
Hungarian Horntail (II)

No matter how much Destiny tried, she couldn't stop her mind from going back to the meeting. The Hallows were extremely strong artifacts, that much Destiny knew. After all, she had felt the power of the Elder Wand… The said Wand was even stronger than Neptune, when a Magical Katana was supposed to be stronger than Wands… So, Destiny was sure that there was some truth in the story…

Now she had proof… So, once again Destiny couldn't wait to get her hands on the Wand of Destiny…

Once again. Destiny shook her to clear her mind… She needed to focus. Destiny slowly pulled out Neptune from her trunk. Her Wand was good and all, but it couldn't handle high-level Magic for a long time. So, she needed something strong if she was planning to take down a fucking Dragon. After all, she couldn't take down a Dragon with a Stunning Charm or a Killing Curse… Well, technically the Killing Curse would have worked, but it would ruin the specimen…

First of all, using the Killing Curse would be hard due to the scales… The scales of a Dragon are quite resistant to Magic… So, Destiny would need to aim at the eyes, the nostrils, or the inside of the Dragon's mouth with the Killing Curse. Secondly, the Dragons are Magical Creatures, so the Killing Curse would also destroy the Magic inside the Dragon's body and she needed the Magic for the Ritual. Hence, the Killing Curse was off the table…

Blood Magic was also off the table since she needed the Blood of the Dragon for the Ritual and using Blood Magic on the Dragon would destroy the properties of the Dragon Blood. Most of the other Spells were also useless against the Dragon… So, she needed to rely on Transfiguration and Conjuration. There was a problem would Conjuration too… She couldn't Conjure any sharp weapons to attack the Dragon… After all, she needed the Blood of the Dragon for the Ritual.

'Portus…' Destiny tapped her Wand on an iron bracelet. The Portkey would activate as soon as she lost her consciousness and it would dump her inside the infirmary of her temporary base back in Cornwall, Britain. Destiny had decided to take a few ideas from the books of the Order of the Light. She decided to create the Portkey in case of an emergency, after all, she would be attempting to slay a Dragon on her own, and while she was confident… She wasn't a fool… Accidents can happen, especially when she was going after the strongest and fiercest Dragon out there…

Now that all of her preparations were done… Destiny decided to leave. So, she quickly shrunk down the trunk before placing it inside her pocket… The trunk was pretty important for the Ritual since she had kept the rest of the ingredients for the Ritual inside the trunk. The trunk was Charmed unbreakable so Destiny wasn't worried about having a tussle with the Dragon and breaking it by some accident…

After leaving her room, Destiny made her way toward the ground floor. After checking out from the hotel, Destiny activated the Muggle Repelling Charm on her earring and as soon as the Charm was activated, she Apparated to the mountains of Hungary. Destiny quickly cast a warming Charm on her body as soon as she landed on her feet followed by Gripping Charms under her shoes. It wouldn't do her any good if she ended up slipping off the mountains due to the snow or ice.

Destiny slowly started the climb the mountains… This wasn't her first time on a mountain so she knew that she needed to be careful. Destiny had been to the Himalayas when she was in India and the Hungarian mountains didn't hold a candle to the Himalayas but Destiny knew that she shouldn't underestimate any mountains. The smugglers always avoided the nests of the Horntails, so Destiny needed to trek quite a bit before she arrived at one of those nests.

After trekking for nearly half an hour, Destiny realized that she shouldn't have worn her favored heels for this particular trip, but since she had Magic at her hand, she transfigured her heels into flat boots for the time being. 'Ah… Flat boots are much better' Destiny nodded her head in satisfaction as she continued climbing the mountain. Destiny could have used Flight to locate one of the nests, but this was the territory of Hungarian Horntails. So, not only she would be giving away her element of surprise, but she would be also garnering the attention of the Dragons along with anything else present on the mountain…

True, she could use the Disillusionment Charm to hide, but the Dragons could have easily smelt her, and Dragons are known for their extremely strong instincts, so there was a chance that they might discover her even if she used Scent Masking Charm to hide herself from the noses. Additionally, she would be also wasting a lot of Magic for the Unsupported Flight, the Disillusionment Charm, and the Scent Masking Charm, and even with her colossal Magical Reserves, it might turn out to problem for her.

