
Kitara visits kingLiam. Liam visits Arianna.

" I want to see the king Liam ! " The girl spoke confidently.

Denzel looked at her with a squint and secretly was very marveled at her boldness, except peharps she was older than what she looked like, Denzel thought. However in his head she didn't look like a girl that would be more than fifteen years of age. But what ever her age was, her confidence was admirable, Denzel thought again.

" Do you have an appointment with the king ? " He asked again.

" No I do not. But he is the king and should not reject his ward anytime they wish to speak with him. " She answered again.

" Hmmmm ! ( Denzel Expressed ) who are you, what is your name ? " Denzel put out again.

" My name shouldn't matter, what I am about to say to the king should be the most considered factor now. " She answered.

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