and anger returned to her face as she once again started to glare at Destiny heatedly.

"How dare you accuse him of using Legilimency on me?!" Minerva growled in anger as she started to flare her Magic, which made Destiny release an amused snort. If Minerva thought she could scare Destiny with her Magic, then she was sorely mistaken. In fact, she was only able to amuse Destiny…

"One day you will believe me and only will understand that I was being honest with you…" Destiny said as she gave Minerva a curt nod. Without saying anything else, Destiny pulled out her Wand, she needed her Wand for this… She only needed to remove some specific parts of Minerva's memories, so she needed to have better control over the Spell… No, it would be foolish to remove the memories completely when she could simply lock the memories without anyone discovering anything.

§Obliviate§ Destiny hissed as she pointed her Wand at Minerva's head, who had a confused look on her face. There were two types of Obliviation Spells. One removed the memories from a person's mind… In this case, the memories are not recoverable, they would be completely gone. Obliviators used the permanent memory removal Obliviation Spells to Obliviate the Muggles because it was easier and less time-consuming.

The other type of Obliviation Spell would simply lock the memories away inside a person's mind. This type of Obliviation Spell was rarely used as the person was slow and time-consuming. Not only that, the user needed to be extremely careful with the Spell or they might end up messing up the mind of the victim. It would be way easier if the user simply erased the memories.

There was also a chance that the Spell might break if the victim is under duress, so the user needed to be extremely careful and competent… Destiny considered herself competent enough, so she simply needed to be extremely careful with the Spell. That was also why she was using the Parseltongue Spell, so if someone ever discovers the memory block inside her mind then they wouldn't be able to unlock her memory block with a simple counter Spell. The counter Spell needed to be cast in Parseltongue and currently, there were only three Parselmouths in the country…

A person could also fight against the Obliviation Spell, but they would need to be somewhat good at Occlumency. Minerva did have basic Occulumency shields, but her shields weren't anywhere strong enough to fight against Destiny's Obliviation Spell… After all, Destiny was quite determined to get the job done…

Destiny furrowed her brows in concentration as she continued to carefully modify Minerva's mind. Destiny did not want to leave any hints for Dumbledore to discover that his spy's mind has been tampered with. After all, the man loved welcoming himself into other people's minds. Yes, Dumbledore won't be able to unblock the memories, he would realize that something is wrong and he might stop trusting Minerva.

After a few minutes, Destiny was finally done. Destiny simply decided to hide herself from Minerva's memories. Now, Minerva would believe that she entered the house, and then she had a chat with one of the Hogwarts Alumni named Cassiopeia Black, and after having some tea and snacks, she left… Yes, she was exposing the fact the House of Blacks was helping the Forces off Grindelwald, but it was going to keep Albus occupied for the time being. Destiny was sure that Albus wouldn't be surprised to find that the House of Black has already joined Grindelwald…

Now that Destiny was done modifying Minerva's memories of their short meeting. Destiny slowly pulled out of Minerva's mind… There was something else Destiny had done. She had tweaked a couple of Minerva's emotions… Destiny had slightly increased Minerva's Pride, and Desire when she was rummaging through the woman's mind. That is why Minerva was feeling great whenever Destiny was complimenting her. Minerva was relishing the compliments and Destiny's touch…

Though Destiny was slightly disappointed that she couldn't tweak the woman's emotions anymore. Something more would have been easily noticed and it would have taken her a lot of time. Destiny was also disappointed over the fact that the woman was straight as an arrow, otherwise, Destiny would have loved seducing the woman. No matter how much Destiny tweaked Minerva's mind, she could have never made the older woman change her preference.

Destiny would have needed to rewrite her whole mind and personality if she wanted to change Minerva's preference and if Destiny did that, then the woman would no longer be Minerva McGonagall. It would be a completely new person wearing the skin of Minerva McGonagall and she would need weeks to achieve something like that, if not months. Destiny simply shook her head as she turned toward Donovan and Vladimir.

"Take her to her Infirmary and tell the Healer to give Minerva some insignificant excuse for her passing out!" Destiny ordered as she pointed at Minerva who was knocked out cold by Destiny after she was done modifying the woman's memories. Donovan and Vladimir nodded their heads and Donovan was the one who decided to Levitate Minerva to the infirmary.

"Didn't you say that you are going to make her join the Knights?" Ambika asked with a confused look on her face when Donovan and Vladimir finally left the room along with Minerva.

"I am afraid this is the best course of action… As I have been saying, Albus Dumbledore has a knack for using Passive Legilimency on everyone. He would be easily discovered her" Destiny shook her head in disappointment.