After all, she needed all the Magic she had for the upcoming fight…

All of a sudden Destiny froze in her steps as she heard a loud growl from somewhere nearby… Destiny immediately knew that a Magical Beast was somewhere around her. She wasn't sure if it was a Dragon or something else, since various types of Magical Beasts resided on the mountain along with the Dragons, and she was no specialist when it came to Magical Beasts. Though Destiny decided that she needed to be careful even if it wasn't a Dragon. So, she quickly cast the Scent Masking Charm on herself as she made her way toward where the growl came from…

Destinys, eyes grew wide in surprise as she found herself staring at a cavern and moments later, a wide grin appeared on her face. It was a Dragon… A Hungarian Horntail was lying inside the crevice… The Dragon was massive, but Destiny was confident that she could take it down. The Hungarian Hornmtails are known to live in pairs except for the young ones who are yet to find their mates. The Hungarian Horntail in front of Destiny was probably yet to find his mate…

'Lucky me' Destiny grinned as she stared at the sleeping Dragon right in front of her. The massive Dragon was curled into a mass of scale. The surroundings of the Dragon were charred, so the Dragon has probably used his flames to heat the crevice. Destiny would have cackled gleefully, but it would have given away position if she had done that… So, after quickly gathering all of her bearings, she started to make her way toward the crevice…

Destiny froze in her tracks when all of a sudden, the Dragon released a loud snort followed by a loud huff… Destiny looked at the Dragon with an unsure look on her face and moments later, her decision was made… Even though her scent was masked, she decided not to tempt fate. After all, she was close enough and if the Dragon got up for whatever reason from his slumber, then she would miss the window to launch any surprise attacks. With that thought in her mind, Destiny started to cast Silencing Charms around the Dragon.

Hungarian Horntails were kind of loners as they live in pairs, so the chances of another Dragon coming to help this Dragon were very low, but not zero. Destiny refused to take any chances, so she decided to cast the Silencing Charms around the crevice to stop the other Dragons from hearing this Dragon's death cries. After a couple of minutes, Destiny was finally satisfied with the number of Silencing Charms she had used, so she decided to move on…

'Never tickle a sleeping Dragon…' Dragon repeated inside her mind. 'Always use your strongest attack on the sleeping Dragon!!' Destiny thought gleefully as she jabbed Neptune towards the Dragon. Moments later, the rocks around the Dragon started to move and the Dragon started to slowly get submerged into the crevice. Destiny wanted to trap the Dragon at the crevice before she started to hurl attacks at the Dragon as the Dragon would be mostly unable to do anything to protect himself. Destiny was being extremely careful as she did not want to wake the beast from its slumber…

Suddenly, the Dragon shook his massive head and his eyes snapped open, the Dragon was almost submerged into the crevice, but Destiny wanted to bury the Dragon even more before launching an actual attack, but now that the Dragon was already up, Destiny knew that she needed to launch an attack. Destiny flicked her Wand, which she had in her other hand, and ruptured the ground to create several large boulders. Destiny had already stopped moving the rocks around the Dragon as it would useless since the Dragon was already up. So, without wasting any more time, she jabbed Neptune toward the entrapped Dargon, hurling all the boulders at the Dargon at insane speed…

All the boulders slammed against the Dragon's head or upper back and the Dragon roared in rage… In the process, Destiny also destroyed some of the rocks trapping the Dragon, but it was okay as the Dragon started to howl in pain. Destiny also noticed that the Dragon was already bleeding and slowly a gleeful smirk formed on her face. The Dragon shook his head and finally noticed Destiny and reared its head. Meanwhile, Destiny tilted her head in confusion as she couldn't understand what the Dragon was trying to do…

