
Quinton Moor (II)

All three of them quickly entered the room where the Muggles were gathered, since all three of them were silenced, none of them were bothered about alerting the Muggles. Annabell might be insane, but she knew how to follow orders. Destiny had said that they could only attack after she gave the signal and she was the one who would be dealing with the Wizard. 

"Fuck this shit!! Where is the treasure? I did not come out all this way because of these rotting bones!!" One of the men snarled in rage as he threw a skull at the ground, shattering it into tiny pieces in the process. 

"Calm down… the treasure might be hidden somewhere. We know that people love burying their dead with all their riches" The woman with the African accent tried to calm down the man. The man took a deep breath and gave her a nod… 

Then the man turned toward the rest of his group and bared his teeth. "The fuck are you waiting for? Start looking already!!" The man screamed and everyone besides the woman and a couple of men, scurried away to resume grave digging duties. Well, it would become Tomb Raiding as soon as they found some treasure…

Destiny cast a Stunning Charm with the hilt of Neptune pointed towards the Wizard. The Wizard reacted quite fast, but he wasn't fast enough. The Spell slammed on the side of his head and he dropped like a sack of potatoes. That was the signal Destiny had been talking about. Moments later, Stunning Charms from three points sailed throughout the room, taking down all the Muggles before the Muggles could even raise their guns, they never had a chance to retaliate from the beginning…

As soon as the Muggles were downed, Destiny made her way towards the Wizard and started to cast Disarming Charms. Destiny tilted her head in confusion when the Spell didn't earn any type of reaction from the man. Yes, she could understand that the man used something other than Wand as a Magical Focus which might be hard to remove via Disarming Charm, but Spell should have gotten a reaction from the man. 

"I don't think that he is carrying a Magical Focus on him" Destiny concluded after casting several Detection Charms on the downed Wizard since all of them came out as negative. Destiny wondered if the man had graduated from Uagadou. That is the only Magical Academy where Magical Foci weren't used. She could understand if the man was good with Wandless Magic, but he should still have been carrying a Magical Foci unless he was from Uagadou. Well, Destiny could always get the answer from him as soon as he woke up. 

"Maybe he had no idea that he was a Wizard?" Ambika guessed with a thoughtful look on her face. 

"Umu~, that is also plausible" Destiny hummed in agreement. "Well, anyway, let's look around and see if we can find anything good or not" Destiny added with a grin, and with a wave of her hand, she pulled out a couple of stone coffins from within their resting places. 

"But… but… you said we are going to torture them!" Annabell protested loudly and Destiny simply inclined her head. After a few moments of silence, Destiny gave a sharp nod. 

"You are right, but let me check if there are any treasures or not. After that, we can start torturing the Muggles" Destiny answered with a firm look on her face. Annabell could only nod her head in understanding after hearing that. 

"*ahem* Are you sure that they are going to keep their riches inside their coffins? We are not in Egypt, you remember that, right?" Ambika questioned after clearing her throat. Now that Destiny had placated Annabell for the moment, they could have a chat regarding the supposed treasures. 

"My dear, Ambika. You are quite simple-minded. The tradition of taking the riches to the afterlife might have originated from the Egyptians, but there are a lot of other regions where the tradition is followed" Destiny grinned cheekily and cast an Exploding Hex from Neptune towards the floor where the coffins had been resting before Destiny removed them. The floor exploded, sending off rubble everywhere and the secret stash of treasure buried beneath the coffins was revealed in all its glory. 

"Congratulations!! We are no longer Grave Robbers, we are Tomb Raiders" Destiny grinned widely and smacked both Ambika and Annabell on their backs. For a moment, Ambika gaped like a fish. Then she started to make her way towards the revealed treasure on pure instinct. She felt quite a bit of satisfaction after the treasures were finally revealed. "Check them for Curses before touching anything" Destiny reminded the white-haired girl. Ambika turned around and gave her an understanding nod before continuing. 