"Ohhh… So, how are you going to spy on Albus Dumbledore? It is pretty clear that he will be snooping around from now on" Cassiopeia questioned curiously and Destiny simply smirked.

"For now, I won't be doing anything. Right now, Minerva is simply unable to pass any information to Albus due to her Oaths and she won't be passing any information to the man for quite some time. Right now, Albus is looking for a Pensieve… It will probably take him a couple of months to get his hands on a Pensieve" Destiny revealed with a casual shrug.

"But she is still going to be a security leak, isn't she? If she isn't going to be of any use for us then it would be better if we got rid of her" Ambika said with a scowl, but Destiny simply shook her head.

"Her Occulumency shields are very weak… She only has basic shields. If Albus can take advantage of her weakness, then I can too" Destiny revealed and while Ambika agreed that it was a good plan, Cassiopeia couldn't help but be skeptical.

"If you could discover Albus probing her mind, isn't he going to discover you too?" Cassiopeia asked skeptically and Destiny nodded her head in agreement as it was a good point.

"That is the thing… I only discovered what he has been doing when I used the Spell, so Albus won't discover anything as long as he doesn't use the Spell on her and he won't use the Spell on her" Destiny explained, but Cassiopeia still gave her a skeptic look.

"How can you be so sure? He might be a goody two shoes, but if push comes to shove, then he might give it a try" Cassiopeia said with a frown and Destiny had to admit that Cassiopeia was right.

"...You are right. I can't be sure that he won't use the Spell…" Destiny said with a scowl on her face. Moments later, Destiny calmed down and she slowly closed her eyes. She needed to think… She knew thousands of Spells, there must be something she could use. After looking through her memories, Destiny finally found something she could use…

There was a King in Mongolia… The man had serious trust issues and he did not trust anyone. The man even distrusted his own children, so the King started to practice Legilimency on everyone around him as the King knew that he couldn't continue to keep showing his distrust for everyone so openly. So Legilimency was a good solution, but it came with its own problems and risks.

The King quickly realized that he couldn't keep on going like this… His wives and children were also Wixen, so there was always a risk that they might discover what he was doing. All of his Family members had their own Court Magicians, so there was also a chance that they might discover something. The King needed a solution and he needed it quick…

The King has already been using Legilimency on everyone for quite a few years so the King has become extremely good at the art, so he thought it would be a waste to stop using Legilimecy. He simply needed something to cover his tracks or erase his tracks. So, after researching for nearly a year and a half, the man was finally able to create a Spell to cover his tracks.

Destiny had found the Spell in Mongolia… At that time, Destiny had thought the Spell was useless. Why would she ever need to hide her tracks from someone's mind after she used Legilimency on them… It was better to simply kill them and be done with it. Well… It was a good thing that she had read the whole book even though it was filled with boring and useless Spells. At least, that is what Destiny thought… Why the fuck she would need a Spell that would make her sparkle in sunlight??

"Yes, I do know a Spell for this specific purpose" Destiny said as she finally opened her eyes,

"Really?" Ambika asked excitedly and Destiny simply hummed.

"Remember when we were in Mongolia, I bought a lot of books?" Destiny asked and after getting a nod from Ambika, Destiny decided to continue. "Well, the Spell was in one of those books… 'The King of Distrust' that was the book's title" Destiny said with a thoughtful look on her face and Ambika simply inclined her head with a thoughtful look on her face. She furrowed her eyebrows and after a few seconds, a look of realization finally dawned on her face.

"Hey! That book was filled with the most nonsensical and useless Spells" Ambika said with a look of disgust. Destiny matched her expressions and nodded her head. There was a Spell to make your fart smell like flowery perfume… Then there was a smell to make your poop smell like a flower garden. The book was filled with nonsensical Spells like those… There was also a Spell that would make your teeth glow in darkness and there was a Spell that would create chimes whenever you walk…

"Yeah! That's the one!" Destiny said with a snap of her fingers. "Well, enough of that. Ambika do we have someone who is good in Dark Arts and looks kind of innocent?" Destiny asked curiously as she finally remembered that she found something in Minerva's mind.

Ambika was taken aback by the sudden change of topic, but she quickly regained her bearings. Ambika furrowed her brows and after a few seconds, she simply shrugged. "Nobody comes to the mind… Though I think there might be someone" Ambika guessed with a thoughtful look on her face and Destiny simply hummed as she tapped her chin.

