
Iris gets a note!

Prince Laim was startled. He didn't know what he had said wrong that made Arainna to flare up.

" Just leave me alone! " Arainna said to him, and went back to being quiet.

" My lady ( prince Liam called softly ) I understand she meant alot to you, but most times ( he started speaking, and wanted to place his hands on her back ) "

Arainna bursted out again, " Don't touch me! Just leave me alone, I said I want to be alone " Arainna yelled at the top of her voice.

Prince Liam watched her in amazement. " What has come over her? Is this just about her mourning over her dead maid, or there is more? " He thought to himself standing akimbo. " Oh my God! ( He screamed in his head, gasping for air ) Perhaps she had spoken with Melissa! " He was silent for a while. " No it couldn't be, Melissa would have said something about it, she wouldhave said it to spite me, I know her. Perhaps she really loved her maid. I should go, she needs space. I am sure she'd be fine after a while. " He thought again to himself, walking away, seeing that the obvious was that Arainna did not want a conversation.

He walked till he was close to the door, he turned back to look at Arianna, who just layed still on the bed " my lady ! ( Arainna just raised her head, but didn't turn to look at him ) do not hesitate to call me if you need anything. " He said to her and closed the door.

As soon as he was out of the room, Arainna cried more and more. She felt like her life was gradually coming to a decline. " Arainna how did you come from being such a lovely and a lively princess, to this? " She asked herself crying even more. " How on earth do I find Brianna and put an end to all of this? What's going to be now? I have stayed longer than I should in this place. " Arainna cried till she didn't find a tear. She just stared into the thin air with nothing on her mind. Soon she fell asleep...

Iris had gradually began to move on with her life. She had been moved from the personal room, to the general room for all the maids of St Lucia. She was grateful for the rearrangement, as she was constantly tormented by the picture of Emmaline always in her head. At some point, it felt like there was always a presence in the room, and so she had to always sleep with the lights on.

The room for all the maids was a very large room. Iris was given a bunk. She remained the reserved and quiet looking girl that she had always been. She rarely spoke to anyone. She was always at her duties, and when she had nothing to do, she would just lay quietly on her bed, and think about what life held in store. Iris constantly lived a life of bitterness and self guilt. The maid iris shared a bunk with, had on several accounts made efforts to get Iris into a conversation, but Iris was always very cold towards her, and so the girl gave up on Iris...

It was a bright looking morning in the great Kingdom of St Lucia. The birds where chirping with great joy. It felt like the day was going to be a very good one. The morning sunlight penetrated into the large large room, and shone on Iris. She layed lazily on her bed. Every other maid, especially the ones that had morning duties, was already set for the day work. She was still treated with much preference as everyone knew she was supposedly the princess Brianna's personal maid. When Iris refused to talk to some of them, they thought within themselves, that it must be because she was a personal maid to prince Liam's wife.

Iris sat thinking of Arainna. She somehow knew that Arainna never liked her. She however didn't know if Emmaline had said anything about her to the princess Arainna, before her death. Iris prayed every day in her heart, that her secrets should never be revealed. Arainna never got her to do anything in St Lucia. She just wanted to be a better person. She didn't know how she was going to achieve it, but she was determined to correct all her wrongs.

Iris sluggishly got up from the bed, one rule that all the maids had to abide to in St Lucia, was that before it clocked 7:00 in the morning, every maid must be ready in their work apparel. Iris decided to dress her bed before proceeding to take her bath. She reluctantly pulled out her bedsheet, she raised her pillow, and began to dust the bed. She saw a note flying away for her bed as she dusted the bed, the note fell to the ground, She looked around her, no one was watching, she picked up the note, and read it to her self;

" hey smart little fellow! I know what you did ! "

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