While Ambika decided to look through the pile of treasure, Destiny decided to start torturing the Muggles or Annabell might end up losing whatever she had left of her mind. Destiny glanced towards the pile of treasure. Well, technically it still couldn't be called treasure since they didn't know if there was anything valuable or not. There were some gold-looking ornaments, so they might be able to sell them for quite a bit of money as long as it was made of real gold. 

Yes, none of them wanted to deal with the Muggles, but selling stuff to Muggles was better than selling anything to Gringotts. Those greedy buggers might be good at managing the gold in your vaults, but they were extremely tightwad, so it would be better if you didn't sell them anything. It would be like giving away stuff for free. 

Destiny released a sigh and turned back towards the Muggles. She was really interested in the firearms they had brought along with them, but she wasn't going to touch them before she could get to know how those things worked. She still carried her trusty M1911, though she wondered if she could get some ammunition for her gun from these Muggles. She also needed to learn how to clean and maintain the gun. The last time she had forgotten to ask the Muggle before she sent him to the afterlife. She wasn't going to repeat that mistake this time around. 

All of the sudden, an idea clicked inside Destiny's mind, she didn't to Imperius anyone, she simply needed to pick the knowledge from their mind through Legilimency. Unlike the last time, she was quite proficient at the art of Legilimency. So, Destiny approached one of the Muggles who seemed to be carrying a gun. This gun was much larger than the one Destiny had been carrying all this time, and Destiny suspected that this gun was a lot more powerful and must be held with two hands. 

(Image Here) 

Due to the Rituals Destiny had gone through, her body was much stronger than an average adult's, so she easily picked up the gun with one hand. She checked out the gun, her eyes shining in excitement. After checking it out for a bit, Destiny finally decided to awaken the Muggle. She cast Reviving Charm and the Muggle woke up with a gasp. The man blinked a couple of times, but he froze when he found a crimson-haired girl pointing a gun at his head. 

"Legilimens" Destiny muttered and the man groaned in pain as Destiny started to rummage through his feeble mind. A lot of memories flashed in front of Destiny's eyes, but she quickly manoeuvred towards knowledge related to guns. The man was a treasure trove when it came to firearms. She picked up all the knowledge the man had regarding guns inside his mind. When she was finally done, she finally pulled out of the man's mind, who was spasming on the floor while glaring at Destiny with a fearful glint in his eyes. 

"Thank you" Destiny said sweetly looking down at the man, the man had helped her so much. That is why Destiny decided to leave him in Annabell's tender care. Destiny was sure that when Annabell was done, he would never ever complain about feeling pain again, ever… that is how good Annabell's treatment was, but Destiny didn't want Annabell's treatment waking up the other Muggles, so she quickly applied a variant of Stunning Charms over the rest to Muggles. To receive them, you needed to cast the Counter-Curse. "He is all yours, have fun" Destiny said while staring at Annabell. 

"Thank you so much!!" Annabell cheered and whipped out her Wand. Before the Muggle could even understand what was happening, Annabell pointed her Wand at the man. "Membrum" Annabell muttered with a gleeful look on her face and after only a second, the man started to scream at the top of his lungs. 

Membrum is a Dark Curse, which made the victim think that their toes and fingers were on fire. Now that Destiny knew how to use the gun, she no longer needed to keep the guns, and having them here might turn out to be a risk. Destiny was confident that she would be able to handle herself since she had already faced Muggles with guns, but Annabell and Ambika haven't. It would be pretty stupid to take risks when you can easily avoid them. 

From the Muggle's mind, Destiny had found out that the gun in her hand was called a submachine gun named the Thompson or generally referred to as the Tommy Gun. Destiny was giddy over the fact the gun used the same Rounds as her handgun, M1911. Yes, she learned from the man's mind that the gun she had been carrying was called a pistol or handgun. She already knew that it was a pistol, but the handgun term seemed to sound better. 

Destiny also learned that the Tommy Gun or the Thompson came with 4 variants of magazines, all with different capacities. Right now, the gun in her hand was equipped with what was called a drum magazine and it had the capacity to hold 50 rounds. There was another variant of drum magazine and it had the capacity to hold 100 rounds. Finally, there were two variants of box-type magazines which had the capacity of either 20 rounds or 30 rounds… Destiny already knew that she was going to love the Tommy Gun. 

