
The forced confession!

The men had tied the hands and mouth of Iris's mother and brother, they looked helpless. Iris looked at her mother's eyes, they were filled with tears of great pains, as if they were saying to Iris, ' how on earth could you get us into this trouble? ' iris's heart ached with pain and fear. Her eyes met with Arainna's, they had no compassion left in them. There's was a conditioned awkward silence. Iris couldn't help it anymore, her tears ran like an opened tap. Brian her little brother was lean beyond words, his hair was unkempt, and he looked pale, she knew how much they found it difficult to feed, before she left for the palace, her greatest wish, was to be able to help them find a taste and feeling of comfort that life could offer. they must have been through alot. She felt bad for leading them into such a condition.

" How on earth did princess Arianna find my family? ( Iris wondered in pains ) however we have a profile at the palace, and I am sure that queen must have brought out my informations as quickly as possible, she hated me before I even became what I am ( Iris thought to herself in self pity ) it couldn't have been a difficult task for a princess that's on an adventure to get her sister back. " Iris thought within herself in serious agony.

" Iris I am sure you recognize this people ? ( Arainna asked breaking the silence ) remember when we started, i had promised that we were not gonna be hitting anyone? ( She asked moving closer to Iris, who wouldn't raise her face to look at anyone ) well I have changed mine mind, as you were not cooperative enough. We would not only be hitting but I promise to waste your mother and brother's life before you today, and thereafter watch you rotten in jail. I am going to give you one more last chance to speak, perhaps I might choose to be merciful. However the ball is totally in your court now. ( She was now at Iris's front, she bent low and raised Iris's face. For the first time, Iris's eyes met with hers. Arianna's eyes where sharp and full of hate for her, she knew it. ) Where is my sister Brianna? " Arainna asked looking into her eye directly.

Iris was breathing heavily. She breathed so hard that Arianna and everyone else in the room, could literally hear her. She wanted to open her mouth, but she had lost her voice. She opened her mouth again, but could only cry. Tears flowed from her eyes with great ease. Arainna stood up, and walked away from her. Iris's tears were enough to pierce any hardened heart.

" What happened to my sister a night to her wedding you little scum bag? " Arainna yelled at the top of her voice, and bursted into a painful cry. She had lost her patience. She was prepared to spend the rest of her life with prince Liam, she wasn't sure that Brianna was still alive, but she wanted to make sure that justice was served for her sister's sake. She remembered Emmaline she wept even more. Everyone around didn't understand why Arainna bursted into tears, her life was taking a turn that she never imagined, and it pained her greatly.

Iris was greatly surprised surprised at princess Arianna, she never imagined that the princess had such ability of being so strong willed.

Arainna gradually dried her eyes, then she looked at the two men, " waste them ! " she instructed meanly.

Both men dragged both mother and son to the middle of the room, very close to Iris, as they had been standing by the door way, they made them kneel on the floor. Both mother and son cried profusely. While one of the men stood at the back of the captives, the other went outside the room. There was another awkward silence, as no body knew what was going to happen next. Iris's mother kept crying and making a very disheartening sound, as her mouth was tied. The man came back shortly, with with a pistol.

He walked directly to the front of the captives, both mother and son, and sternly pointed it at them. Arianna had turned her face to the wall. Brian looked at Iris with great disappointment, his tears flowed like streams of flowing water. " Fire! "The other man shouted with great vigor

He was about to fire, " No! No! Please don't " Iris screamed finding her voice at last. " They are the only possession I have left in my entire existence, if you take them away from me, then my whole life would be ruined. I would never forgive myself. ( She stopped a little to catch her breathe,and then began again. ) I would tell you all you want to know, but please don't kill my mother and my brother please! " Iris cried falling to her knees on the ground, as she had been sitting on the chair, and was not on bounds.

Arainna turned, she knew she had poked Iris at the right spot. The men looked at Arianna, she gestured with her hands, asking them to take a pause. She gently walked to where Iris was now kneeling, she drew out the chair, she sat down, like a boss lady. " Now go on! Tell me everything, and be real quick. This men's rifle, seeks whom it may assault badly, I won't stop them the next time. "

" Princess Arainna I am really sorry ( Iris began amidst tears ) I never meant to cause any harm, I was just unfortunate to have met a man like Ferdinand. " Iris barely landed, as she was interupted by Arainna.

" Who's Ferdinand ? "

" He works for one of the king's sons ( before Arainna could interupt again, Iris answered the question she knew Arainna would want to ask ) princess Arianna please believe me when I say I don't know which of the king's sons, that Ferdinand works for. "

" How did you meet Ferdinand then ? " Arainna asked interogatively

" I worked for him, before I became a palace worker. He found out I worked in the palace, and continued to come for me. He threatened to kill my mother and brother, and kill me thereafter, except I obliged to everything he wanted. " Iris said and fell a bit silent, trying to clean the mucus that were coming from her nose.

" What happened to Brianna, the day before her wedding ? " Arianna asked impatiently.

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