
Jean and Arianna arrives Ariandelle

" Lucas you're sure you don't want to change your mind ? " prince Liam asked getting set to leave the cave. 

" My mind is made up Liam, I don't want to be king anymore, I seriously do not want to talk about this topic anymore. " prince Lucas replied reluctantly.

Laim shrugged revealing how disappointed he felt. 

" Urhm... You were going to show me the way out of this place ? " Prince Liam spoke up again after a short silence. 

" I will, that shouldn't be a worry. However remember I told you that I cannot allow step out in your contiousness, I am only telling you because youre family. " Lucas replied.

" You promise that the injection wouldn't harm me? " Prince Liam asked back.

" It lasts thirty minutes at most... " Prince Lucas replied. Prince Liam nodded. Anyone could tell he was quietly scared, he didn't know if Lucas could be that trust worthy, what if Lucas decides to inject him with something really harmful ?...

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