Moments later, the Dragon lowered its head and released a massive storm of fire from its mouth. Destiny's eyes grew wide in surprise… if she knew that Dragon was preparing to spew its fire, she would have done everything to stop the flying lizard… "Fuck!" Destiny cursed loudly as she Disapparated from the spot and appeared on the other side of the crevice. Dragon flames are extremely dangerous and they can easily destroy Magical Shields. Dragon Flames aren't anywhere strong like the Fiendfyre, but any Wizard or Witch with a good head on top of their shoulders would avoid the Dragon Flames…

'It is a good thing that its wings are still trapped' Destiny nodded her head in satisfaction. Once again Destiny flicked her Wand and ruptured the ground to create several boulders. The Dragon has also realized that Destiny has changed her place, so right now, it was desperately trying to free itself from the rocks. Destiny grinned savagely as she hurled all the boulders toward the Dragon with a hard jab of Neptune…

The boulders smashed on the Dragon's back and the Dragon howled in pain as it released another stream of Flames, but this time the Flames weren't anywhere near Destiny. Destiny raised Neptune in the air, creating several blunt pillars under the Dragon while she jabbed her Wand toward the ground, strengthening the rocks entrapping the Dragon's wings. The Dragon howled in pain as its wongs and legs were ripped apart as the pillars pushed off the Dragon into the air.

Obviously, the Dragon started to bleed from its back and where its legs were supposed to be, but Destiny couldn't have that, so with a twirl of her Wand, Destiny used the Firestorm Spell, which engulfed the Dragon along with its surroundings. The Magic resistant scales would obviously protect the Dragon from the flames, but the flames would cauterize the wounds on the Dragon's body, stopping the Dragon from losing any more blood. That is what Destiny was aiming for with her Firestorm Spell… After all, cooking the Dragon would destroy its properties…

There was also a chance that she might end up destroying the Dragon's eyes… After all, a Dragon's eyes were the least protected part of a Dragon. The Dragon continued to howl in pain as it continued to struggle inside the storm of flames. Meanwhile, Destiny was already Transfiguring the rocks around the crevice to create two massive arms. Destiny was planning to use those arms to beat the Dragon to death, though Destiny needed to be careful. After all, if she ended up using too much force, then there was a chance that she might end up damaging the Dragon's body more than she had already done…

Destiny smirked smugly as stepped forward as she continued to Transfigure the rocks… Destiny was almost done, so she decided to cancel the Firestorm Spell, as she no longer needed to bathe the Dragon in fire, but before she could even cancel the Firestorm Spell, something came rushing out of the fire… Destiny's eyes grew wide in shock and surprise, but she was too slow to react to whatever it was… The thing smacked Destiny on her stomach and Destiny was flung back several meters due to the force behind the attack…

Destiny rolled over the snow several times before she finally came to a stop… Destiny groaned in pain. Due to the sudden attack, Destiny lost control over the Firestorm Spell and it started to dissipate, but the flames didn't disappear. Even though the Spell was no longer active, the flames were still burning around the crevice. It was the same with the giant arms Destiny was creating. Even though she has stopped the process, the arms were still there, albeit unfinished… The Dragon roared in anger as it started to turn around Destiny by crawling…

Another groan escaped Destiny's lips as she turned her face toward the Dragon and spat out some blood from her mouth. 'Motherfucker… I feel like I was run over by a lorry…' Destiny coughed out some more blood as she started to push herself off the ground. Destiny underestimated the Dragon and she never saw the tail coming and it knocked out the living daylights out of her… "I shouldn't have underestimated the Dragon even though it was at its last legs…" Destiny muttered with a grimace as she stared at the Dragon…

The Dragon was crawling, but Destiny could see the rage and desperation in the Dragon's eyes. The Dragon was desperate so it was clear that the Dragon wasn't going to give up easily… It was going to give its all until it breathed its last. Destiny raised her hand and her Wand flew into her hand. She had lost her Wand when she was smacked away by the Dragon, but she still had Neptune in her hand. Even though Neptune was bigger and heavier, holding it was much easier due to its size… Destiny wiped her lips and glared at the Dragon balefully…

Destiny took a deep breath and flicked her Wand… The ground underneath the Dragon rose up in the air and the Dragon looked under with a confused look in his eyes and growled in anger and annoyance. Moments later, Destiny started to wave her Wand in the air, as she started to hiss. Snakes made of rocks burst out of the ground and started to wrap around the Dragon. The Dragon roared loudly and released a stream of fire, but the snakes were completely unaffected by the flames. Destiny continued to hiss… She was using Parselmagic to strengthen the snakes.

