
Hatred, Fight! will the king live ?

 " Arrrrrrrrrrrhhhhhhgg Iris ! " Arianna screamed in annoyance, dropping her phone with a force on the bed, as she received the text message. She was thankful she was alone in the room. She began to pace back and front the room in an uncontrollable manner. She was trying to get some rest after the day's activity. She had joined prince Liam on an evening tour around the palace, and was really tired. She just took her bath, and was ready to fall to the bed and get a good night rest, before the text message came in. 

" Iris I will find you! And I will deal with you when I do so " Arainna said fuming with annoyance, snapping her fingers. She picked up the phone again, as if remembering something. She wrote a text message to the person that had sent her the message ' Gary my disappointment in you is great. However, make sure you keep him alive at all cost ! Expect me tomorrow morning. ' 

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