
The wedding!

Arianna looking at herself in the mirror more intentionally now, breathed in deeply, and almost at the same time, exhaled heavily. She muttered few words to her self, and stood up as she prepared to leave.

Remembering that she originally had to play the role of Brianna's brides maid, she intelligently sent Iris to go fetch her sister, as it was time to process out.

Iris returned couple of minutes later, breaking the news to Arianna, that princess Arianna was no where to be found at the moment.

Arianna smiled mischievously to herself, as she muttered to herself again " well played Arianna, well played. "

Arianna walked into the living room filled with guests in a slow but steady manner, she became so self contious as everyone one in the room had become quiet, to welcome her elegant presence. She was pretty and she knew she was .

However she had the disturbing feeling to puke, as her nervousness increased with each step she took. However admist her awkward feelings, she still had to smile, because princess Brianna was known for smiling alot.

A clergy man was present to join the couple in holy matrimony,as her father had insisted that the wedding must be done the christian way. The clergy man and the supposed groom, prince Liam stood at the extreme of the large living room. Every other person was sitted.

Arianna continued to walk slowly, with the fakest of all smiles, glued to her face. She hadn't met prince Liam physically. She didn't even know what he'd look like. She hoped he was good looking though. As she approached the prince and the clergy man, she tried peeping through her veil to atleast ease her anxiety about the man she was going to be living with, till her sister was found.

She was soon at the front of the clergy man and the prince. Everyone was still bewildered at her captivating beauty.

Prince Liam took her hands and whispered softly " I am speechless, you look beautiful ! "

"Thanks you "she said smiling. Her hands in his hands felt heavenly, she couldn't really tell what she felt, but it was not normal for her to feel that way. They both faced the clergy man that read out a few laws from the book of the scriptures, and blessed their union. He asked them before announcing them as married couples, " to you prince Liam Lawrence, will you take princess brainna wiltson as your lawfully wedded wife, to love her in sickness and in health, poverty and riches till death do you part ?" Liam answered with confidence, "I do". There was a clapping ovation from the bulk of the guests. "To you princess Brianna wiltson,do you take prince Liam Lawrence to be your lawfully wedded husband, to love him in sickness and in health, poverty and in riches till death do you part ?"

Arianna's feeling to puke increased, as she was confronted with the question. Silence fell upon the room, as everyone waited for her reply. She thought to herself, " is this man trying to make me take an oath that is not mine ? " She turned and looked for her father where he seated, his eyes were full of plea. "What if I fake I collapse here, she continued to think, it could stop the wedding, and we'd have more time to search for brainna" .

" No dad would never forgive me! "She reasoned " I can " she was interupted by the clergy man, terminating her thoughts. "Princess Brianna please answer to the question, " he urged her. " Yes, yes I do " she answered shakingly. There was a loud cheer from the guests, accompanied by a loud clapping ovation.

"You may now have your first and legal kiss" the clergy man announced.

" Hell no " Arianna screamed in her head. " There's no way I am ever going to allow him touch me, talk more of kissing me", she said smiling at him mischievously. " I must think of something really quick". As prince Liam drew forward for the perfect kiss, Arianna intentionally tripped and fell to the ground.

" Oh ! " Liam pittied. He stretched out his hands as he drew her up. " Are you hurt ? " He asked very concerned. " His voice had strong masculinity in it. It was fierce yet soft. " A little " Arianna pretentiously answered. " I want to sit , my leg hurts". " As you wish my lady ", he said leading her to their reserved seats. Arianna pretended to limp a little as she walked to her seat.

Her father stood up and took over the floor.

" It is indeed with great joy, that I welcome everyone of you to this auspicious occasion. I am most delighted because you all have honored me today. More importantly is the symbolic significance of this wedding, as this marks the journey to an unending friendship between the great and powerful Kingdom of St Lucia and this Wonderful kingdom of Armenia" there was a round of applause from the guests. " We make a toast to a new beginning of friendship and togetherness" he said lifting his glass of wine into the air, and the guests as well reciprocated, by lifting their cups. "Cheers" everyone echored as the clanging sounds of wine glasses filled the room.

" There is enough to drink and to eat, let's make merry " he said conclusively.

The sweet sounds of opera filled the room. Couples danced in pairs, romantically holding each other. There were movements of people everywhere around the big living room.

Arianna heared her Father's laughter, echoing loud from one end of the room. As much as she hated her present condition, she was glad she could help the situation to an extent.

"Brianna" Liam gently called.

"Yes "she smiled peeping into his face.

" Ehrrrrm you look unseemingly unusual today. I called severally yesterday, but you wouldn't pick my calls. Anything the matter ? "He asked softly, grabbing her hands softly. " Arianna managed to answered admist her uneasiness " am absolutely fine. It must be break drown from the stress of having to prepare for today, it was an hectic day yesterday," she said dramatically, and laughing lightly. There was an awkward silence again.

" We should dance " Arianna broke the silence again. The prince gave a surprised look.

" What? Did I say something wrong " Arianna asked sensing that she was over doing. " No you didn't say something wrong" he said standing up. He stretched out his hands in a gentle manner to her " shall we ? " Arianna took his hands " oh yes " she answered smiling back. There was moments of silence as they both danced effortlessly, in a slow and smooth manner. He held her firmly. Arianna for the first time, felt like a woman. He unvailed the femininity in her. She drew closer and leaned against his chest, and continued to flow with the rhythm.

Liam whispered into her ears, " are you ready to tell me what's going on now? " She looked up at him, and her legs felt lame.

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