Now that the Dragon was paying all of its attention to the rock snakes, Destiny decided to resume working on the giant arms. As soon as her giant arms were finished, she could finally deal with the Dragon… At first, Destiny wanted to beat the Dragon to death with the giant arms, but now, she had a different plan. She simply wanted the hands to completely immobilize the Dragon. Destiny realized that there was another way to kill the Dragon and the new method was much better than the last one…

Destiny continued to twirl her Wand in the air… The Dragon roared in anger and released another stream of flames in Destiny's direction, but this time, the flames never reached Destiny. This time, Destiny didn't smirk smugly, after all, she did not want to tempt fate for the second time… Her stomach was still stinging in pain and she did not know if she would be able to take another blow from the Dragon and walk away or not…

The Dragon continued to struggle with the rock serpents… If the Dragon still had its claws and legs, then it could have easily destroyed the rock serpents, but fortunately for Destiny, the Dragon no longer has its claws or legs. The Dragon was trying to use its jaws to snap at the snakes, but the rock serpents were actively avoiding the Dragon's mouth… It was pretty clear that the Dragon was becoming frustrated and Destiny had to admit that the Dragon was much stronger than she had expected.

She had ripped its claws, wings, and legs, but the Dragon was still going strong. If it was a human, then it would have given up long ago… Destiny could keep going on as she still had a lot of Magic left in her tank to keep going, but the pain was slowly becoming unbearable… 'The fucking lizard had surely rearranged a couple of my organs…' Destiny thought bitterly. She wasn't happy with herself as she never saw the attack coming, but in her defense, she didn't know much about Dragons…

"Finally!" Destiny cheered gleefully as the arms were finally finished. Destiny grinned savagely as she brought down the hands on the Dragon. The Dragon howled and released another stream of flames, but one of the hands easily wrapped around the Dragon's head, and the hand pushed the Dragon's head into the ground while the other hand was placed over its back, stopping it from moving. Destiny continued to wave her Wand even though the Dragon was mostly immobilized.

The rock serpents started to move toward the back of the Dragon. The Dragon might have been immobilized, but the Dragon could still move its tail… Destiny wanted to avoid another blow from the tail at any cost. The Dragon roared in rage and anger and released another stream of flames toward Destiny, but once again, the flames never reached Destiny. The Dragon noticed that its flames weren't reaching anywhere close to the hateful human, so it settled on hatefully glaring at Destiny.

Destiny nodded her head in satisfaction, but she decided to move on without wasting any more time. Destiny noticed that her Wand was getting slightly warm, but it wasn't going to be a problem, since it was yet to start smoking… Destiny would have preferred to use Neptune for her next move, but she was using Neptune to handle the giant arms. The rock serpents could hold on for the time being on their own. Destiny jabbed her Wand toward the Dragon, who was snarling at Destiny while glaring at her… If the Dragons had the power to burn someone with their gaze, then Destiny would have turned into ashes a long ago, but unfortunately for the Dragon, it did not possess that power…

The Dragon continued to glare at Destiny, but all of a sudden, the Dragon's eyes grew wide, and started to cough and choke… Destiny had decided to Conjure a couple of plastic bags inside the Dragon's throat and nostrils. Destiny did not know where the Dragon's windpipe was located since it wasn't visible and it wasn't knowledgeable when it came to a Dragon's anatomy, so she decided to block its nostrils, and Dragons could breathe through their mouths just like humans so she decided to block the Dragon's throat too.