"Okay… Ask around if there is someone" Destiny said with a sigh. Armando Dippet, the current Headmaster of Hogwarts was looking for a Defense Against the Dark Arts Professor. Right now, the spot was empty, so it was Albus Dumbledore who was teaching DADA at Hogwarts. Destiny wanted to have one of her Agents inside Hogwarts who was loyal to her.

"Yeah, sure" Ambika nodded her head in understanding.

"So, when are we leaving?" Cassiopeia asked primly as she placed her teacup on the plate.

"In a few hours…" Destiny replied as she cast a Tempus to check the time. "I also want to check on our guest before leaving" Destiny said as she slowly stood up from the couch.

"Wait! Can you show us some of the improvements you received from the Ritual?" Ambika asked frantically as Destiny started to leave the room.

"There is not much to show…" Destiny stopped as she slowly turned back "except for this" Destiny added and Conjured a table with a simple thought. Destiny grinned at Ambika's and Cassiopeia's reaction as she walked out of the room, leaving behind a gaping Ambika and Cassiopeia.

"H-How?" Cassiopeia stuttered out in shock and Ambika did not have an answer for the green-eyed Witch. Ambika simply decided to give up as she already knew that Destiny was always outrageous when it came to Magic…

Meanwhile, Destiny finally entered the basement and found Albus where she had left him. Destiny inclined her head as she started to wonder if she broke the man. Moments later, a savage grin formed on her face as she pointed her finger at Albus. "Crucio" Destiny muttered and Albus shot up from the chair in pain. The chains stopped him from standing up completely, but they didn't stop him from falling.

Albus has been sleeping all this time… His body was somewhat weak as Destiny had used his Life Force and Magic to heal herself. Albus wasn't in any type of danger as his Magic was continuously healing his body and he was almost completely healed. Then all of sudden, pain was the only thing he could feel… Albus did not know what was happening, but he started to scream at the top of his lungs before he could even realize where he was…

After a couple of seconds, Destiny finally lifted the Spell and Albus released a loud gasp. Then he started to pant as his body continued to spasm… "Hola!" Destiny waved her hand with a cheerful grin on her grin. Albus grimaced as his memories finally returned to him. The Cruciatus Curse was really bad for the brain… Albus almost snarled at Destiny, but he held himself back as he remembered that it would only earn him more punishment.

"How are feeling… I hope, I wasn't too rough with you" Destiny said with a cheeky grin on her face and a chair appeared behind her. Albus' eyes grew wide in surprise when the chair appeared, but he decided to ignore it… After all, there was a chance that she had asked a House Elf to bring the chair and she simply wanted to take him off guard.

"Hmm… So, have you changed your mind?" Destiny asked curiously as she crossed her legs haughtily. Albus simply decided to sneer at Destiny and that was enough for Destiny to realize what he wanted to say. Obviously, Destiny wasn't impressed with his uncooperativeness, so she decided to teach him a lesson.

Destiny pulled out her Wand and with a jab, she silently Conjured a marble tub… Destiny twisted her Wand and the tub started to fill with water… Destiny grinned savagely as she glanced at Albus from the corner of her eyes. Albus shivered as a chill ran down his spine. When the tub was finally filled with water, Destiny slowly turned Albus. "You should have answered me…" Destiny said in a solemn tone, but she failed to hide the excitement and glee from her face…

Destiny flicked her Wand in Albus' direction and removed all of his clothes… Albus yelped in surprise and tried to cover himself, but as soon as he covered his groin, he was lifted up in the air. Albus looked around frantically, but Destiny decided not to pay him any mind… First of all, Destiny wasn't interested in men and secondly, she was really excited to cause him pain. Destiny floated Albus over the tub and then she unceremoniously dropped him inside the tub.

Albus gasped at the temperature of the water while Destiny used her Magic to stop the water from splashing outside the tub. "Gahhh!!" Albus screamed loudly as the temperature of the water started to drop at a rapid rate… Albus scooted over to one of the corners, but just when Albus felt that he was going to freeze to death, the water started to heat up and the change in the temperature wasn't comfortable as the temperature of the water was heating up at a rapid rate…

"This is what you are going to feel for a day… I think any more will break your mind and I need to know what you have inside your mind…" Destiny said with a gentle smile on her face and Albus couldn't help but stare at Destiny in complete horror… For a moment, he thought that it would be better to tell her everything, but he quickly crushed that thought. He wouldn't give him… He wasn't going to disappoint the people who had placed their trust in him…

"I would have loved to watch your suffering, but, unfortunately, I have to leave" Destiny said in a disappointed tone as she slowly stood up. "The temperature of the water is going to oscillate so rapidly, that neither your brain nor body will be able to comprehend it…" Destiny explained gleefully as she placed the tip of her Wand at the tub. Destiny started to etch Runes at the side of the tub, she wasn't going to be here, so she needed some other means to manage the whole process.

