
Who wants king Lawrence dead?

Iris stood up with a jerk. She walked to the middle of the room in a rather very sheepish manner. Her heart was panting. Had the spy gone to report her ? Was she in trouble ? She kept wondering as her heart continued to pound uncontrollably. The more Iris took a step, the heavier her heart got. Aunt Rose just stood watching her in amazement. Iris got to where aunt Rose was standing and stood as well, with her head bowed. Aunt Rose gave her a long stare. Iris's fear increased.

Aunt Rose touched her foreheadhead, as if wanting to check her body temperature. " Why are you not about your duties? " Aunt Rose asked still touching Iris.

" I am free till evening today according to the roaster ma'am " Iris answered still not looking at her.

" Are you well? You look pale. And you're running a temperature. " Aunt Rose asked returning to her original caring and friendly composure.

Iris nodded indicating yes, still not looking up. She stood silently before Aunt Rose.

" The princess Brianna has asked to see you immediately " aunt Rose said to Iris.

" Princess Arainna has asked to see me? ( Iris asked within herself feeling and acting very nervous ) oh!!! I am finally in trouble. " Iris was visibly shaking with fright.

" Urhm... Are you okay Iris? " Aunt Rose asked her observing her restlessness and nervousness.

Iris just nodded again. Aunt Rose seeing that there was nothing else to say to Iris, turned and left.

Iris returned to her bed. She sat and stared into the thin air, with alot on her mind. " Should I just run away from the palace and escape? ( She thought within her, biting her lips restlessly ) perhaps to somewhere no one knows me and start my life all afresh. " She layed on the bed, and breathed heavily as an accumulated air escaped her mouth.

" No that plan is not good at all ( she said to herself, waving it off with her hands ) I am sure it was not the princess that saw me and Emmaline at the woods, running away will confirm to her that I am guilty. ( She was quiet and began to stare again ) but what must I say now to the princess if she speaks about the content of the note to me? She tossed to the other side of her eight springed bed. She began staring again. "

A girl whose bunk was very close to that of Iris, all the while kept watching and observing Iris, and kept wondering what was wrong with her. She knew it was useless going to ask Iris to talk about it, because Iris never wants to be part of any conversation at all.

Iris stood up to her feet, and began to straggle around her bunk. She was absent mindedly acting very wierd. She suddenly stood still, she chuckled craftily. " I know exactly what to do " she said to herself snapping her fingers.

She stood up and looked around her, coming to the contiousness that people had been staring at her, she adjusted her gown and was ready to leave. She walked out of the room with her head high, to the amazement of everyone.

As Iris walked on, she came to a quiet corridor, she heard a masculine voice speaking with so much authority;

" no doctor! You would do as I say. Only as I say. What do you think I pay you for ? " The voice questioned. Iris stopped to listen. " Look you're not trying enough. I know the pills are weakening him, but not fast enough. Look I am already very angry. I want king Lawrence dead, don't you get it ? ( The voice was quiet for a while ) Who do you mean I should stop yelling? Doc you're getting on my nerves really. ( Iris opened her eyes in amazement. The voice was obviously on a call with someone. Who on earth wants the king dead ? A lot of evil seems to be going on in this palace, she said quietly with extreme irritiation) "

" Of course I change his content of aspirin with the pills each time you give them to me. All I am saying is that it is not working fast enough damn you ! ( The voice yelled again. The voice was quiet one more time. ) Your job here is to get king Lawrence killed, leave Liam to me, he's only a small nut to crack. Look I got to go, just get this thing done with doc, you're smarter than this, or I won't hesitate to dump you soonest" he said and was quiet. He probably hung up.

Iris heard his footsteps approaching. She had wanted to catch a glimpse at him, however that would mean that he was going to catch her. She was confused on what to do. She immediately saw a very long curtain, she ran and hid behind it, with her heart panting.

The man was fast approaching. She was scared that he had somehow seen her. The man walked to the area where iris hid and stopped. He sensed somehow was around him. Iris could see his shadows, but didn't see what his face looked like as the curtain was very thick and dark. He slowly began to walk towards the curtain.

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