
Melissa is forced to take another pregnancy test!

" You just wait and see, ( prince Liam climbed down the carriage. He stretched forth to Melissa urging her to come down as well. Melissa fumed folding her arms and looking away ) c'mon let's go in ! " He said to her again

" Laim I am not going anywhere near that hospital with you, if you don't say why I have come here in the first place. " Melissa said fuming.

Prince Laim chipped in a fake short laughter " c'mon Melissa let's go in, please " he pleaded. 

" Why is it so hard about saying what we are to go do inside of that place ? Liam I do not feel good about this journey, and If this is about me doing away with this baby, then I bet you, you've failed already, because this little champ has come to stay. " She pointed to her stomach and spoke firmly. 

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