Destiny poured her Magic into the Runes so that they could keep running even in her absence. Then she added some other Runes along the side to erect a Containment Ward around the edge of the tub. Everything inside the tub will stay inside the tub. She did it to stop Albus from tossing out the water from the tub. Destiny nodded her head in satisfaction when she was finally done… She gave Albus one last look and she found that the man was glaring at her with a determined look on his face…

"Bibly!" Destiny called out and moments later, the said creature popped inside the room.

"What can Bibly bes doing for Mistress?" The house elf asked excitedly.

"Keep an eye on him while I am gone… I have made sure that he won't be able to escape, but there is still a chance that he might be able to break out of his confinements due to some miracle… If somehow he breaks out, you will knock him out and shove him inside one of the cages inside my trunk" Destiny ordered and the eld frantically nodded her head in agreement.

"Good, you may leave" Destiny said and the house elf popped away after bowing her head. After that, Destiny also decided to leave without giving Albus another look. She knew that he wasn't going anywhere, but she still decided to prepare a backup plan, in case something miraculous happens. Destiny had read a lot of storybooks, so she knew that righteous people were well known for pulling miracles out of their arses…

<Line Break>

Arcturus Black III looked at his father, who was staring intently into his eyes. "Son, you don't know how proud I feel whenever I see the fine man you have grown into, but there are still a lot of things you need to learn" Sirius said with a serious look on his face, no pun intended.

"I know father and I understand… I always wanted to travel around the world before taking the mantle of Lord Black. There are some things I can only learn through experience" Arcturus said and Sirius beamed proudly after hearing his eldest son's words.

"True… True…" Sirius nodded his head with a proud look. "Good then, it is about time you left. Don't keep Lady Grindelwald waiting, she has only been polite and courteous to our House and I don't want to displease her…" Sirius warned Arcturus in a grave tome and Arcturus nodded his head in agreement.

"Yes, I have seen her power, father. I would never want her as an enemy to our house" Arcturus chuckled softly and Sirius simply returned the smile. After that, Arcturus turned toward the Floo and tossed some Floo Powder. As soon as the flames turned green, Arcturus stepped into the fireplace. "Black Townhouse" Arcturus called out and moments later, he was whisked away by green flames.

Arcturus' world turned as he passed by a lot of fireplaces before his feet landed. Arcturus found himself stepping out of Cassiopeia's Floo. Arcturus had to admit that the Fidelius Charm was one impressive piece of Magic. Sirius was the only one who was near the Floo or he wouldn't have been able to utter Cassiopeia's address. Arcturus and Sirius were the only ones who were given the Secret. That is why Arcturus had bid farewell to his mother, sister, and brother before making his way towards the Floo along with his Father.

"Good, you are finally here" Destiny called out as soon as she noticed Arcturus step out of the fireplace. Arcturus felt that there was something different with the Witch, but he couldn't place a finger on it. He found that Destiny's presence was much stronger than before. Arcturus looked around the room only to find that Destiny and Cassiopeia were the only ones present inside the room.

"Good evening, Lady Grindelwald" Arcturus greeted Destiny with a respectful bow, and Destiny simply smiled. That is when Arcturus noticed her Reptilian eyes… Arcturus knew that Destiny was planning to perform a Ritual, so now he really wanted to know what sort of Ritual she performed, but for now, he had other concerns. "When are we leaving?" Arcturus asked curiously as he was only told to arrive after having dinner. He wasn't told anything about their time of departure.

"As soon as I activate the Portkey. Come, join us" Destiny urged Arcturus to join him. Destiny pulled out a knife from her pocket and Cassiopeia was the next person to grab hold of it. Arcturus realized that the knife must be the Portkey, so he grabbed it too without wasting any time. Moments later, Destiny hissed something and Arcturus felt a familiar tug around his navel as he was whisked away.

After a few seconds, Arcturus finally landed on his feet just like Destiny and Cassiopeia. This was the smoothest Portkey ride he ever had… He didn't even realize his arrival until his feet landed on the ground. Slowly Arcturus started to check out his surroundings as he was feeling somewhat uncomfortable. The streets were still filled with people… 'Filthy Muggles!' Arcturus cursed inside his mind.

"That is the Woolworth Building, the Headquarters of MACUSA" Destiny said pointing toward the tallest building around them. Arcturus couldn't help but gulp loudly in awe… Now, Arcturus was sure that he was going to experience a lot of new things on this trip…


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