


I've always wanted to be strong enough to protect someone's ever since when I was little and I would see dad beat mom up .

When I grew up,I took lots of boxing classes to be fit but mom never liked any of this.

" Stop taking boxing classes , Nathan . Why don't you just do well in your academics and get a good job when you grow up , okay ?"

" So annoying. If you know you don't want me to do this then why did you allow yourself get beat up by Dad everyday ?!. Why didn't you fight back for once ?!"

I took studies seriously for mom's sake but I was going to do what I wanted to do for me .

That's why I was Infront of DELORE INC wanting to apply for the bodyguard post .I get to use my strength this way as a bodyguard to protect people.

" Applicant 206" a female secretary called out .

I stood up and walked into the office of the chairman's father , ken delore

" I'll cut to the chase young man, you saw the incident that happened earlier ,didn't you ?" He asked

I was confused for a while then remembered the incident of when the Nate Delore was slapped ."oh,do you mean -"

" Yes that . I would be giving you this job to keep you quiet about the issue . Do you have any objections?"

Wait, does that mean I would be given this job ... illegally?

" I think there's been a mistake sir , I never had any intention of speaking about the matter to anyone "

" Then does that mean you dont want the job ? "

"I'm not saying-"

" Listen to me young man. I'm a very busy person so all I want from you is a yes or no "

I squeezed my fist "Yes sir , I accept the job "

" Good , secretary bessy, take him to the chairman's office "

A young lady came out and bowed her head " yes sir" she turned to me " let's go , sir ".

I stood up and followed her .

We got to the main floor and standing Infront of the chairman's office she said " you are expected to be at the side of the chairman at all costs .further instructions would be given to you soon, with that have a nice day sir "

With that said , she walked away and I started feeling nervous .

I decided a call to mom would help me feel better .

" Hello, son "

" Mom, I just got a job "

" Really ? Where?"


" Oh my , you mean that big company we see on tv all the time ?"

" Yes , mom. I'm about to start work so I just decided to check up on you. Make sure you eat okay ?"

" Okay , son "

The line went beep .

I was about to knock on the door when it opened and an angry stormed out .

" And who are you ? " He asked ..

" Nathaniel, sir . Mr Nate's new bodyguard "

" Okay, do a good job " he patted my back and walked away .

Why was I supposed to enter now after it looked like Mr Nate and that man as had an heated argument .

" You can do this , Nathan" .

I stepped into the office and closed the door gently. Mr Nate was completely fixed on something on his computer and was muttering something like " so it's all about avoiding losses... "

I walked towards his desk and said " Mr Nate "

But no response. He kept on doing what he was doing and suddenly he started searching for something around him " where is it ?"

" Mr Nate "

" I'm sure it was somewhere-"

" Mr Nate "

" What the hell do you want, can't you see I'm busy ??!!!"

I was shocked at his sudden outburst but then I regained my composure and asked " what are you looking for? Do you need my help ?"

Mr Nate just kept on looking at me so intensely that I think I may have screwed up my first day.


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