From the Muggle's mind, Destiny also learned that the Wizard was a slave of the woman with the African accent. Well, not technically a slave since the man didn't have a collar or anything, nor was he referred to as a slave, but he was forced to work for the woman, so technically he was a slave. Unfortunately, the man didn't know why the Wizard was forced to work for the woman though. 

The Muggle also didn't know that the man was a Wizard, but they did know that he had some special powers. He could lift and move objects with a gesture of his hands, but only some of the lighter objects, he couldn't move heavy objects or anything like that. There was also a rumour going on that he stopped bullets with a gesture of his hand. The Wizard had been an assassin, a killer for hire before he was forced by the Muggle woman to work for her.

Destiny's interest was immediately piqued, so she decided to wake up the Wizard and have a small chat with the man. From what she had learned from the Muggle's mind, the Wizard should be pretty hateful towards the Muggles for enslaving him and his hard life. Additionally, the Wizard seemed to be uneducated, so she could entice him with the offer of Education. Maybe she would mould him into a nice follower…

So, she quickly made her way towards the Wizard who was still knocked out, but before she woke him up, she remembered that she had decided to remove all the firearms lying around including the Tommy Gun in her hand. "Bibly" Destiny called out and her house-elf appeared beside her with a soft pop. She had not seen any Wards that might stop a house-elf from popping in or out of the Tomb, so she decided to call her house-elf and hand over all the firearms to her.

"Take all the firearms along with the magazines in the room except for mine back to my trunk… Oh, and take this too" Destiny said as she handed over the Tommy Gun in her hand. Bibly cheerfully nodded her head and snapped her fingers. Moments later, all the firearms inside the room vanished, except for the M1911, which Destiny had tucked in the gun holster wrapped around her waist.

"Can Bibly bes doing anything else for Mistress Destiny?" Bibly asked enthusiastically while batting her tennis-ball-sized eyes at Destiny. The crimson-haired girl simply stared at her house-elf for a couple of seconds, she wondered where her house-elf learned to act like that…

"No, nothing right now, but you could prepare a nice lunch" Destiny answered after thinking for a bit. Bibly looked slightly disappointed, but she still nodded her head eagerly and popped away.

Now that the firearms were finally removed, Destiny decided to wake up the Wizard. She had no doubts that the Wizard had knives tucked in his clothes, but she wasn't worried about that in the slightest. She Conjured some metal ropes and wrapped the Wizard's arms and feet with the ropes. He needed to cut out of them before he could even think of attacking Destiny. 

Destiny decided to use Physical binds instead of Magical ones because he could have freed himself by performing Accidental Magic if he was desperate enough So, without wasting any more time, Destiny cast the Reviving Charm…

<Line Break> 

Quinton Moor frantically blinked as he regained consciousness. He looked around trying to remember where he was and what his current condition was. The last thing Quinton remembered was a red flash, so easily concluded that he had been captured since he was still alive. Quinton's gaze finally focused on the crimson-haired woman looking down on him, Quinton immediately tried to move, but he found that he couldn't move… His hands and feet were bound by some type of rope.

"Ah… ah… no need to struggle. I am not going to hurt you unless you give a reason to, Mr Assassin" Destiny chirped out with a grin and if Quinton wasn't worried until now, then he was definitely worried now, especially now that he had heard the screams in the background. 

Right now, Quinton was downright worried… Yes, he was an assassin, but that didn't mean that he didn't want to live. There were a couple of reasons why Quinton seemed to be so worried. First of all, the girl knew that he was an assassin and secondly, she didn't seem to be scared, in fact, she looked pretty amused so Quinton concluded that the girl is not someone simple. She might be related to someone he had killed in the past and she had finally tracked him down to enact her vengeance, that is why she seemed to be amused and thirdly, someone was getting tortured inside the room, right now. The howls of pain were sending shivers down his spine. 

All of a sudden the girl in his vision frowned and flicked her hand, Quinton was horrified when he realized what was happening. He was slowly lifted up in the air until he was standing on his own feet. Even though he was standing on his feet, Quinton realized much to his horror that he couldn't even wiggle his body even though he was standing on his own feet, but inside a traitorous corner of his mind, he was happy.

