

She was very happy when Linda came and was happier when her father told her Linda will be her sister from that day on. She was so happy because she always wanted to have a sibling to play with. Petro at that time was older than her and was a boy. He was always doing his own things but when Linda came, she was able to play and she had a sister. That friend she always wanted.

They were so happy to meet each other. It took Linda a whole lot of time to blend in and accept them but it happened and they never left each other's side. They were always close with each other and dispute how crazy Linda is.

Their childhood was full of Linda's roller coaster ride drama and troubles. They had the best childhood and that is a fact.

"Dad, you know you are the best right?" her timid voice asked him as she cuddles more with him.

"Yes, I know, and do you why?" he pinched her nose.

"Because you said so!" he smiled at her.

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