
Ferdinand's Visit !

Prince Liam continued to kiss and touch Arianna passionately. Arianna at some point wanted to withdraw, however she couldn't, and she couldn't tell why.

There was a loud knock on the door. Prince Liam withdrew slowly from Arainna, looking at her lustfully as she laid helplessly on the bed. Arianna was grateful for the interruption, as she knew she had become very vulnerable. He moved to answer the door, Arainna's eyes followed him lustfully. She couldn't believe what was happening to her. The way prince Liam pampered her body while he kissed her made her feel differently. His hands felt heavenly and magical, She had gradually become an helpless romantic. The thought of prince Liam elicited great pleasure to her.

Prince Liam opened the door, it was Emmaline. She had come to see Arainna about her findings. But she possibly couldn't say anything with the prince around. For her, she felt she had began to delay telling Princess Arainna about Iris, and delay could be dangerous.

" My prince " she greeted bowing in the fashion of a maid. Arainna heard her voice. She suspected the reason Emmaline had come, she walked slowly to the door, and stood behind prince Liam. Emmaline could see her. Emmaline stood speechless, not knowing what to say.

" How may I help you ? " Prince Liam asked being kind enough. Emmaline opened her mouth, but words were not forth coming. Before Emmaline could give a reply, Arainna spoke up.

" Emmaline, I wouldn't be needing your services now, you can check back later " she said in an authoritative manner, trying very much to sound like her sister Brianna would.

Emmaline understanding perfectly well, just bowed respectfully and left. Arianna knew that Emmaline had some informations to share, but it couldn't be before prince Liam.

Prince Liam closed the door and walked back into the room, Arianna followed behind. He walked straight into the bathroom. Arianna just layed back on the bed, as she hadn't recovered yet from the shiver that was sent down her body, from prince Liam's touch.

" What is this that you feel Arainna? ( She thought to herself ) you can not afford to fall in love with this man. Arainna keep fighting, be strong. This love thing ain't for you, the end there of promises to be a disaster" she thought within herself, fighting the feelings that engrossed her...

Emmaline walked back quietly to her room, rather very disappointed. Iris had been away all day, right after their conversation. However as soon she got to the room, she met Iris sitting quietly on her bed. Iris wore a shameful look. She couldn't even look at Emmaline in the eye. Emmaline felt pity for her, but refused to show it. Emmaline's quest was to do what she felt was right, and at all cost. Emmaline didn't speak to her, she just climbed her own bed, and turned to the other side of the wall.

" Ferdinand asked to meet me in the woods tomorrow, he promised to reveal princess Brianna's where about, I think we should go together. " Iris said speaking very gently and almost inaudibly. Emmaline turned to look at her. She didn't say anything at first.but after a while, she finally spoke.

" Don't you think it'd be too risky ? " he is not supposed to know that I know anything about this whole thing " Emmaline said to Iris fearfully.

Iris noticing her fears, answered " he doesn't know that you know about it. Not for once did I mention your name. I just asked that you followed me, because I want you to see how genuine and sincere I want to be about this whole matter. I want to be a better person Emmaline, I want to correct all this wrongs. And I still fear that he might want to harm me, he had tried it once, thank goodness I escaped " Iris explained detailedly.

" Even if he wants to harm you, I wouldn't be powerful enough to save you and I, Iris you don't need me to come along, ask one of the palace wardens " Emmaline told Iris, shying away from the offer. She didn't want to get entangled in the whole thing, she wanted to be as neutral as possible.

" Emmaline please don't say no to me, please kindly come along with me. You could hide somewhere in the woods, and atleast watch from afar, so you'd be sure I am not making up stories when I return " Iris persisted.

Emmaline gave a deep sigh, and was silent. She remembered her experience in the woods, how the other man had told Ferdinand to get rid of Iris. She knew that somehow, Iris's life or that of her mother and brother's, could be in serious danger. " Okay tomorrow it is then! " Emmaline answered finally agreeing. " What time tomorrow? " She asked Iris again.

" Mid-day "Iris answered quickly. Iris was relieved. Emmaline turned to the other side of the wall again, backing Iris. She had made up her mind to first go to princess Arianna the next morning, to share the information that she had gotten, before going to the woods with Iris. Had it not been for the delay, she felt that they already needed to have began setting up strategies to catch Ferdinand and his accomplices in the act...

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