
prince Liam's past revealed!

Arainna was hesitant to speak at first, she just remained silent. She wasn't sure if she could confide in aunt Rose. She was already very scared about the happenings around her.

" C'mon Brianna tell me dear child, I want to hear all of it. " Aunt Rose had the mixture of friendly, humble and fierceness in voice. Arianna was compelled to speak, as aunt Rose kept urging her to.

" Aunt Rose prince Liam has a mistress ( Arainna announced and began to sob, clinging on to Aunt Rose's two arms. Aunt Rose had to stop for a while. ) He has been seeing another woman " Arainna said crying even more. Arainna couldn't understand herself, she made herself believe she didn't care if the prince was flirting with another woman or not, however she genuinely felt pained about prince Liam and Melissa, her heart sank with great heaviness. Arianna refused to believe that she had fallen in love with the prince.

" Could you please describe this woman " aunt Rose said to her, sitting gently by her side, and made Arianna rest her head on her shoulders, while she gently patted Arianna's back.

" She's a pretty woman I must admit. ( Arianna began slowly ) she's has the complexion of a black American, she's tall with a dark long and curly hair. Her teeth is gaped by the side. " Arianna wanted to continue, but was abruptly interupted by aunt Rose

" Melissa ! " She said with extreme anger.

" You know her too? " Arianna asked looking raising her head to look at aunt Rose.

" Of cause! Melissa and prince Liam had a very long history together. However that spoilt little brat ( aunt Rose said with a fume, referring to Melissa ) has failed to realize that the boundaries have been drawn, and that she should just back off. And what happened after then? " She asked Arianna looking into her eyes.

" We got into an intense argument. He denied that he was not seeing her, meanwhile I caught them kissing passionately unknowingly to them yesterday. " Arainna spoke with depression in her voice.

" Oh dear! That must have been really painful and heartbreaking to see . ( Aunt Rose said and kept shut for a while ) meanwhile did you say anything mean or harsh to him ? Perhaps comparison or things related. " Aunt Rose asked with serious interrogation.

" Well... I said something to him about him being future king and I called him a toddler. " Arianna confessed.

" I see ! That was why he was so aggressive. "

" Why? What's the problem ? " Arianna asked looking confused.

" Brianna ( aunt Rose called Arianna slowly and calmly, with the usual stress ) you see, prince Liam was diagnosed with an anger related disorder, when he was 6 years old. I have worked in this palace since he was just 2 years old. ( Arianna sat upright ). The health issue was known as Intermittent explosive disorder. He had repeated episodes of aggressive and violent out pours. He overreacted to situations with angry outbursts, even insignificant situations. " Aunt Rose observed a short silence, Arainna had stopped crying totally. She just sat listening to Arainna, with a rapt attention.

" He'd throw things aggressively, living them to break, ( aunt Rose continued ) when he was younger, some of this episodes lasted twenty to thirty minutes, he wouldn't want to be touched, he'd end up pinching sores into his skin. It was really bad. " Aunt Rose said calmly acting as though she was trying to remember things.

" Oh my I am so sorry, I had no idea. " Arainna said with remorse.

" You don't have to be sorry my dear child ( aunt Rose gave a weak smile ) We dont say these things to outsiders and strangers, I thought to share with you, because you are part of the one big family now. We don't even say it to him, because he gets really mad, he says he doesn't have any disorder, so you must never say it to him ." Aunt Rose warned lovingly.

" So along the line, he began to undergo treatments, and his nerves began to be calm. However the consequence was that Prince Liam became excessively emotional and seeked so much attention. ( " oh so I see now why he is always so touchy " Arainna thought to herself. ) I was a sweet medicine to his soul, I gave him all the attention he deserved, he changed my job description from a maid to a royal nanny. The queen was always away, I nannied him till he became the man that he is today. " Aunt Rose explained detailedly.

Arianna's eyes were wide opened.

" Brianna the doctors warned, that he mustn't be compared with anybody at all, he mustn't be shouted at or told harsh and vulgar words. Since after his last fight with Lucas, we haven't seen him this violent until today. That was 10 years ago. We were told to larvish care and love on him, and he'd be fine. That is what you must do now Brianna. You are his new me ! " Aunt Rose said to Arianna leaning towards her.

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