

"What? What are you talking about David? You aren't being clear to me." She managed to mutter. He is too close maybe he wants to say something important; she will allow it to pass.

A slow, controlling smile lifts the corners of David's mouth. He sucks in a sharp breath, his gaze like a fire that burnt through Esmeralda who kept waiting for what he wanted to say but no words come out of his mouth except his abrupt action that she was never expecting.

She was never expecting it because they talked about it and he was okay with it, right? Wasn't he? She doesn't know anymore.

He leaned in and tilt his head slightly and met her soft lip, he gently pressed his lips against hers their eyes met, heart beating faster and closer. Then it happened. They kissed. Their tongues touch each other. Esmeralda's forehead wrinkled, her hands turned cold instantly and she shove him away with all her straight.

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