For the first time, he met a Witch who was alive and seemed to be educated too… He always wanted to meet someone of his kind. Since he was a small child he knew that he wasn't normal, he had Superpowers, and he started to use his Superpowers to pickpocket and steal after he was abandoned on the streets by his parents. Everything was going on fine, but on an unfortunate day, he ended up killing a man. After that, he was forced to become a killer. The life of a killer paid him well, but he never wanted to become a killer. During one such job, Quinton finally learned that he was a Wizard, which made him really happy. He was different from all these filthy humans around him. 

Even though he wasn't happy with the killing at the beginning, he slowly started to become satisfied and content with his life. So, life was good, but everything good must come to an end. One day, he picked the wrong contract. The contractor wanted to get rid of the Assassin after the job was done to tie up the loose ends. So, when the contractor tried to kill Quinton, he raised his hands on reflex and the bullets stopped in midair. After witnessing that scene, the contractor decided not to kill him and force him to work.

He was blackmailed by that Bitch to work for him with no pay… He couldn't get over the fact that he was being forced to work by an inferior. No matter how much Quinton wanted to slit her throat and then piss on her body, he knew that he couldn't do that. Quinton might have some Superpowers but he didn't even know how to properly use them. So, he knew that he couldn't go against that Bitch, the Bitch was the daughter of their regional warlord and he was a simple nobody, who didn't have any support backing him. 

"I was thinking about having a chat with you, Mr Assassin, and it would have been very rude of me to keep you lying on the floor" Destiny said in a polite tone, stopping Quinton from reminiscing about his unfortunate past.

After hearing Destiny's words, Quinton was once again on guard. Once again he started to think that the girl might be related to one of his targets and she had tracked him down to this hell hole to enact her vengeance, but there seemed to be something odd. If the girl really wanted revenge, then he would have sensed a hint of coldness or anger in her voice, but there were no hints of those emotions in her voice or face. In fact, he felt that the girl was simply amused, even her eyes seemed to be filled with mirth. 

Quinton was quite good at picking up emotions, he had learned how to do that after spending so much time on the streets. Then Quinton's gaze flickered towards the man who was being tortured. The woman standing over was cackling in mad glee. It was a pretty scary sight and it only increased his worries. A part of Quinton was rejoicing due to the pain of that inferior, he never liked that bastard, and in another part of his mind, he felt regret as it wasn't him who was causing pain to the inferior. He would have thanked the cackling woman and the girl standing in front of him if his situation wasn't so dire. 

"Let's not talk while standing, why don't you take a seat?" Destiny suggested politely as she Conjured two chairs with a simple twist of the Katana in her hand. 

Meanwhile, Quinton's eyes grew wide like saucers, the girl in front of him just created something out of thin air. Now, Quinton was pretty sure that the girl in front of him was educated in the arts of Magic… From the book, he knew that Witches and Wizards were capable of many amazing feats, but he had never been able to perform a feat that amazing. Maybe it was because he didn't have a Magical Foci, yes, he also knew about Magical Foci, but he had no idea from where he could get one. 

Quinton finally gathered his bearing and he was about to mention that he couldn't move, but before he could do that, he was forced to sit down. Quinton started to wonder if he could ask the girl to help him to get a Magical Foci, but he knew that would be pretty stupid. Nobody would help him out for free, the world doesn't work like that, he had learned that lesson quite early in his life. Maybe he could offer something in return… Though he wondered if he could even offer something in return.

"You seem to be quite tense… Why don't we start by introducing ourselves?" Once again, Destiny suggested on her own, but before Quinton could give her an answer, she started to speak again. "My name is Destiny Grindelwald, what is your name, Mr Assassin?" Destiny queried with an amused glint in her eyes. Well, she already knew his name, but she simply wanted to mess with him. It was a sort of entertainment for her.

