
Fiddling! Arianna

" Oh sure, please come in " Arianna replied. She adjusted herself properly, standing to her feet as the queen approached. Prince Laim sat up and kept a straight face. Arianna was very worried as she sensed that the out come of her visit might not turn out well as prince Laim was already furious over the sudden departure of aunt Rose. Arianna tighten her teeth and fastened her clutch as the woman drew closer.

The queen walked slowly and graciously. Taking forever to take one step " Liam I see you're awake ! ( She asked smiling ) Brianna why didn't you send a message across ? " She asked taking her sit on a foamy sofa close to the large bed. 

" It was only some minutes ago that he woke up " Arianna replied not looking into prince Liam's face. 

" I see ( the queen muttered ) Liam my dear son how are you ? How do you feel, better ? " She asked. 

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