
Starting off the journey

*At the town's gate there is a large crowd gather to see off Nero, Mutaito and Tights*

Kyrie was running came late due to her pulling 2 suitcases. (I have to learn storage magic)

Nero was stunned at her as she pushed threw the crowd

Kyrie: Nero, here this is yours. *she takes off the necklace and returns it to him. Mutaito notices a light glow when it went around his neck and he whispered to himself my hunch was right...

Nero: what is with those suitcases? are you going with us or something?

Kyrie: Credo wanted to give you this before you left. Its been in our family for safekeeping. We were passed on to give it to the savior when his journey starts.

Nero rows his eyes at the savior nonsense. Tights had no clue what they were talking about but looked curious at the boxes.He opens it up and and notices

Tights scream: A STICK? What the hell he's suppose to do with a stick?

Nero:...no this is a sword...every swordsman needs a sword. but it does look strange...huh I can't unsheathe it

Mutaito stares at the sword and if he didn't have the blindfold on they would have notice he had tears in his eye."its Gilgamesh creation.."

Nero looks at the sword and asks "gilgamesh?

Mutaito: yes...Gilgamesh was the first hero...and she was also the saviors partner...

Kyrie: by partner you mean

Mutaito: hmm yeah you got it!

Nero: never mind all that...how to remove this thing...*Nero tried pulling it. using his Ki but nothing worked..*

Mutaito: Try to injust your aura into the blade...

Nero does it and as he did unsheathes the sword. The sword had a translucent teal hue which was a stark contrast to the matte-black scabbard and the handle. The sword had a straight narrow blade and was thin like a rapier but had a double edge, making it fit for slashing as well as thrusting. The edge of the blade curved smoothly into a sharp tip, while the blade also had no markings which showed that the blade had ever been sharpened.

Nero swing and notice it felt off..like it wasn't made for him. Mutaito said try adding a drop of his blood to the sword...confused Nero does that and the sword changes it length to match his body.

Mutaito: the sword grows with its master...it is a divine spirit sword

Nero: hmm...ok..so why are there two suitcases

Kyrie: I'm going to train under some seer name Baba

Nero: your brother is letting his little sister travel alone?

Credo comes in with a frown: of course not, I'm going as well. I need to tell the order that the savior sword was stolen too.

Credo and Nero fist bump and Nero waved good bye to everyone however as he was leaving the gate a loud shout was made saying Wait for me

Nico was runing with a huge backpack on her shoulders that was 3 times her height...

when she gets to them she tells him that shes going with them

Nero: why?

Nico: well I want to see you test out all my new babies...

Nero laughed and Mutaito smirked and said lets get going, we have a long journey...

As the they left Kyrie felt a little jealous that they are traveling together...but she knew she had her own mission...she had to learn how to control her seer powers...expressively if she wants to fight by Nero's side...she looks towards her brother and he asks her if shes ready...She nods and they set out on their own journey...


Divine Messages -messages sent by a deity to a mortal. in places where the faith of the deity is stronger the message is clearer. The greater the connection one has to the deity the more a message can be understood. When a divine protection is given to the being the Divine message will become clearer...

AN: Sorry for the short chapter...I accidentally lost the chapter I was wrote ...

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