The Dragon continued to cough and choke and for the first time, the Dragon felt completely terrified during the whole fight. Even when it had lost its wings and legs, it wasn't terrified. The Dragon knew that he would die… After all, a Dragon without its wings isn't that different than a bird without wings, so the Dragon wanted to kill Destiny before he died… After all, the human had dared to take away his wings and there was no way that the Dragon was going to spare her as the Dragons are quite a prideful bunch.

The Dragon continued to struggle for a few more minutes until it stopped moving at all… Destiny cast a Diagnostic Charm to check if the Dragon was truly dead or not. Destiny released a relieved sigh as she dropped to her knees. While the Dragon was struggling for some air, Destiny was waiting for the Dragon to die with bated breath, but now that the Dragon was already dead, Destiny decided to finally relax and check her wound. Destiny unzipped her body suit and winced in pain as she pulled down her body suit from her torso.

Destiny was completely unbothered by the fact that she had completely bared her chest, after all, there was nobody around her to witness the alluring sight. Destiny grimaced as she laid her eyes over her stomach. A massive red and blue bruise spanning over her whole stomach… Destiny pointed her Wand at the wound and cast a Numbing Charm. Destiny was no healer, so she had no idea how to start healing herself, so she decided to do the next best thing. She decided to numb the pain. Since her body was still functioning normally, she guessed that none of her organs were at risk of failing…

According to the Ancient Texts in the Tome, the Ritual would also heal her body. The Ritual was so potent that it could even regrow missing limbs, so Destiny wasn't overly worried. After all, she was going to be healed during the Ritual. So, Destiny slowly stood up on her feet without bothering to pull up her body suit or cover her chest. She decided to leave the upper part of her body suit hanging around her waist. Destiny raised Neptune and started to cast strong Notice-Me-Not Charms around the area.

The Ritual was going to need a lot of time to finish and she did not want to be interrupted by anyone. She knew that she wasn't going to be interrupted by any humans since all the humans avoided these parts of the mountains due to the Dragons, but another Dragon or some other Magical Creature might interrupt her Ritual and Destiny did not want to take any chances. When Destiny was finally satisfied with the number of Notice-Me-Not Charms, she decided to start the preparations for the Ritual…

With a small twist of Neptune, Destiny destroyed the rock serpents as they were no longer necessary. After that, Destiny used Neptune to move the giant arm which was holding down the Dragon over the elevated rock platform. The giant arm slowly moved under the Dragon's belly and moments later, the other giant arm also started to move. The other arm was holding down the Dragon's head, which started to move under the Dragon's head. A Few seconds later, Destiny jabbed her Wand to remove the elevated rock platform from beneath the Dragon. The Dragon's body was held up in the air by the pair of giant arms.

Destiny nodded her head in satisfaction as she started to walk toward the Dragon. Destiny arrived in front of the Dragon and then her eyes slowly trailed toward the ground under the Dragon. She started to use Neptune to Transfigure the ground into a rock basin. Once again Destiny nodded her head in satisfaction when she was finally done. After that, she looked up at the Dragon, and then she raised her Wand to cast some Cutting Charms. The scales of Dragon might be Magic Resistant, but Cutting Charms have some physical force behind them.

Slowly blood started to drip from the cuts Destiny made on the Dragon's body into the rock basin. Even though Cutting Charms wouldn't have affected the Dragon during the fight as the cuts would have been too shallow, the cuts were deep enough to drain all the blood from the Dragon's body. Destiny used Neptune to cast some Spells on the Dragon carcass to keep the blood warm. If the blood started to cool down, then it would start to freeze inside the Dragon's body and Destiny did not want to take any chances. Now that the blood was pooling inside the rock basin, Destiny decided to move on with the rest of the preparations.

Destiny finally placed Neptune on the ground as she only needed to use her Wand from now on. After that, she pulled out her trunk from the pocket and placed it on the ground. With a minute flick of her Wand, Destiny enlarged the trunk and with another flick of her Wand, she popped the hood of the trunk. Destiny Wandlessly levitated Neptune from the ground and placed it inside the trunk. Then she pulled out a silver dagger from the trunk and placed it on the ground. After that, she pulled out a small pouch from the trunk.

