
The Strange Man And Iris!

Arianna eyes and mouth opened in bewilderment. She had wanted to speak, but she became numb. She just looked at the man in utter dismay. She quickly observed through the crowd, if anyone had been watching. She was thankful no one had noticed.

However she saw prince Liam approaching.

The man quickly bent down, and slipped a note beneath her wedding dress " if you wanna talk, I am just that address away" he said leaving her still in shock.

Prince Liam returning, noticed her countenance, " are you okay my lady ?" He asked looking into her face. She just smiled as usual. It was obvious she was unsettled, but couldn't relate it to anyone.

" Here you go "prince Liam said handing over to her, a glass of wine. " Thank you "Arianna said as she sipped from the cup.

Her nervousness increased. If only she was fast enough to pick up the note before prince Liam returned, she wished.

" My lady don't you like your drink ? " Liam asked again. " You have been unusually quiet today. " "Or does it have something to do with me ?" He asked simultaneously.

Arianna smiled again . Sipped a drink from her cup, " I am fine, am really fine. You know I am just thankful that ehhrrrm....ehm we're finally going to be together." She stammered. " And the fact that I am also going to leave my family today, I mean have always dreamt of today becoming a reality, but you know such things can get one so emotional." She lied hoping he wouldn't bother her with more questions.

"Oh! So sorry about that" he said innocently. " Speaking of family" he continued. " How about your twin sister? He hadn't finished his statement when Arianna out of nervousness spilled the drink in her mouth, which gave way for the wine glass in her hand to fall to the ground. Clang! clang! came the sound of the now shattered pieces of the wine glass, causing a spill of red wine on her white wedding dress.

" Oh!!! So sorry "he said with so much compassion, lifting her to her feet and making her rest in his arms. " Let's get you changed " he said as he led her away . She was silent all the while.

Arianna almost cried, realizing that she had left the small note the strange man had given to her still on the floor. She kept looking back as they walked away.

As they left, a maid came in and cleaned the mess. She sighted Iris, her heart skipped.

" I wish I knew what was written inside of that note " Arianna thought to her self still in fear. What if he wrote out Brianna's name on the note?, what if Iris saw it ? Her heart raced.

As they where yet walking, they came across Emmaline, Arianna requested to prince Liam, to be handed over to Emmaline. Emmaline led her gently to Brianna's room.

The fact that she was faking to be Brianna made it compulsory for her to use every thing that belonged to Brianna, including Brianna's clothes. As soon as they where in the room , Arianna lost her self control, she began to sob uncontrollably. Emmaline stood speechless.

After a while, Arianna became quiet.

Emmaline drew closer, " my princess is there anyway I can help " she asked with caution. Not wanting to get Arianna more upset, as there was a distinct and understood difference between royalties and maids.

Arianna sat up, for she had been laying on the bare floor.

"Emmaline, we have a case at hand. A very troubling case" "every part of today has been from one trouble to another" Emmaline listened patiently.

"Emmaline there is someone amongst the bulk of guests, that knows that I am not Brianna. He was strange looking."

" He wore a black old fashioned coat and pants, with an old hat as well" she tried to describe. He had this extremely long moustache, she said as if trying to remember something ".

She paused a bit ...

"He said something about knowing the where about of Brianna. She continued,

" We didn't get a chance to talk, but he slipped a note he claimed had his address underneath my dress. However because of this mess, she said pointing at her dress, I had to be pulled away, leaving the note behind". Emmaline remained quiet, but her countenance revealed her eagerness to hear the remaining part of the story.

However, a maid came in to clean the mess, it was Iris! She said letting out the accumulated tears in her eyes.

" Emmaline! " She called looking more serious, pulling out Emmaline's hands and clinging on to them tightly. " You must try to find that man if you can or Iris. If you find the man, tell him I sent you . If you find Iris, observe her closely, be sure to alert me of any suspicious move. "Arianna instructed.

Emmaline was moved with compassion. She gently knelt before the princess, " princess Arianna,I know I may just be a maid, but I promise not to let you down, I'd try my best to support you through this hard times, we will find Princess Brianna, you'd return to the palace, you'd dance and be happy again. "She said holding Arianna's hands softly, and afterwards using her hands to cross her chest, indicating she had made a promise that was not to be broken.

Arianna exhaled heavily and became silent. As Emmaline was about to leave, Arianna called out again, " Emmaline! " Emmaline turned to look? " Where you able to get iris's keys ?" Emmaline feeling disappointed at her self, bowed her head sorrowfully, and shook her head, indicating no.

" It's fine, we'd find a way " Arianna assured tiredly. As Emmaline turned to leave , Arianna called out again, Emmaline turned to look again. " Be quick ! We'd leave for St Lucia soon". Emmaline just bowed and left.

As soon as Emmaline got into the living room, she used her eyes to scan through the crowd, hoping to find the strange looking man that Arianna had earlier described.

Her eyes captured a man on a black coat, pants and a hat, only she didn't see his face to tell if he had a long moustache or not. She hurriedly walked towards him .

For Emmaline she just wanted to impress princess Arianna, and she was ready to undergo any task, just to prove that.

" Hello mister " she greeted from behind. The man turned and smiled to the girl standing before him with a very bright eyes. However he wasn't beard at all. " Yes! How may I help you " the man answered politely, still smiling

Emmaline feeling really disappointed, answered stammering, " Ehrrrrm...em I just wan.. I just wanted to know if you needed more drink" she said forcing a smile.

The man startled for a while, then finally answered. " No ! Thank you, young lady " he said turning away.

Emmaline left like a piece of paper blown away by whirlwind.

However as she walked to the palace kitchen in search of Iris, she noticed two human figures through the kitchen Windows, outside the palace. She stopped to look, they backed her from the direction they stood, so she just patiently watched closely.

Her curiosity was triggered by the fact that the man wore a black coat, pant and hat and the girl was a palace maid, and she was plump, having the stature of Iris. She saw them quickly exchange something that she didn't see clearly. When they turned, it was Iris and description Arianna gave about the strange man, fits this same man in question, for he had a very long moustache.

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