Quinton was half-expecting the girl to reveal his name too since she seemed to be having a one-sided conversation upto this point, but the girl simply kept staring at him with an expectant look on her face. Quinton simply released a sigh… "My name is Quinton Moor. Are you a Witch?" Quinton asked, without beating around the bush, This was the first time he was meeting someone of his kind, so he could be excused for being more than a little bit excited. 

Well, technically this could be called his first meeting since the last guy he met was already dead. That is where he found the books related to the Wizarding World, but they didn't do him much good since he didn't know how to read or write. He did know how to read bits and pieces, that is how he knew that the books were referring to the Wizarding World. 

At the same time, he simply couldn't just ask anyone to read the book for him. First of all, in his line of work, he couldn't trust anyone, and secondly, he didn't want to reveal the Magical World to these inferior creatures. True, there was a high chance that Muggles might think that he was crazy, but someone might end up adding the dots since some Muggles had seen him using his powers.

While he didn't have any sort of connection with the Magical World, he was a Wizard, how could he betray his World like that even if they never came to save him from these lower creatures. He always knew that he was different, he was special, he was stronger than his parents and that is why he was abandoned by his parents, as they were afraid of his powers.

After hearing Quinton's question, the smile on Destiny's face widened. "Why, yes. I am a Witch. So, you do know about us? So why have you been playing around with these people?" Destiny asked curiously as she gestured toward the Muggles with her hands. A look of anguish passed over Quinton's face as he clenched his teeth in anger. Quinton finally took a deep breath, so that he could calm down his anger. He honestly didn't want to break down in front of a girl half of his age, nor did he want to offend the girl in front of him in any manner, especially when his life was on the line.

Yes, the girl seemed to be way stronger than him, Quinton thought that she was stronger than him because she knew how to use her gifts. Well, he thought that a small Witch couldn't be stronger than an adult Wizard and Witch, right? That is what Quinton theorized on his own. If he knew how to read, then he would have found out that not everyone was born equal when it came to Magic. If Quinton had received some sort of Magical Education, then he would have known the difference. Destiny knew that it wasn't uncommon for some students not to be invited to the Magical Academies due to their financial status. 

"...I didn't work for them by choice… I couldn't run away and if I wanted to live, I needed to work for them" Quinton answered in a bitter tone. Even though he didn't blame the Wizarding World for not saving him, there was a hint of bitterness lurking in his mind. So, whenever the topic came up, some of the said bitterness seeped out, he simply couldn't help it.

"I see… That is a problem faced by a lot of First Generation Wizards and Witches" Destiny said while tapping her chin. Quinton immediately raised his brows in curiosity.

"First Generation Wizards and Witches?" Quinton asked as this was the first time he heard that term.

"Yes, usually they are called Muggleborns or something else depending on the region you are in. Muggleborns are the ones who are born from Non-Magical people…" Destiny said and pointed towards the Muggles lying on the floor. "Personally, I prefer the term First Generation Witch or Wizard. Oh, and the Non-Magical people are referred to as Muggles or something else depending on the region" Destiny explained and a lot of new things were revealed to Quinton.

"So, these inferior creatures are called Muggles?" Quinton blurted out before he could stop himself. The other woman might be torturing one of the inferior creatures, but he didn't know how they viewed the rest of the population. If she really loved Muggles or the inferior creatures, then they wouldn't be torturing them, right? After only a few seconds of silence, Quinton's worries were dispersed. 

After hearing the question, for a few seconds, Destiny simply stared at the bound man with a blank look on her face. Then all of a sudden, she burst out laughing while holding her stomach, she couldn't believe that Quinton called them inferior creatures. It was pretty amusing, now she didn't have to explain how they were superior to the Muggles. Quinton already considered the Muggles to be beneath him like it was supposed to be. 

"How amusing!! Yes, they are inferior creatures" Destiny replied with a grin when she finally calmed down. Quinton was relieved to know that they were on the same page in the case of Muggles. "So, can I presume that you don't have any type of Magical Education?" After a few moments of silence, Destiny questioned. She already knew the answer, but she simply wanted to hear it from the source. She wanted to manipulate Quinton into becoming her student. 