Destiny placed the pouch on the ground and gently opened it… There were several small leather pouches inside the pouch. She pulled out one of the pouches and opened it only to find phoenix ash inside the pouch. Destiny placed the pouch on the ground beside her and moved on to the next pouch. The next pouch was filled with moonstone powder. Destiny placed the pouch near the pouch filled with phoenix ashes and then she moved on to the next pouches. Destiny continued to open the small pouches and place them beside her in order. When Destiny was finally done, she stood up and made her way toward the rock basin.

Blood was still dripping down from the Dragon's body and Destiny was sure that there was still a lot of blood left inside the Dragon's body, but the blood inside the basin was more than enough for Destiny to start mixing the rest of the ingredients into the blood. Phoenix Ashes and Dragon Blood were extremely volatile substances and mixing the two of them together might cause an explosion unless you add stabilizing agents like Anjelica or Moonstone Powder. Since moonstone powder was one of the ingredients, Destiny knew she wasn't going to cause an explosion by mixing Dragon Blood and Phoenix Ashes…

Though Destiny needed to be careful while mixing the rest of the ingredients with the blood. After nearly half an hour, Destiny was finally done mixing all the ingredients into the blood. It took her so much time since was being extremely careful… Even a small mistake could have been fatal as a lot of the ingredients were volatile. Destiny glanced toward the Dragon and almost all the blood was drained from the Dragon's body. Now that Destiny was done with the ingredients, she turned around and made her way toward the trunk. She peeked inside and pulled out a thick book from the trunk.

'Magical Beast Anatomie'

Destiny glanced at the title of the book and crack it open… After making her way to the index, Destiny quickly found the section for Dragons. A small smile graced Destiny's face as she found the section for Dragon. Destiny needed to check the location of the heart in the Dragon's body… The location varied from Dragon to Dragon, but the difference wasn't much. Their hearts were located in the general area of their chest. Thankfully, the book has mentioned exactly where the heart of a Hungarian Horntail was located. After all, the heart needed to be intact for the Ritual…

Destiny returned the book to her trunk and slowly stood up on her feet. Destiny looked down at her body and now most of the bruise has turned blue or black… With a grimace on her face, Destiny snapped her fingers and unlocked the rest of the metal clamps of her body suit. When Destiny was done, she placed her fingers under the hem of her body suit and pulled down her body suit up to her ankles in a swift motion. After tugging at her body suit for a couple of moments, she was able to take off her shoes too. After that, Destiny placed her fingers under the hem of her knickers and she pulled them down too in a swift motion.

Destiny placed her knickers over her body suit and then she jabbed her finger at her clothes and her bodysuit along with her knickers were folded nicely. Then she picked up the silver dagger from the ground and started to make cuts all over her body. When she was done with the cuts, she started to draw a small runic circle over her left breast. She wasn't exactly drawing the circle over her breast, she was drawing the runic circle over her heart. It took Destiny nearly 10 minutes to draw the runic circle over her heart and by that time, all the blood from the Dragon's body has been drained.

Destiny placed the dagger on the ground and started to walk toward the rock basin. Destiny took off her Wand holster from her arm and placed it at the edge of the rock basin. After that, without wasting any more time, she stepped into the rock basin. The rock basin was almost completely filled with blood, Destiny slowly submerged her whole body into the pool of blood. She ducked her head into the pool as she needed her whole body to be drenched in blood. Destiny could feel a stinging pain over all the cuts and the runic circle over her left breast, but Destiny was doing her best to ignore the pain.

Destiny raised her head out of the pool and looked up at the Dragon carcass. She pointed her hand at the Dragon's chest and started to cats Cutting Charms. It took her a lot of effort to get the heart out of the Dragon's body, but she finally succeeded in her endeavor. Destiny slowly lowered the heart into the pool of blood in front of her. She grabbed the heart in her hands and submerged it into the pool.

Now, all of her preparations were done and she could finally start the Ritual… She couldn't help but grin in excitement at the prospect…


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