
Uncle Francis and Jayden!

Every mouth and eye where opened wide in the room, accompanied with an awkward silence. King Lawrence maintained a short silence, so that every one could assimilate the news properly.

" I never planned for it to go this way, but I grow weaker day by day. I cannot continue to rule, I need some rest. Therefore I have resolved to step down in the next two months! " king Lawrence announced again.

" But father " prince Liam called wanting to speak.

" No buts Liam ! My mind is made up. And if you love me, then you'd allow me rest before joining my ancestors( King Lawrence objected,as he began again. ) Liam here the heir apparent shall be crowned king in the next two months. I have called you all to inform you, and to indulge your concerted support " king Lawrence said coughing again. The queen always gave him a soothing rub on his shoulders anytime he coughed.

" Francis here ( king Lawrence said pointing at the man Arainna had noticed earlier ) would be there to guide you Liam, never for once did he allow me make any mistake as a king, I am sure if you stick with him, you can't go the wrong turn." King Liam said conclusively. The man just smiled honorably and gave a respectful bow.

Arainna searched for aunt Marie's face, aunt Marie wasn't smiling, I guess the news had hit her hard. Arainna kept searching through the other faces in the room, they were not all happy. Prince Roy just remained silent like she was. There where some older people in the room that she did not know, they were all just mute. One could tell that they missed their king already.

One of the king's sons finally spoke up. Arainna remembered his name, Jayden. " Father are you sure about this ? ( His question directed everyone's attention towards him ) I mean no disrespect, but are you sure Liam here is ready enough to handle this kingdom? In my own opinion, he isn't, he doesn't look it! ( Prince Jayden said firmly without looking at anyone in particular ) if you would ask me, I'd suggest that uncle Francis should just be overseeing the Kingdom till Liam is ready. " He concluded.

Arainna was startled for a while. By arrangement, Jayden was either the second son or Lucas, Arainna wasn't sure yet. " But why would he even say something like that ? Arianna wondered to herself. Or had prince Liam discussed with him, knowing very well that he wasn't prepared enough for the throne ? " Arainna kept wondering.

King Lawrence wanted to reply, however Francis opted to speak first. " Jayden you must be careful how you speak. The throne is Liam's birthright, and must not be taken from him. When he sits on the throne, the spirits that guides the throne will reveal to him how to rule, not one king successfully mastered the act of ruling before they where crowned, it is a learned process. " Francis said to Jayden softly.

" Thank you Francis ! Thank you " king Lawrence appreciated.

" I shall publicly announce my stepping down in the coming month, let's hope the great people of St Lucia will accept the news with good fate. " The king said sounding really tired.

Arainna just watched. A lot seemed to be happening around the palace. She suddenly remembered the lady in red. She began to wonder why the lady did not come in for the meeting. " Isn't she a family member as well ? Who then is she if she is not a family member ? " Arainna thought to her self.

" My dear family I thank you for honoring this meeting, I hope to end this meeting here. Liam put a call across to Lucas, I want to know why he isn't here. I must take a rest now, my chest hurts " King Lawrence said standing up to leave. Every other person stood to their feet, as the king and queen left the room.

Arainna looked at prince Liam he wasn't really happy, ( she could tell from the look on his face ) he just managed to fake a smile at her. She had wanted to say something to him, but uncle Francis called him, and they both left the room. Arainna sat quietly for a while, while family members exchanged pleasantries. She had become very uncomfortable in the room, and made to leave. As she was leaving she observed someone walking closely behind her, she turned to catch a glimpse, it was prince Jayden. Arainna's heart skipped. She didn't want a conversation with anyone, she just wanted to sneak back into her room.

" So Brianna! ( I mean is that ? He asked Arainna, acting as though he didn't really remember the name ) "

" Uhm yes it is " Arainna faking a smile, answered quickly in an uneasy manner. They both walked on...

" Well well well ( prince Jayden continued smiling a bit ) you must forgive me, I have a bad habit of not remembering people's names " he said smiling again.

Arainna just nodded still smiling. She felt like saying to him, ' just say what you want to say, and let me be '.

" So you are going to be the next queen of St Lucia, how do you feel about that ? " He asked Arianna looking into her eyes, who wasn't expecting such kind of a question.

" Uh..m uhm ( Arainna stammered trying to clear her throat ) well I am very optimistic about it, hoping for nothing but the best for the great people of this kingdom, and for prince Liam as well " Arainna said trying to compose herself.

" Is that so ? ( He said drawing closer as they had stopped walking, they just stood at a spot. Arianna took few steps backwards.) Oh! Are you scared ? He said letting out a laughter that didn't reveal his teeth, ( Arainna didn't say anything ) when last where you given a kiss " he asked her looking into her eyes.

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