Quinton released a sigh and shook his head. "No, I didn't even know that I was a Wizard until I was already in my twenties. I always knew that I was different and special, but I didn't know what people like me were called. Sometimes I thought that I was the only one…" Quinton answered bitterly. "None of my kind came to save me from these inferior creatures!" Quinton spat out, losing a bit of his composure.

Destiny simply hummed in agreement, she could easily understand where Quinton was coming from. "Do you think you were the only one who was abandoned by their parents for being superior, hm?" Destiny questioned curiously, any trace of amusement gone from her face. "I was also abandoned by my birth parents, she was also abandoned by her birth parents" Destiny said as she pointed towards Ambika, who was still rummaging through the stuff buried under the floor. Destiny decided not to say anything about Annabell. 

Quinton's eyes grew wide in surprise. Until now, he hadn't noticed that there was a third person inside the room. Well, the inferior creatures were there too, but they were inferior and knocked out, so they don't count. "The thing is, the Magical World is pretty reclusive. There is a law, which stops us from getting involved with the Muggle World, and by us, I mean the whole Wizarding Population in general. So, there are a lot of Magical children who are left to rot in the Muggle World" Destiny explained with a grave look on her face.

"It is not like that they don't care about those children, or they want to kill them off, but the problem is that they simply don't know. You were born in Congo, right?" Destiny asked, and after receiving a nod from Quinton, she decided to continue. 

"There is no Magical Government in Congo, so most of the Magical Population spread throughout the country. Nobody has the time to save Magical children from the cruelties of Muggles because as I said the Magical World is pretty reclusive, so they try to avoid the Muggle World as much as they can, and even if someone wanted to help all those children, he or she wouldn't know where to start from" Destiny explained with a shrug.

Quinton gulped audibly, if what Destiny said was true, then he couldn't blame the Magicals for not saving him. Well, he didn't blame the Magical World in the first place, but he wouldn't deny that he did hold a minor grudge against them, but now, his grudge seemed to be completely unreasonable. He knew that his grudge against the Magical World was unreasonable, it was one of the easiest targets to blame for all of his misery, so he blamed them, but now that he knew the whole truth, he simply couldn't hold his grudge against the Magical World any longer.

"Now that we have established some of the facts, let's move on to the serious matters. You see, I wanted to give you an opportunity or an offer. You can consider it either" Destiny inclined her head and her a neutral look on her face. "Do you want to learn Magic?" Destiny questioned with a polite smile on her face. 

As soon as Destiny's question registered in his mind, the level of wariness increased in his mind. The offer was tempting… too tempting and he knew that there were no free meals in the world. That is how the world worked. He wondered what Destiny was going to demand in return. Quinton needed a lot more knowledge regarding the Magical World before he could accept such an offer, but he also knew that this was probably a one-time offer. Destiny might kill him due to his denial. It was quite plausible…

So, after thinking for quite some time, which felt like hours for Quinton, he finally decided to accept the offer. There was nothing else he could choose, if he wanted to live, of course. Now that he had accepted the offer, he could start learning how to use his gifts. It has been one of his dreams since he found out that he was a Wizard and his dream was finally going to be fulfilled. As a bonus, by accepting the offer, he also escaped from his slavery, which was another dream come true.

Though once again, Quinton wondered what Destiny was going to ask from him in return. Quinton gathered his courage and decided to directly question Destiny. Even if he didn't receive an answer or didn't like the answer, he was still planning to accept the offer. "What do you want in return?" Quinton asked warily and Destiny simply cracked a smile, but unlike previously, it wasn't an amused smile, instead it was a warm smile. 

"Do I really need a reason to help you?" Destiny questioned as she raised her brows. "In this cruel world, only we can help each other. As a Witch, it is my duty to help a fellow Wizard who doesn't even know how to use his gifts" Destiny revealed with a serious look on her face. Yes, of course, Destiny had some ulterior motive, but she wasn't going to tell him that and it wasn't like she was lying, at least, not technically, and she did believe in the words she just spouted from her mouth… 

"Yes, I want to learn Magic" Quinton accepted the offer, and Destiny beamed at him with a bright smile on her face. Destiny was not a naive girl, she had been continuously reading Quinton's thoughts through Legilimency… Quinton might be a Wizard and his mind might be quite strong due to his profession, but it was still unprotected. For someone like Destiny, it was like reading an open book, she didn't even have to try to put an effort. 

She couldn't describe how amused when Quinton thought that everyone might be equal in the eyes of Magic. Well, she couldn't blame the man, after all, he didn't have any form of Magical Education. She wondered what sort of face he was going to make when he would realize just complicated their world was. Then again, she wouldn't force him to work, since she wouldn't need to. Quinton already hated the Muggles, so when he would realize the ugly truth about their world, he would end up swearing his loyalty to her.

That is how the world worked, people always wanted change, but people rarely raised their voices. Weak people always flocked behind strong people… Just like Gellert had said. There were only two types of people in this world. Leaders and Followers. You can be either a Leader or a Follower. Quinton was just like Ambika. He knew close to nothing about Magic or the Magical World. 

So, while teaching, she could slowly reveal the harsh truth of the Magical World to him and since he already hated the Muggles and considered them inferior, she didn't need to be a genius to guess what he was going to do after that. Destiny couldn't help but become happy.

"Marvelous!!" Destiny cheered loudly and then with a simple wave of her hand, she freed Quinton from his bounds. 

Destiny didn't mind freeing him, after all, he would be a fool to attack her, but people could be very stupid sometimes. Since she had been continuously reading his mind, she knew that he was afraid of him and when people thought that they were cornered, they might end up doing something stupid and dangerous. So, even though it seemed like Destiny wasn't being careful, in reality, she was keeping an eye on him.

Quinton groaned in satisfaction as he rubbed his bruised wrists. For a moment, the idea of attacking Destiny and making a run for it popped inside his mind, but he quickly squashed that idea. He would be a fool of the highest order to attack Destiny. First of all, Destiny had been pretty nice to him, except for tying him up. She even offered to teach him Magic, even though Destiny had said that she wouldn't ask anything in return, but he was a realist, so he knew that it couldn't be that simple.

Secondly, he wasn't even sure that he could overpower all of them, especially when they knew how to use their gifts. His gun was also missing, so if he wanted to attack them, then he needed to be close to them, but if the attack failed, then he was sure that he was going to join that Muggle, who was currently writhing on the floor, begging to be killed. Quinton gulped audibly, he didn't want to join that Muggle, and it wasn't like he was getting the short end of the stick. 

He was getting to learn Magic, then as a bonus, he was also being freed from his slavery. True he might be exchanging one Mistress for another, but instead of serving these inferior creatures, he would be serving someone of his own kind, which was already a better deal in his books. So, yes, Quinton was quite happy with the current developments and he wasn't going to mess up all of that in a moment of impulse. 

Though there was something Quinton couldn't help but wonder, how did none of the other Muggles wake up when the Muggle who was being tortured was screaming so loudly. Quinton wouldn't be surprised if the dead started to wake up due to the screams. He finally concluded that either Destiny or the other woman might have done something to the Muggles, which was stopping them from waking up.

"Ambika, are you done?" Destiny asked while staring in the direction where Ambika was supposed to be. 

"No, it will take me some time to get everything. A lot of stuff in here is simple junk" Ambika replied back with a hint of frustration in her voice. Destiny immediately turned around, so that she would be facing Quinton. 

"It seems she will take some time to get everything. You said that you hated that Bitch, right?" Destiny asked as she pointed toward the woman with the African accent. "Then why don't you torture her to the death in the meantime?" Destiny asked with a devilish grin on her face. For a moment, Quinton shivered in fright. He glanced towards the oldest Witch inside the room and shuddered again. She had started to cut up the Muggle and the man was reduced to sobbing and begging sack of flesh.

Quinton pondered over the suggestion. True, he really wanted to kill that Bitch, but torture?? He had never done that, his job was to slice the throat and get the job done… nothing more, nothing less. Could he even cause someone pain, just for the sake of his selfish enjoyment? The answer was a big YES. As long as that Bitch was involved, he was happy to dish out a lot of pain and then some more just for good measure. 

"I see… so, you have finally made your decision…" Destiny stated as she started to wake towards the chairs she had Conjured. Quinton wondered how Destiny realized that he had finally made a decision, but he decided not to ask anything. Maybe he was unable to mask his emotions as well as he had imagined. Destiny stopped her stride and turned to look at Quinton. "If you want some pointers, then feel free to ask her" Destiny said and pointed toward Annabell. Quinton's lips thinned, he didn't want to be anywhere near that woman. 

"Anna, why don't you leave that fool? I don't think that you can hurt him anymore…" Destiny called out. The Muggle, Annabell was playing with has turned into a drooling mess. 

"Oh!!" Annabell covered her mouth in surprise. She was so engrossed in the whole process that she didn't even notice that she had turned his brain into jelly. "Hmph! Avada Kedavra" Annabell pointed her Wand toward the drooling Muggle and cast the Killing Curse and she put him out of his misery. She didn't have any use for broke toys.

"Anna, why don't you introduce yourself to my new student?" Destiny suggested and Annabell immediately perked up and turned towards Quinton, who had a nervous smile marring his face. He wanted to say that he was completely fine not knowing her, but he didn't dare refuse or the women might take offence and then he would end up knowing her more closely than he would ever want.

"Hullo!! My name is Annabell!" Annabell introduced herself cheerfully with a click in her tone. "Just Annabell. Nice to meet you!" Annabell exclaimed cheerfully and then slowly her eyes flickered towards the woman lying in front of Quinton.

"I am Quinton Moor, it is nice to meet you too" Quinton introduced himself somewhat nervously. He might have been an assassin, but he found Destiny and Annabell to be quite scary, especially Annabell. Then suddenly Quinton noticed that Annabell was no longer paying attention to him, instead, she was intently staring at the woman lying in front of him.

Then Annabell finally looked up. "Are you going to torture her?" Annabell asked in an expectant tone. 

"Um… Yes" Quinton answered with an unsure look on his face.

"Can I watch?" Annabell asked excitedly. Quinton glanced toward Destiny who seemed to be watching the whole scene with an amused look on her face. Then he realized that he wasn't going to get any help from Destiny, so he turned toward Annabell, who was still staring at him expectantly.

"Sure, I guess…" Quinton accepted her request with an unsure look on his face and Annabell happily cheered after clapping her hands… Well, Quinton did receive some pointers from Annabell from time to time, but the two of them never ended up becoming friends. No matter how imposing Quinton became throughout the years, he still remained quite wary of Annabell and he always kept his distance from her even after he became one of the Lieutenants of Destiny Grindelwald…

~~Present Time~~ (Black Townhouse, Cornwall)

 'That is how I met Quinton Moor for the first time… Ah, good times' Destiny sighed as she finally finished reminiscing her old memories. Before anybody else could answer, Destiny decided to answer Quinton's question.

"O means Outstanding. It is the highest grade you could receive…. Well, technically it is the second-highest since O+ is given to exceptional students" Destiny explained, and as soon as she finished, she received incredulous looks from various people inside the room. Destiny noticed the looks and a tick mark appeared on the top of her head. Thankfully, she was a benevolent lady or she would have Crucio'd them. 

"What? I didn't attend any school because none of their curriculums were appealing to me, but that doesn't mean that I won't know the grading system, especially when the grading system hasn't changed in the last few centuries" Destiny explained with a dismissive shrug. Then she finally turned toward Imogen. "So, what do you want to do now?" Destiny asked curiously. She hoped that Imogen wasn't planning to start working in some other measly place like the toy store.

"Um… I want to do research. Until now, I haven't been able to practice our Family Magic, but now that I have the chance, I want to continue experimenting and learn more" Imogen answered after a bit of thinking. 

Destiny simply hummed for a second. "I am going to contact the Unspeakables and ask them to recruit you too… You will be able to conduct your research without any problems" Destiny said and Imogen gave her a grateful nod. "Well… now why don't we talk about your Oaths, hm?" Destiny suggested and the newly formed Bone Family already knew it was coming, so they simply agreed with the terms Destiny presented and they simply signed the Magical Contract without making a fuss…


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